Alcheringa and Eagarinna Speak: The Origin of the Reptoids and the Golden Age

ancient planetAlcheringa joins the conversation – He was asked to come and help with the background and story of the Reptoids and the Draco and how they came to Earth, which was then called Mu. Eagarinna then takes up the story of the reptilian remnant within the DNA of the human, and evolution of the earthling into a Buddha-like being living in the Golden Age. All have the source of light within from the Creative Source of All.

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Eagarinna Speaks: The Evolution of the Reptoids

the hairy upstanding ape walksEagarinna turns to the nature of the Reptoids, their character and what drove them to behave as they did. The Reptilians had their own instructions, their own hierarchy, their own gods. They had lost the way, and the star peoples had come and imbued the crystal light, the enChristing of the hairy-upstanding-ape from the Source so that evolution of all life forms on Earth was enabled.

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Eagarinna Speaks: Survival and the First Hue-mans

Broken Bay, NSWEagarinna speaks directly about being an Angelic Being and the Mission of the Mothership Rexegena. There was a handover ceremony, for the Reptoids were to leave. There was betrayal, within and without. The mission – however – has a larger meaning and impact, as Eagarinna tells. Read here of a graphic account of the landing in Broken Bay, the assistance the starpeople received, the genetic engineering that produced the hue-man, the hairy up-standing ape imbued with the Crystal Consciousness, the crystal light of the Source within.

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Eagarinna Speaks: From Betrayal and Destruction to the Golden Age

In this transmission, Eagarinna begins by showing Valerie what it is like to look out upon the Universe from the command room of the Mothership Rexegina. Eagarinna then takes Valerie – and you, the reader – directly into the scene 900,000 years ago when the Mothership had been blown out of the skies and the survivors fell to Earth. Eagarinna tells the story of betrayal, destruction, survival and recovery – recovery to the true purpose of the Mission of the Mothership Rexegena – to bring the Light of Love to this corner of the galaxy.

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Eagarinna Speaks about the Eighth White Sister

Almost a million years ago, Eagarinna travelled to this corner of our galaxy, to bring the light to this planet and the beings residing here. There were over 50,000 starpeople on the mothership. Although the mission appeared to fail, the goal of bringing light to this corner of the galaxy succeeded; the Aboriginals of Australia became the first hue-mans, the first peoples to be imbued with the Crystal light within, (sometimes called the Christ-light) the light from the Source. As the Aboriginals were not technical people with any sort of technology, they were given stories to remind them of the light within, and how their ancestors came from the stars and would return to help them. Eagarinna speaks …

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Eagarinna Speaks

Eagarinna Speaks introduces sessions Valerie had with Eagarinna, who came to Earth with the mission of the Starship Rexegena. Eagarinna was the life-partner of Alqharinga, who headed up the Mission to this corner of the galaxy. Eagarinna Speaks is the record of transmissions from Eagarinna given circa 2000 when Valerie was preparing her second book, Alcheringa, when the First Ancestors were created. There is much material offered for understanding, and the journey of humans in the body is sometimes described as a choice; all choose the path they will walk, as Eagarinna reveals.

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