Meeting October 1st, 2019 – Moss Vale.
This month, Andromeda Val will address this question:
- We were told by you that Bird Beings helped create this Planet Earth. Where did they come from?
- When the Venusians came to live on Earth, on our planet Earth 300,000 years ago, was it the scientists or their children [see message August 6th, 2019] who used genetic engineering to create the beings depicted in the Greek and Egyptian legends?
- Who were the scientists that tried to capture an asteroid as a second moon and ended by it causing the whole of the planet Earth to FALL into the 3rd Dimension?
- Addendum question recorded after the closing of the video: Baba, in the event of a major holocaust in the northern hemisphere, will Australia be spared intact as we have such a diversity of races and creeds and so forth?
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.
Valerie Barrow: Welcome everyone. It’s the first of October and our message with Andromeda Val and with Cosmic Sai Baba introducing her. We’re calling upon, with great love and respect, we’re calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to make his presence. Thank you.
Cosmic Sia Baba through Valerie Barrow:
I am Cosmic Sai Baba and I am very pleased to be here. I really welcome the opportunity of this talking through Valerie or Val as she is known in Andromeda and her husband John also and all those who are willing to follow these messages and to listen. Thank you, thank you. And now Andromeda Val is here and she is ready to take any questions that you may have. Thank you, thank you my dear, thank you. God bless you.Andromeda Val through Valerie Barrow:
I am Andromeda Val and I am very please to be here. As Cosmic Sai Baba says I am here to answer questions and that is an appointment that I have been given and I take it very seriously because it is an opportunity to talk to Humans and to scientists so thank you, thank you. Thank you. I haven’t anything to add today except I can again speak in my language and send you a greeting which I hope you will appreciate. Thank you.
And now, if I may ask for the question. Thank you, thank you John, thank you.
John: Hello. Question 1: We were told by you that Bird Beings helped create this Planet Earth. Where did they come from?
Andromeda Val:
The bird beings, yes they were or are of a race that is very humanoid although their children, if I can say it that way, are birds in the sky here on your planet Earth, and they are often used to send messages to people and if they are aware they will understand and see it as a sign of them. So yes, they have been working and helping with the creation of this planet and also the advancement and it’s evolution as well. Where did they come from? They come from the area that you call Sirius in your galaxy The Milky Way. They know well of us at Andromeda and they have heeded our cry if I say, cry is not quite the word but, a calling for help to create a planet which is now your Earth planet. So does that answer your question my son.
John: Thank you.
Andromeda Val:
Thank you.
John: Second question; When the Venusians came to live on Earth, on our planet Earth 300,000 years ago, was it the scientists or their children [see message August 6th, 2019] who used genetic engineering to create the beings depicted in the Greek and Egyptian legends? (part animal/ part man)
Andromeda Val:
Yes well of course that is referring, I would assume, to a very Human looking being but with say a bird head or an animal head. So that is what you are referring to?
John: Yes.
Andromeda Val:
And they did exist, yes, through genetic engineering and it was not suppose to have taken place actually. However, those beings in their form still exist within your astral because they are a little lost. They do not have, how can I say, a form of interaction for the star worlds as you do, and every Human child does, but with the absence of the soul, then they are a little lost. But, they can be assisted. However they were created by, not the children of the Venusians but the Venusian scientists themselves. This was going against the [?] of what their reason for coming and what they were asked to do. They were asked to help the Human to grow in the bodies of the Human and they already held a soul. But they were here in physical form but they were not Human bodies they were Star Man bodies and they came and did live here for quite some time, they use to come and go from your planet Earth. That was easier at that time because the dimension or frequency that existed in the consciousness was higher. And I say higher but it was faster it actually was closer to the source and it did exist here. So yes it was the scientists not the children. It is written in your Christian bible that the Star People came and they actually mated with the Human, and that was not exactly right or held to be what was asked of them either. But, as it happened, it actually helped to improve the consciousness of the Human for, with the Star People, actually adding genes to on the energy of that to the Human race, it helped to raise the consciousness. And there are those that are, shall we say, more, can I say the word ingested with that influence, more then others. However there is no judgement it is just that some are born with an advanced consciousness and some not so much so. So, are you understanding or do you want to ask anything more about that?
John: Who were the scientists that tried to capture an asteroid as a second moon and ended by it causing the whole of the planet Earth to FALL into the 3rd Dimension?
Andromeda Val:
Yes well that did happen also because the scientists at that time, and it was not the children, the ones that were born from the mating with the Human, it was not them no. It was the scientists themselves and I would hesitate to qualify that by saying some of the scientists not all of them. So you would say that they were the scientists that chose to follow their own will and their own choice instead of following the will of God or those that had the hierarchy that had sent them in the first place. They did try to create another moon as a landing point for Star People to come and go. It was a standing setting off point if you like a landing and then coming again into our planet, planet Earth. And so, unfortunately, it didn’t hold firm like your existing moon and they were warned by the other scientists that did not want this to happen, they went against that and in some ways that is being played out again now on your planet Earth and that is no coincidence. Things run in cycles and they are replayed, if I can use that word, for a correct way to be created rather than what the will of a few want rather the what the will of God or the creator wants. And of course you can look at the creator as God beings and the will of love and good for all. So I hope I am making that clear my son, for that is exactly how it is.
Unfortunately, the so called asteroid which actually was created like another moon and was meant to just go around the Earth if you like the same as the moon does already for you, the existing moon. It did not work that way, it broke free and it crashed into the Earth and created absolute mayhem and havoc upon your Earth. And that actually went out then and influenced badly a disruption of the creation of cycles and interaction with the movements of the different planets and solar system and so that had to be stopped and immediately the heir achy ordered for the, shall we say the grid that existed around your planet that was holding in a proper atmosphere, and it was tightened so that the chaos was actually contained within the planet Earth’s system. If that makes sense. And there is evidence of that, that happened. It would have been shall we say in your time and I hesitate to use your time because it differs from our time but it would have been about 12,000 years ago. Now the Earth had fallen into a dimension that was much slower and not so easily to make interaction between the Star People and the Humans and so those that were born on the planet continued to have souls gifted to them, they were in a Human body, but the Star People that came no longer could come and go easily. They came in ships but if they wanted to come into a body which they were asked to from time to time, to help bring the understanding of who they really are and where they have come from and why they were here. And, that is happening right at this time, up until now. And so the Star People do come but they come born into a Human body and that of course means that they are, consciousness is lowered to some degree and you could say light because light holds the consciousness, and they are still beings from the source of creation, but they are limited to a degree and that is on purpose also because if they came fully understanding who they are, at first, they would not be able to be accepted really because people would not understand them, their ideas and their thinking and their knowing would be to advanced for them and they would not listen. So there has been some confusion but now, slowly, the planet is raising in consciousness because of the new energy that is coming onto your planet Earth, and it is raising gradually so that there’s not a harsh change that could take place upon your Earth. It is slowly changing and evolving into the Star beings that you all are. And by that I mean their coming from a point of knowing, understanding, and understanding who they truly come from and where they come from. So I hope that gives you some explanation now my son. Does that help you?
John: Yes thank you very much.
Andromeda Val:
And so, with that, I would like to give my blessings and love to everyone. And you might like to really consider and meditate about what I have been telling you and if you want to send a question then please do. Valerie will note it and she will make sure it is asked on your behalf from this website that she is putting out these messages. So thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone. Love and God’s blessing goes to all. Understand that we are here to help, to assist with the evolvement, not only of the Earth herself but the people and the beings that are upon it. Thank you my children, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Valerie Barrow: We’re calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba as an addendum for this meeting. John was feeling that there was another question. Can you ask it please John?
John: Baba, in the event of a major holocaust in the northern hemisphere, will Australia be spared intact as we have such a diversity of races and creeds and so forth?
Cosmic Sia Baba through Valerie Barrow:
I am here and I hear your question my son and this was agreed through you and Valerie before we were to finish with this meeting today. I can assure you my son there will not be a major holocaust upon this planet. It is an edict from the hierarchy that it will not happen. We will not allow it. It has already happened at another time. It is enough for the Earth planet. And so the evolution will continue slowly and quietly but raising all the time. And yes, Australia as it is known now, this land here that’s gathered that has attracted so many different peoples, different, how do you say it, creeds, different cultures and different languages also. It is no coincidence and it happens to be the creation of the first people who had been your indigenous race; the Australian Aboriginal People. All of this is the reason for why Australia will play a major role in helping others from around your planet Earth to understand who they really are, where they have come from, why they are here, and where they are going. Thank you my son, thank you, thank you, thank you.
John: Thank you Baba.