The ladies of The Mystery School had conducted a session in November of 2015 during which part of the recording had been lost. Perhaps this was the purpose of “Upstairs” as media information emerged about discovery of a hidden room in the tomb of King Tut. We also discover that another of the participants in the Mystery School has direct connections with the narratives about Kariong and King Tut in their soul story. In this recovered session, once again we bring you an intriguing session of The Mystery School. You can read the first instalment of Egypt and Australia: The King Tut Link here
Eagarinna Speaks: Survival and the First Hue-mans
Eagarinna speaks directly about being an Angelic Being and the Mission of the Mothership Rexegena. There was a handover ceremony, for the Reptoids were to leave. There was betrayal, within and without. The mission – however – has a larger meaning and impact, as Eagarinna tells. Read here of a graphic account of the landing in Broken Bay, the assistance the starpeople received, the genetic engineering that produced the hue-man, the hairy up-standing ape imbued with the Crystal Consciousness, the crystal light of the Source within.
Newsletter, January 2014
Hello Everyone,
Here is the January 2014 newsletter from my website. The New Year began with a New Moon in Capricorn, a most auspicious start to the year, which promises spiritual evolution and changes – albeit too subtle for some, yet apparent to lightworkers like yourselves – changes on a mass level; an ascension, barely perceptible, for humanity and all life on our planet. I have much to share with you from the present, and from our past.