About the Pandemic being an Opportunity for Us (Meaning Our World) to Change!!!

Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: So today is the 5th of May, that’s a five five, in 2020. And with great love and respect we are meeting here at Moss Vale in New South Wales and we are calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba and Andromeda Val, or whomever it is they want to send a message through us or to us. I’m calling upon with great love and respect Cosmic Sai Baba to introduce us to this meeting today. Thank you. With great love and respect.

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message December 3rd, 2019

Meeting December 3rd, 2019 – Moss Vale.

This month, Andromeda Val will address these questions:
  1. Understanding about “Ancient Lemuria” how that fits with the information of “Atlan” and the Venusians volunteering to live on planet Earth for 300,000 years before “The Fall” from 5th Dimension to 3rd Dimension when we then lost easy contact with the Star People?
  2. Are there Reptilian Races still living in the Middle of our Earth, and if so what is to happen to Humans and the Planet Earth?
  3. Are there still Wars happening in the Universe between some races from the Stars? And do the Reptilian Races/Draco Hierarchy still believe they own Planet Earth?
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: So with great love and respect we’re calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba for this day which is the 3rd of December 2019. It is a Tuesday and we’re holding the meeting at Moss Vale, NSW, Australia. And so we’re asking and welcoming Cosmic Sai Baba who opens the door for us to be able to communicate with Andromeda M31.

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message November 5th, 2019

Meeting November 5th, 2019 – Moss Vale.

This month, Andromeda Val will address these questions:

  • Why did Venusians come to Earth and live here for 300,000 years?
  • Who were the children on Earth when the Venusians mated with the daughters of Cro-Magnons?
  • Can you please explain why the planet Earth as the Garden of Eden, was first planned?

Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.

Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: Today is the first Tuesday of the month of November 2019 and with great love and respect in our hearts we are calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to help us to connect to the galaxy Andromeda M31. We await Cosmic Sai Baba’s presence.

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message October 1st, 2019

Meeting October 1st, 2019 – Moss Vale.

This month, Andromeda Val will address this question:

  1. We were told by you that Bird Beings helped create this Planet Earth. Where did they come from?
  2. When the Venusians came to live on Earth, on our planet Earth 300,000 years ago, was it the scientists or their children [see message August 6th, 2019] who used genetic engineering to create the beings depicted in the Greek and Egyptian legends?
  3. Who were the scientists that tried to capture an asteroid as a second moon and ended by it causing the whole of the planet Earth to FALL into the 3rd Dimension?
  4. Addendum question recorded after the closing of the video: Baba, in the event of a major holocaust in the northern hemisphere, will Australia be spared intact as we have such a diversity of races and creeds and so forth?

Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.

Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: Welcome everyone. It’s the first of October and our message with Andromeda Val and with Cosmic Sai Baba introducing her. We’re calling upon, with great love and respect, we’re calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to make his presence. Thank you.

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3 Oms & We Sanctify the Space

We call upon Cosmic Sai Baba, we call upon God to bless this Oracle this day, and we ask to serve.

God lets us know he is present. He always is – everything is God! God is love and all things are God.

Sai Baba:

I am here, and very pleased to be here. Very pleased also to hear the conversations that have taken place between you this morning. You will have learnt a lot, as Valerie has, and so I want to confirm you are on the right path. The right track if you like. Thankyou my dears for being so committed. And now, know there are many waiting to hear this Oracle this morning. I will take my leave, but know that I am here overseeing all that is taking place. Thankyou my dears, God bless you.

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Alcheringa speaks about Ascending and Visiting Sacred Places

Alcheringa Uluru

Alcheringa gave a transmission at Moss Vale on 6 December about consciousness, ascension and the need to visit Sacred Places, in person and in spirit.

Transcript from Alcheringa dated 6th December, 2011 at Moss Vale, Australia.

Valerie: I am being asked to receive a transmission from Alcheringa and when I call upon Alcheringa I see myself sitting, in spirit, on top of Uluru for I am told that is where he resides; I call out to him from there.

(calls Alcheringa with song)

He comes in Loud and clear:

Alcheringa:”I am Here, My Dear, thank you for calling upon me.”

Val: “Well I was wondering if there is anything you wanted to say to us, for I have been prompted to call upon you.”

Alcheringa: “Indeed there is My Dear, I know that you have received messages about the ascended state of being … …  and I would like to say that the ascended state of being already exists in Uluru and the surrounding areas. There are other places around the earth that are also in the uplifted frequency of Light and Love. When people visit these places, these sacred places, they experience the energy and it touches them…it touches their heart …  it touches everybody cell, every part of their physical body and helps to lift.

Alcheringa: Everything has a consciousness …  it may not be of a language that you would think …  …  but it has a consciousness. It is predestined for many things to grow …   and to grow the same continuous way. And so it is for the earthling …  but adjustments can be made at times to fit into certain situations …   but sometimes the mind gets in the way and interferes with that growth …   that ascended state.

So I would like to encourage everybody to visit sacred places if they can …   and if they cannot physically actually go there …   Then to sit quietly in a meditative state and gently roll their eyes towards the heavens and see themselves at a certain place that they have decided to go to in their mind.

For it is the consciousness of the soul that is taking them on the journey and it is equally as beneficial to the people to experience being there. It will be a sacred journey …   it will be a blessing …   and if they keep the brain away from that consciousness they will experience many things.

That will assist them in many ways. A knowing, but more than that a feeling will come upon them and then they will know. Without any explanation or words and this is what I mean when I say and I speak of consciousness in everything.

When you try to speak of this experience, you will use your language …   your own language …   and it will be possible to some degree for others to understand what you are experiencing and what you are telling. But it is a feeling and it is the feeling that is appropriate for every single earthling upon this Earth.

Every single earthling upon this Earth has an individual journey to take within, within themselves. Because once they go into their inner divinity all else falls away and they become ONE with everything around them.

I encourage you to try this, you can call upon me, if you like …   you can call upon any Divine Being that you are familiar with and you like working with …   or you can call upon the Mother Father God of all Creation, or just the Creative Energy of All. That is God.

Please try it , it will help you, it will help calm you …  more than you realise.

Thank you …   thank you …   for calling upon me.

God Bless you.

You may listen to this transmission from Alcheringa: