Alcheringa joins the conversation – He was asked to come and help with the background and story of the Reptoids and the Draco and how they came to Earth, which was then called Mu. Eagarinna then takes up the story of the reptilian remnant within the DNA of the human, and evolution of the earthling into a Buddha-like being living in the Golden Age. All have the source of light within from the Creative Source of All.
Alcheringa Speaks on the Story of the Reptoids on Mu
How did the Reptoid race come into existence? Are they from another planet, like the Draco?
The Reptoid race was actually created genetically by the Draco, who lived on this planet at another time completely. By that I mean it was a different dimensional situation.
So the Reptoids were created on this planet – not as we know it with its continents and oceans, rainforest and plains?
Indeed so. The reptilians were created in different forms to assist the Draco in jobs that they wish to be done.
So the reptilians were created as servile creatures themselves, much like the upstanding ape was created by the Reptoid to be of service?
Indeed so. In fact, they were consumed by the Draco from time to time.
They acted as a food source as well?
Indeed so.
And the Draco would have consumed their consciousness as they did with the upstanding ape creature when they came to earth?
In their whole physicality at times, much like the human being consumes the cow, or the chicken, or the dog.
Was the Reptoid an entirely new creation by the Draco, or was it a modification of some existing life form?
Some of the genetic material was used from other creations of the Draco; the Mako is one. I must add here that the Draco created many different forms within the galaxy, particular this corner of the galaxy.
This brings an important question to mind. How were the Draco created?
This is a good question. The Draco were actually pulling away from God’s creation. They chose to evolve a different way than the path if you like. The Draco continued its evolvement and became more and more of its own creation, in other words it did have the source built into it, but it almost lost it because it was coming from a point of turning inwards at all times, and consuming almost itself. For this reason it started to consume other forms to survive. There was a point where the Draco did evolve from turning inwards at all times to become what it is, and what it still is.
If I can persist with the question, who originally created the Draco as a race. Was it an act of the Creator?
It was actually a pulling away of some of the angelic beings that God created.
So there were some angels who existed before the Draco, and they had pulled away from the Creator?
Indeed so.
Were these angels – who had pulled away from the Creator, were these the ones who were involved in the creation of the Draco as a species?
They were, but not consciously. It was almost accidental, but it happened because their choice to pull away and follow a path of their own rather than one that was directed by the will of the Source.
Why did these angels who existed earlier, why did they pull away? What was their reason for that?
They did not have any reason, as I said it was almost an accident.
So the Draco originally conceived of and created the Reptoid races. This would have been in some other location than Earth, is that correct?
Indeed yes, there were other planets where they were placed. The Draco had the ability to move from one planet to another, and they also had ability to move from one dimension to another.
Was this a result of their habit of ingesting powdered gold?
This is true; it is a chemical of transmutation. This was used more by the reptilian races, but it was, in earlier days, used also by the Draco. The Draco, when it consumed other forms, they would also ingest whatever the other forms had ingested. In other words, they became what they ate. In their consciousness, they became the consciousness of what they ate. It was as what they took unto them they became, and were responsible for.
In what shape, form, or fashion were the Draco and/or Reptoids attracted to the planet Mu?
The planet Mu in its very earliest beginnings was actually planned to be used by the angelic races that needed a place to create a Garden of Eden in this dark corner. They had plans to populate, to be able to bring the energy of the Source into this corner, and so spread that energy. The greater plan, of course, was in their minds but it would have been a long time to evolve. The Draco was attracted to this new planet. They actually wanted to use it. They were coming and going, and they planted reptilian beings, in their smaller form such as you see here today, like snakes and lizards and other reptilian forms that exist.
Would some of these reptiles have been intellectually advanced as well?
No, these were like pets that had been created. They were actually found and consumed.
Was the planet Mu as a form of bait for the Draco? Was the Earth as seen as a source of food?
The Draco were attracted to it, as I have already said. They came, they found these smaller reptilian creatures and they ate, they consumed.
Did the Hierarchy simply allow our planet, Mu, what we now call Earth, so simply be a source of food for another species, the Draco? Was this the plan, to attract these creatures who had pulled away from the light?
No, but when they did come they were allowed to stay because it could be seen that, in actual fact, their presence could be of assistance in eventually infiltrating all these beings with the light of the Source.
There came a time – later – when the Reptoids were ordered to leave the planet.
Indeed, it was because they had already been using genetic engineering and creating forms that were out of control. These, at another time, had been destroyed. But then they could not help themselves and they were beginning to create larger forms that were out of control again. There were millions of years between what I am speaking of. You are talking about this council that existed in your time, just a million years ago, in the evolution of the planet earth.

Eagarinna Speaks on the Coming of the Golden Age
How will everything be transformed into the energy of love and compassion?
Everything is energy, and if the energy can be brought to a point where the syndrome of the 100th monkey operates. Everything will collapse like a pack of cards into the warm blood of love and compassion, and the fire of Gods light. So talking of numbers and a toll of how many may be of Draconian and Reptilian races, it would be better to think in a positive way that the energies can be changed if all upon this Earth can help one another to bring that love and understanding to each other, then the energy will change automatically.
Are you saying that those of Draco and Reptilian origin will have the experience of everything collapsing like a deck of cards? They would shudder at the realization that this is their basic nature and this is what they have come from.
I am saying that the energy that pulls away from God could collapse like a deck of cards and change into the stronger energy of love, light, and compassion. It will change over night, or in the blink of an eye. There would be no judgment on one another, for I would remind you that the little earthling carries some reptilian aspect with it from its creation that existed before the star people engendered the genetic material to make and lift the changes of consciousness of the upstanding ape like creature.
So we all have a bit of reptilian nature? Is that what attracts the reptilian in us?
This is true, like attracts like. This is what was agreed on by the Elohim at the meetings. The galactic foundation has agreed that this is what was needed to help bring change, if ever change was going to happen. So you can understand the reasoning from the light beings in being so willing to volunteer to help bring those changes. It required courage and they came with courage, under the auspices of the archangel Mikael carrying his sword of light to cut though the darkness.
Is there a time when this process of change will take place on this planet?
There is a turning point in the year 2011-2012, but this does not mean it will be the total change, for change has a way of transforming over a period of time, so that all will not necessarily change at the same time, if that makes some sense. However, the turning point will bring great influence into the change that leads into the Golden Age. We speak of the Golden Age, for the Golden Age also brings an aura of golden light, which is connected to the Buddha or the Buddhic way, the golden light of enlightenment. All those that exist on the earth in the Golden Age will be as Buddha. They will be enlightened beings with golden auras and they will have the wisdom, the knowledge, and the understanding of compassion that goes with that energy.

The Golden Buddha
Will there be people who will not choose the golden aura, who will not be capable of making this transition?
Yes. These will be assisted to go to another place in another dimension. There are always worlds upon worlds upon worlds.
And will these people all begin the process again?
They may be, they may not. This is something that will be decided upon the Creator.
And what about those who do not?
They may be diffused, or they may be moved on. Remember these are aspects of other beings, as are you, as is Valerie, as is everyone upon this Earth. I do not wish you to focus on that point too much, because we are coming from a point of encouragement, to assist the little earthling to make changes within the self.
It is nice to feel your encouragement. But there are those who will not resonate with this message, and be filled with fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear is a very strong motivator for humans.
Spirit surrounds everyone, every being on this Earth. The weight and the measure of each spirit of the aspects that exist on the Earth will be given opportunity for whatever growth is needed. We hope with this great plan that the light will brighten in this corner of the galaxy. I am sure you are feeling and knowing this is happening. As I have said, light attracts light, and it is the strongest energy that exists. It is very easy for the strong light to touch those that are weak, and in so doing, will help make the change to a brighter light.

You can read more about Eagarinna and the Mission of the Mothership Rexegena in the book authored by Valerie Barrow: Alcheringa: When the first ancestors were created. Read more about this book here

Book Cover: Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created