Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 4th November 2020

Meeting November 4th, 2020 – Mossvale

Questions to be asked of Andromeda Val today.
  1. Have there been wars with star people on our planet?
  2. Was there a war when ‘Uluru’ as an asteroid, was brought to Earth by the Leonine Race from Sirius?
  3. If the Dinosaurs were eradicated from our Earth – Where did the Mega Fauna come from?
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: Today is Wednesday the 4th of November 2020 and we are here to connect with Andromeda Val and Cosmic Sai Baba.

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 8th October 2020

Meeting October 8th, 2020 – Mossvale

Questions to be asked of Andromeda Val today.
  1. Did the star people suggest in some way that our galaxy should be called the Milky Way?
  2. And if so may we know why?
  3. Do you have any suggestions about December the 21st 2020 and what people should expect or do?
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: Today is the 8th of October. It is a Thursday and we’re calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to be with us to introduce us to Andromeda Val.

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The Earth seen from Apollo 17

Brief Overview of Important Evolution of our Planet Earth

Brief Overview of important evolution of our Planet Earth…..given by the Star People from the Andromeda Galaxy M31.


The reason ULURU as an asteroid was sent to Earth, was to destroy the Dinosaurs who were destroying Earth’s atmosphere.  The Dinosaurs had been created by the “Cold blooded star people.” – known as the Reptillian, Dinoids Draco etc. who had taken over our planet Earth from its early inception.


There were many star wars.

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message December 3rd, 2019

Meeting December 3rd, 2019 – Moss Vale.

This month, Andromeda Val will address these questions:
  1. Understanding about “Ancient Lemuria” how that fits with the information of “Atlan” and the Venusians volunteering to live on planet Earth for 300,000 years before “The Fall” from 5th Dimension to 3rd Dimension when we then lost easy contact with the Star People?
  2. Are there Reptilian Races still living in the Middle of our Earth, and if so what is to happen to Humans and the Planet Earth?
  3. Are there still Wars happening in the Universe between some races from the Stars? And do the Reptilian Races/Draco Hierarchy still believe they own Planet Earth?
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: So with great love and respect we’re calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba for this day which is the 3rd of December 2019. It is a Tuesday and we’re holding the meeting at Moss Vale, NSW, Australia. And so we’re asking and welcoming Cosmic Sai Baba who opens the door for us to be able to communicate with Andromeda M31.

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