Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 4th November 2020

Meeting November 4th, 2020 – Mossvale

Questions to be asked of Andromeda Val today.
  1. Have there been wars with star people on our planet?
  2. Was there a war when ‘Uluru’ as an asteroid, was brought to Earth by the Leonine Race from Sirius?
  3. If the Dinosaurs were eradicated from our Earth – Where did the Mega Fauna come from?
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: Today is Wednesday the 4th of November 2020 and we are here to connect with Andromeda Val and Cosmic Sai Baba.

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Eclipses, Comets and Accelerated Light Transformation

Since the procession of the equinox and the end of the Mayan Long Baktun Calendar on 22 December 2012, much has happened on the Earth. There have been signs in the skies, signs in the Earth and signs in the seasons and the cycles of the Earth. Many light-workers have held the light within; they have also accelerated the rate of Ascension for all others on this planet. Recent eclipses and flybys of comets also presage both the transforming energies and the new energies associated with the reawakening of the Light of the higher dimensions within all. Once again, we bring you an introduction from a fellow light-worker, Patricia Cota-Robles:

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