7th December, 2021 – Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val & Alcheringa

Meeting December 7th, 2022 – Moss Vale


Please join us on Facebook – Valérie Barrow.

Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.



Valérie Barrow: Hello everyone. The is the 7th of December, 2021 and we’re calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to be with us, to bless this meeting and introduce us to our friends in Andromeda, the galaxy M31.

So, I’ll just take a minute to make a recording or so. Thank you.

Cosmic Sai Baba as channelled by Valérie: I am here my dear and I am very pleased indeed to be here. I welcome the opportunity to come and to give a message. Although it is not me giving the messages today, I am here to just oversee what is taking place. Understand that from a world of light, the world of creation, we are aware of what is happening all the time, everywhere upon your planet Earth. And so there are no secrets from us my dear. But I’m sure you understand that. However, we only have the best intentions at all times and we offer help if we can. It is a case of you because you have freewill upon this planet. All Human race has the opportunity to ask and draw, from their god self, or, the god beings that they know exist in the source of all creation.

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About the Pandemic being an Opportunity for Us (Meaning Our World) to Change!!!

Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: So today is the 5th of May, that’s a five five, in 2020. And with great love and respect we are meeting here at Moss Vale in New South Wales and we are calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba and Andromeda Val, or whomever it is they want to send a message through us or to us. I’m calling upon with great love and respect Cosmic Sai Baba to introduce us to this meeting today. Thank you. With great love and respect.

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Review of the talk given by Valerie at the Academy of Light in Mosman Sydney. N.S.W. AUSTRALIA

Valerie Barrow – 25th March

Spoke for two hours without notes….

It has been a privilege and absolute pleasure to have had Valerie Barrow come to the Academy on 25th March. The Grand Hall was well filled with people interested in hearing more about our origins. Valerie has written three books with the fourth one on the way and is a sought after speaker transmitting messages from guides like Cosmic Sai Baba and Andromeda Val.
She shared her life’s journey with us and how it all got started when she had a Near Death Experience which made her a different person. It became clear to her that she has a mission to fulfil this time on Earth. After being ‘tested’ for 2 years she started to receive messages during the night that she would pass on to others.
When she visited the hieroglyph rock carvings in Kariong NSW she had a vivid past life memory reliving the moment that she was on board of a Star ship that crashed into the Earth, coming here to bring more light to the Earth. The many people that started coming to Valerie after this experience wanting a regression, all were part of this event and had a piece of the puzzle of what really happened all this time ago. Eventually this resulted in the book Alcheringa.
More recently Valerie started to connect with her ‘oversoul’ self Andromda Val 6000 years into the future. On the night she connected with her and gave us a brief message in her language.
She also showed us many pictures taken from orbs, Pleiadian ships. It was interesting that when she talked about the colour magenta, suddenly the lights in the Grand Hall changed into that colour! Magenta is the colour for telepathy she explained.
At the end there were many questions asked about what would happen in our near future. Valerie’s answer was that if we would like the Star People to show themselves and help us we need to pray and make them feel welcome. Valerie also told us that we are protected. There won’t be any big asteroids allowed to crash into the earth and they have stepped in to avoid any nuclear explosions. If we come from a place of love and not of fear we will create the future that we would like to have.


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