Alcheringa joins the conversation – He was asked to come and help with the background and story of the Reptoids and the Draco and how they came to Earth, which was then called Mu. Eagarinna then takes up the story of the reptilian remnant within the DNA of the human, and evolution of the earthling into a Buddha-like being living in the Golden Age. All have the source of light within from the Creative Source of All.
Eagarinna Speaks about the Eighth White Sister
Almost a million years ago, Eagarinna travelled to this corner of our galaxy, to bring the light to this planet and the beings residing here. There were over 50,000 starpeople on the mothership. Although the mission appeared to fail, the goal of bringing light to this corner of the galaxy succeeded; the Aboriginals of Australia became the first hue-mans, the first peoples to be imbued with the Crystal light within, (sometimes called the Christ-light) the light from the Source. As the Aboriginals were not technical people with any sort of technology, they were given stories to remind them of the light within, and how their ancestors came from the stars and would return to help them. Eagarinna speaks …
The 8th Sister Returns
Valerie Barrow remembers her Cosmic Ancestral Spirit Eagarinna – the Star Being from the Pleiades – this is her story.
Eagarinna my cosmic ancestral spirit, known as the 8th Sister from the Pleiades, had come to speak to us in 2002 when writing ‘The book Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created.’ Eagarinna and Alcheringa both in spirit, would have been behind bringing so many people together who remembered being star people and the story of how the first humans were created. The Mothership Rexegena had come from the Constellation of Pleiades with 50,000 star people on board – 900,000 years ago. The Commander–in–Chief was her husband known as Alcheringa, both she and their children had actually journeyed from Lyra to take up the position.
The Australian Aborigines have a ‘Dreaming’ legend that the eighth sister from the Pleiades would one day return. There are many Aboriginal tribes who believe their ancestors came from the stars.
The transcript below is what the Star Being – Eagarinna in spirit told us over a decade ago:
‘I can actually see myself sitting on the box that holds the communication crystal in the command room of the Mothership Rexegena. Like my children, I also liked sitting on that box and observing the command room. It was quite big, people moving around quietly, calmly and observing. It had a huge unlimited view, looking out into the universe. It was a spectacular view. It is understandable that the children should like watching. I liked watching also. I am thinking of that now but I am actually back on the land (now known as Kariong in Australia) surrounded by complete destruction.
(The Mothership Rexegena: Click the image to see a larger version)
My brothers and sisters are in agony with severe pain and loss. I myself feel that loss, the loss of my whole family. But this also only comes after a period when we had all helped each other to try and recover, after the scout ship had gone into the water and after we had all so frantically followed it when we escaped the exploding Mothership. We knew it would need assistance as soon as it hit the earth. We were able to land reasonably close to it, so we quickly gave assistance to those who had crashed into the water.
The dolphins had already brought some to the shore. They were in such a sorry state, many needed help, and many needed to be looked after. There was no time to think much about what had happened. It was a war like scene; there was total destruction. It’s only after this, after some time had past, that we were able to make shelter for ourselves, to gather together to draw strength from one another, and to try and get some sense into what had happened and why it had happened.
It was quite clear that the Reptoids had gone back on their word. They had no intention of handing over the planet Mu, – the planet Earth they had deceived us into believing that they would leave. There had been an edict from the Galactic Council that they were to leave. They were given a choice, they could leave quietly and in peace, or they would be hunted off the planet. They had no right to stay; they had come in the first place, millions of years before, against the will of the Galactic Council. But now they had been told to leave, and they had agreed, or so we thought. But they had gone back on their word,, something we could not understand, we just could not believe that someone could go back on their word. What they said was not what they meant. It was not what they meant at all.
Instead of that they sent out warships and attacked the mother ship that had taken so long to prepare and to grow into its shape. And then to travel with those fifty thousand people on board from so many different races from the cosmic worlds. The families, the children, so many were lost. There was no time to dwell on that any more, we had to make the best of what had happened. We were left without any of the technology we had, we were left with great difficulty in surviving. We knew that we could no longer survive the way we were used to, we would have to find new ways. We soon discovered that even when we drank the water it made us sick. We tried to eat food from the foliage, but some of that made us very sick, in fact it killed some, it poisoned them. We lost more in anguish.
We were still suffering from the trauma of what had happened. There was no time to be sorry, we had to really make the best of what we could to survive. We had come on a mission to bring light into this corner of the galaxy, this planet, and survive we would. We were determined to survive, we would find ways, we would find out how to live in this harsh but beautiful land. It was difficult. Then some of our enemy came and joined us. These reptilians wanted to help because they were so upset about what their own people had done, what their king and queen had done. They didn’t go along with what had taken place.
(A Reptoid: Click the image to see a larger version)
They liked us, they knew we were good people, that we had something in us that they wanted to be part of. They asked if they could join us so that they could help us, and we welcomed their help. We forgave them; we forgave the race that they had come from. There was no time, no point in holding grudges. Not all of their race were bad people, it was quite obvious, and so we accepted their help and they showed us different ways of clearing the water with certain leaves, and showed us food from the foliage that was safe to eat, the seeds that could be ground and made into little cakes. We had enough sustenance; we didn’t need very much. We were never used to eating very much. Thus we all gathered together, deciding to stay together.
There were a few that we knew had come to Earth in a different place. We tried to get them to come with us but they decided not to. They did not survive very long, but we did because we stayed together and supported each other. Some interbred with each other, it was not an unusual thing to take place after losing their own families. But we found that the newborn did not survive. So we had to find a way of adjusting or genetically changing the babies so that they could survive. We knew that the star people babies would never survive and so we drew from the experience and knowledge that there were these ape like creatures that had been constructed and made by the reptilians, using genetic material from the Leonines, who were a warm blooded cosmic race that we were familiar with and friendly with.
(A Leonine: Click the image to see a larger version)
We knew that was a starting basis. The Dugong had served as their mothers also, and had that energy in them. It was a good start, so we decided to blend material from the up-standing ape like creature with the female eggs of the star mothers who volunteered and were then implanted back into the star mothers. They saw that as a great honour, for they felt that they had permission from God. This was why they had come, to bring light to this area, to establish a community, and this is what they were going to do. Nothing would stop them, they were determined it would succeed, and when the babies were born suffering so badly with too much hair that was strangling them, they were very distraught, not knowing how they would survive.
They determined to have another try at genetic engineering, and they used the eggs of the upstanding ape creature, and implanted genetic material from the star people. This time the babies survived. They had a larger skull shape, as we had. They had skin that was a little tougher; it was certainly darker. The hair, of course, was still there, but it had fallen away slightly, which was a result of the work we had done. The star people were quite used to using genetics for interacting and creating, it was not an unusual thing at all. The babies survived quite well. Some were malformed. This saddened us, and we assisted them and helped them.
We brought them into our fold and adopted them. They loved us also, for the energy was exchanged, and the energy from the star people was interwoven into these new little creatures. Our families became one. This made us happy, this is what we felt was what the mission was supposed to do, and in some way we didn’t know at the time how, but this was definitely the way that it was going to work. These little creatures would be able to hold the light from the Divine Source of All, hold it within their bodies, and spread it.
This was what the mission was about. We began to realise and understand the mission hadn’t worked they way we thought it was going to, but in our determination and courage we did succeed. We were very pleased with ourselves to some degree. There were still many things to overcome. We managed to make settlements and housing of sorts to take shelter, for the sun was unkind to our skin and our head. The new little ones with hair on their heads and a skin that was more suited to the environment, thrived. They were loving creatures, loving to one another, and loving to us.
We thrived from the energy that had finally been born onto the planet Mu. We felt that we had succeeded in our mission. More children came, we genetically engineered a few other ways until we found that the best way of producing children without any malformation was to encourage then to breed with each other. We established encoded symbols so that they would understand that they could not interbreed with their own brothers and sisters. They needed to be sure to breed only with those that were far enough apart genetically as to not cause malformation.
The little community flourished. The star people who survived lived for quite some time. The children grew, and a decision was made that they should go out and multiply, to continually spread the new knowledge that we had taught them, the energy that came from the star people, and the rituals and ceremonies that we had also taught them. They needed to spread that information, it was time for them to go out and multiply with the other upstanding ape like creatures, that were still brutish and weapon wielding.
This they did and after a time we also felt that they could be taken out further. We did have a ship that still could be used. We had tentatively explored the area around us. but we were not aware, or sure, as to how safe we would be if we ventured too far. The ship was crippled for lack of power, but it was able to travel to some degree. We eventually ventured out past the coasts and moved onto other lands, and eventually spread these new creatures with star peoples genes and understanding and psychic abilities around.
We encouraged them to establish settlements of their own. This continued long after the star people had died. I myself as Eagarinna said to the ones that looked after me so well, for we looked after them when they were children, they in turn looked after us when we became old. I said to them, I assured them, that I would return when the time was right. I have returned now, for the time is right. Now we are moving into change, the Earth, the energy, everything around is changing whether humans realise it or not. There are new energies coming onto the Earth that is of a golden nature. It brings with it wisdom, compassion, and love, as always has been available to everyone that is on the Earth.
Now it is coming in waves that are much stronger, and people will know, understand, and accept this new knowledge. They can experience and feel for themselves changes happening around them. Where it does not flow, where the energy of goodness which is of God, structures fall apart such as banks, such as societies that are connected with police or with dealings with anything within the society. Society itself is changing. There are some outbreaks of war, for people still disagree and think that hitting with weapons is the only way to solve problems. But of course if they accept the new energy that is coming onto the Earth, and imbue themselves with it, they will realise and lift their consciousness to understand and know that they can solve and resolve any problems.
(Eagarinna, on the left: Click the image to see a larger version)
If there is a problem among people, there can always be a solution found in some way. Eagarinna (as I speak through Valerie), has returned. I have come back to remind people of their beginnings, and remind them also that we are in a time of great change, a turning point which will come, in a decade, to lead them into the golden age. The future of the golden age will be one where genes will be able to be changed, so that there will no longer be disease or malformation. All these things will be corrected, and the information and knowledge will be given once again from the star people. This is the time, this is what all are moving into. I am very happy to be back, to say that it is time. Please listen, please move with the change, please come to know the spirit and the energy of God that presents itself now on the planet. Accept it, allow yourself to be imbued with it, and rise to become the children of God.’

John and Valerie Barrow have the above story in their soul memory. Both are ‘walk-ins’ meaning there has been an exchange of souls in their body after near death experiences. Their Mission is to speak of the Star People who do exist in the Cosmos. And in particular how the Australian Aborigine ancestors are the beginning of the human race. The agreement is Valerie was to be trained by the star people to be a medium/ messenger and allow transmissions to take place by borrowing her voice box. And John, her husband was to assist and support her in that work.
The story has unfolded gradually when a Sacred Aboriginal Stone, which had come from the stars, was brought by a sick lady to their Canyonleigh property. The lady had tried to return it to the indigenous people but they were afraid of it. She needed someone she could trust to take care of it for awhile. She heard of Valerie living at a property they had named Alcheringa and the work that she did. She came—she liked her—and left it with her. Valerie sat with the Sacred Stone on her knee everyday and found that it spoke to her teaching her of the ancient history of the land of Australia. The Book of Love by a Medium was written as a diary.
During that time Valerie visited Uluru with a group. Valerie received a personal initiation at Mutitjulu Springs at Uluru from the spirit Black Giantess named Goolagaia. She is said to hold a crystal beneath Wollumbin until the return of the 8th white sister from the Pleiades. You can read more on the Addendum Page to The Book of Love by A Medium.
The Book of Love attracted an indigenous elder by name of Gerry Bostock to their property. After he established that Valerie had respected the Sacred Stone, and that Alcheringa always spoke through her, he accepted her credentials and agreed to take them to Kariong to see the Egyptian-like Hieroglyphs drawn in a Stone corridor. This led to three of them remembering being star people who had experienced a terrible catastrophe in their Mothership being attacked and destroyed. Many people heard of their experience and began coming to Valerie and telling her (often in a spontaneous regression), of their part in the story. The book Alcheringa, When the First Ancestors Were Created – documents these tellings and rememberings.
Time passed and 2 years later the sick lady was feeling better and wrote asking for the return of the sacred Alcheringa Stone so that she could take it to the Red Centre of Australia to find a ‘clever one’ to take it back. They met at the Lighthouse at Byron Bay, within view of sacred Wollumbin which is also known as Mount Warning. Before Valerie handed it back she was given a message from Spirit that she had been sent to Earth on behalf of the 8th White Sister from the Pleiades, connecting to the Seven Sisters. To Valerie it was as if the sacred Alcheringa stone had come away from the Black Fellas to teach the White Fellas before it was returned to its rightful owners. You can read more on the Sacred Alcheringa Stone page.
Valerie held regular meditations at their property at Canyonleigh. During one such meditation, Alcheringa came, spoke through her and asked if Goolagaia could come and speak. Of course she was most welcome. You can read more on the Goolagaia Speaks page.
Alcheringa later advised that it was time that Valerie and Goolagaia to meld. For Goolagaia is the 8th Black Sister in Earth form, and Valerie is the messenger for the 8th White Sister the Star-person.
It was not long after that, the ‘Master Crystal’ holding the blessing of the ancestral creator spirit Alcheringa and the Star-people was brought to the property known as Alcheringa. You can read more on the Blessing of the Alcheringa Crystal page.

On another occasion Valerie visited Cave Hill the home of the Seven Sisters about 2½ hours drive from Uluru in the red centre of Australia. It is sacred land to the Indigenous people and sometimes glows. It is the same rock as Uluru. Valerie was visited in the cave by Goolagaia the Black Giantess, and Eagarinna the 8th White Sister. Alcheringa also came while she was sitting inside the Sacred Cave. You can read more on the Goolagaia and Eagarinna Speak page.
Valerie Barrow was also told that Cave Hill was where the Sacred Alcheringa Stone was first found and came away from the indigenous people to teach the white man – until its return to its rightful place.
© Valerie Barrow 2013