The Crop Circle and The Whispering Knights ~ John Barrow in conversation with Cosmic Sai Baba

topDuring 2015, John and Valerie Barrow travelled to Europe and spent six months living in France and tracing the footsteps of the Knights Templar, along with identities they had during the time of The Crusades. Both John and Valerie took multiple roles during this time period, and their travels wound up the psychic overlay of many events, thus setting souls – and landscapes free to be elevated into the 5th Dimension and the Golden Age. After their extended stay in France, John and Valerie travelled to the UK, where they visited several locations of importance to the Crusades and to the psychic resonance of the United Kingdom. In this conversation with Cosmic Sai Baba, John Barrow explores the creation – and the purpose of – the Crop Circle adjacent the Whispering Knights.

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August 2016 Newsletter

columbiaHello Everyone,
Once again, my husband John and I find that our lives are blessed and cared for in ways that we cannot see. After a recent check-up – and missing my appointment for a channelling – I find that my dis-appointment has become an appointment with spirit guides running about everywhere arranging things. All I had to do was be there! Ha!

And our lives can be like this as well. All we have to do is say, “Dear God, I am ready to serve you” with your own gifts, skills and love, and The Source (God) will take care of everything thereafter. On to our newsletter, we are pretty much going up into the skies – as you will see with Marree Man – and then higher to Venus, then the Sun, then the Milky Way and then the Universe with magnificent images. Along our way we recall a day in the past when the UFO’s and cloudships visited us at Canyonleigh, and we look at a very large modern day UFO – once again taking the form of a cloudship. Migaloo – the white humpback whale – has returned the eastern seaboard coast and we rejoice!

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July Newsletter №2

whiteHello Everyone

We – that is, you and I, my husband John, and all who come here and read, along with our friends and well-wishers are all lightworkers of a kind. One kind or another, we carry the light within as the hope, the path and the goal for mankind in these days of darkness, in these times of challenge, in these times of madness when shocking thoughts reach down into individuals as a river of darkness and there is death, many deaths, and much suffering in the news bulletins. We are light-bearers! Before we were born, we agreed to come here (it is our soul contract) – to this darkening Earth – and to hold the light, in our hearts, in our minds, in our words and in our actions. This is all that the Source of All Creation asks of us. And the Source of All Creation, that love, that powerful vibration, will surround us and uplift all we come into contact with. Be still a while and know that you are ONE with THE ONE.

In this newsletter we look to a New Moon coming this Tuesday, and we bring research and considerations about the Moon. Over in the Mystery School, we have received information about the Central Sun of our Galaxy and the nature of the matter of this Sun and what emanates from it. Under guidance – and some speculation – we bring you information about Superwaves, and Binary Stars and what science is discovering, day by day, about our Universe. We take a look at what is possible with photography and smartphones. As Valerie said, “We may never trust a photo from a mobile phone again!” The Mystery School has been given much information about the history of the hairy-upstanding-ape, and in this newsletter we bring news of the ‘hobbit-humans’ and earlier versions of the hominoid and the “missing gap”. Who did they breed with? This is the mystery anthropologists and other researchers wrestle with. When the Divine takes birth as human, there is much said about the form and purposes of such a birth and life. We bring you a startling perception of Jesus. We also hail the return of Migaloo, the White Humpback Whale to the waters of Australia’s eastern coastline.

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July 2016 Newsletter №1


Hello Everyone
What is it about the cold days that brings so much more hustle and bustle? So much to do and so many places to go to, and we try and keep warm and keep the winter germs at bay. There is so much to share that we bring you an early newsletter for July; one and another astronomer mention the Sun has gone blank twice recently, and Cosmic Sai Baba chimed in, suggesting that not only was our Sun ringing the changes for all in our solar system, but also that there was much activity occuring in the Sun in the background!

Many years ago Oceangoing Team X found a circular rock-like formation on the floor of the northern Baltic Sea, and this has come into notice again; perhaps humanity has a great discovery about our past in store. We all know of the “Hole in the Ozone Layer” and how this has led to an increase of skin conditions, and to global warming; we bring you news of the reversal of the “hole in the Ozone Layer”, welcome as it is. We share beautiful visuals of the worlds longest carving, made from a single trunk, and some timely reflections on how you are not your illness. (Perhaps my husband John and I should attend, tsk, tsk) We take a look at a strange planet with three suns, join the BBC as they examine the meal Leonardo Da Vinci placed on Jesus’ table, and look more deeply into the esoteric 4th/5th Dimensional Battle of Britain, money in banks and the role of Brexit in the 4D/5D Europe and the rest of our planet, and its spiritual significance.

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Newsletter, June 2016 № 2


Hello Everyone

The days of cold descend upon all those in the Southern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year has passed, and we think the coldest day of the year has passed. My husband John and I have both been slowed down by the dratted influenza and all that this brings in its tow. It is good, perhaps, to be laid down low for a time, for many of us simply drive from one appointment to the next, and answer the phone in between! Maybe the flu is just what the Source ordered!!

In this newsletter, we bring you more news about the posterity of the ancient Australian Aboriginals as Australia’s oldest. Due my work with the Mission of the Mothership Rexegena and Lion Island at Gosford, we looked very closely at a recent earthquake in Gosford. Mary Magdalene has been elevated in the Church! (Hip Hooray!!!) Mary Magdalene has now been elevated to the apostle to the apostles of Jesus and her feast day (July 22) is now a solemnity in the Roman Church. We read about what causes an ice age (many references to this recently), the secrets of water, and whether mushrooms are the new plastic. (the packaging is both edible and biodegradable! Hooray! ) We bring you much more, realistic looking not-burgers, BREXIT and the sharks (was it the new Battle of Britain on the 4th-5th Dimension???) and reflections on the recent solstice. I do hope you all enjoy reading the second part of the June Newsletter. There is so much to share.

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Newsletter, June 2016


Hello Everyone,
Winter has arrived on our doorstep and there seem to be election campaigns everywhere you turn. Well, maybe that is a hint from “Upstairs” about these challenging times we live in. As “Upstairs” tells, we can be in the world, but the world is not in us. We can have our own “election” and remember the God-I-Am essence within, the Soul that Cosmic Sai Baba so often speaks of; it is the Source of All Creation within ourselves. A little like the light in our firefly, here. It is there, and it is light and love.

In this newsletter, we bring you material from the Afterlife Report, and reflections from Ken Page on Ascension or Insenscion. The man-made land bridge between India and Sri Lanka makes interesting reading. There was an earthquake in the surrounds of Uluru, and Alcheringa has given a message about this. In the light of this message, we share correspondence between Valerie with one of our writers. There is much talk of black holes, events surprising all the scientists about black holes, and we also share about Goddesses, 3D maps of the Universe and the Sound of the Sun. In these chilly days, we wish you happy reading!

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La Perouse – a place of Origins ~ Yesterday and Today

sorry2000On this day in National Reconciliation Week when many indigenous peoples are commemorating the original Sorry Day March across the Sydney Harbour Bridge – and the inscription of “Sorry” above the skies of Sydney, NSW, Valerie recalls a recent visit to a childhood area where she lived, and her connections to La Perouse, a place of Indigenous, English and French origins in this land: this land which the oversighting spirit is the Indigenous Spirit Being by name Alcheringa.

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Newsletter, May 2016


Hello Everyone,
There is so much to share on this Mother’s Day, 2016. Our Mothers are women of forgotten sacrifice in so many ways. Much of life is “done for us” in our early toddler days. We are bathed, clothed, breast-fed, burped, and held closely in those early days. Later as we grow, we are told not to play with our food, to wash our face and hands before meals, and not to get our clothes dirty, and take your fingers out of that drawer! There is so much that mothers do to help us grow and live, to flourish as wonderful light workers: all this is possible due the works of our mothers. ON this Mother’s Day, can I ask you all to send up light and love to the The Source and ask that it be sent on to mothers in need – mothers who suffer, mothers who worry, mothers who are doing it hard. The Source knows where to send our love ever so much better than we can imagine!

IN this newsletter, once again National Geographic share their work in exploring what is behind the walls of King Tut’s tomb. We bring you news of ancient papyrus manuscrips, reflections and evidence on life after death, and even more reflections – by way of video – on the existence of star peoples. We look once again to the Bird Peoples and go to the Temple of Hera for the lighting of the ancient Olympic Flame.

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