Alcheringa joins the conversation – He was asked to come and help with the background and story of the Reptoids and the Draco and how they came to Earth, which was then called Mu. Eagarinna then takes up the story of the reptilian remnant within the DNA of the human, and evolution of the earthling into a Buddha-like being living in the Golden Age. All have the source of light within from the Creative Source of All.
October 2014 Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to our latest Newsletter for October 2014. There has been much focus on the history of man and archeological evidence in our newsletter – and perhaps this is all to the good – for times are coming when we will be faced with evidence that we are not alone in this Universe and that we have many star-people origins as our Spirit Mentors have told us so often.
In this newsletter we report on NASA’s hopes to discover evidence of life and share how ancient coins suggest that the First Fleet were not the first settlers in our land. Our Spirit Mentors tell that information is being passed down through many sources. Over the last 12 months, we have been struck by the marked similarities of information being channelled by other mediums receiving messages and we rejoice that the message of our origins and our future is being spread far and wide. To this end, we bring you news of the 5th World Website and all its resources, and the Global Healing Mandala.
Our Spirit Mentors have made reference to DNA and so-called Junk DNA many times. We share one article which speaks of re-programming DNA through intention. Many of you may not know of the pygmy peoples of Cairns and how they were massacred; there are also the inter-dimensional “little people” of the Australian Aboriginals, whom we have seen, along with min-min lights at billabongs. We share one article from Steven and Evan Strong on “The Little People”.