February 2017 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,
We have settled back home from our excursion to Byron Bay and the wondrous channelling from Archangel Mikael. We hope to have the Youtube video of this session to share with you very shortly.

In the meantime, we have experienced a heatwave down here in the Southern Highlands, and I am sure these have been hot and bothersome for everyone. There are a lot of challenges confronting us all in every country and we are One: we walk together into the future, the Golden Age with the guidance of the Angelic Realms – the place of no limit – and we can all walk holding the hand of the Creative Source of All Creation. This newsletter brings you water from thin air, the discovery of pyramids in Antarctica, foot chakras, black holes, the Milky Way and photograph of Uluru from the International Space Station. Whilst we all face challenges, we may walk into the Golden Age of Humanity with LOVE from the Creative Source of the ALL.

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Newsletter, June 2016


Hello Everyone,
Winter has arrived on our doorstep and there seem to be election campaigns everywhere you turn. Well, maybe that is a hint from “Upstairs” about these challenging times we live in. As “Upstairs” tells, we can be in the world, but the world is not in us. We can have our own “election” and remember the God-I-Am essence within, the Soul that Cosmic Sai Baba so often speaks of; it is the Source of All Creation within ourselves. A little like the light in our firefly, here. It is there, and it is light and love.

In this newsletter, we bring you material from the Afterlife Report, and reflections from Ken Page on Ascension or Insenscion. The man-made land bridge between India and Sri Lanka makes interesting reading. There was an earthquake in the surrounds of Uluru, and Alcheringa has given a message about this. In the light of this message, we share correspondence between Valerie with one of our writers. There is much talk of black holes, events surprising all the scientists about black holes, and we also share about Goddesses, 3D maps of the Universe and the Sound of the Sun. In these chilly days, we wish you happy reading!

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