Questions Asked of Alcheringa – Introduced by Cosmic Sai Baba – at the Lungkata Room, Uluru December 20th 2020


Valerie Barrow: I call upon now Cosmic Sai Baba to make his presence amongst us.

Cosmic Sai Baba as channelled by Valerie: I am here and I am very pleased to be here and to see so many happy, smiling faces, and of course the Light Beings that you are. I want you to know that you are Light Beings, you have lived in the beginning of the human race, which was hue colour and it is of light. And so remember that always – you are Light Beings and from that you come from the creative source and that is what gives you inner strength. So you do not really have to worry about protection or worry about dark forces; they cannot exist at the layer of consciousness from the soul at the creation of source. I hope I am making myself understood.

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Archangel Mikael Speaks: The Showing of the Star Peoples

Valerie Barrow serves the Angelic Realms – a place of no limit – and gives over her time, talents and resources in order that the Angelic Realms may use her as a medium and give messages to humanity. These are messages for uplift and benefit of humanity, that all may return to the state of true humanness in the Journey of the Soul.

Readers of this website may know that Valerie gives over the first Tuesday of the month to a spiritual group and during that time, Cosmic Sai Baba is invited to give a message. At recent meetings, Cosmic Sai Baba has indicated that another from the Angelic Realms wished to speak, and Archangel Mikael has come and spoken. We bring you the important message – and clarification – of Archangel Mikael’s announcement of the “Showing of the Star People“, a event to occur – with the welcome of humankind – in the near future.

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The Showing en-masse: The Star Ships, the Star People

The Mystery School joins together once again and draws upon the sacred energies to hold a space wherein their time, talents and resources are offered to The Source – the Creative Source of the All, often called GOD – so that understanding and explanations come forth and mankind can take up its true heritage among the United Planetary Nations. In this session, questions about The Showings en-masse are answered, along with reminders about light bodies, the Man and the Human, who has the light within. You can read more here in the Mystery School.


Arrival (Film)

visitArrival had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on September 1, 2016, and was released in the United States on November 11, 2016 by Paramount Pictures. The film received positive reviews, and praise for its story, sustained intense and suspenseful atmosphere, and lead actress Amy Adams’s performance as the linguist, Louise Banks. There are star people (called heptapods), there are communication issues, there is mass panic and ultimatums from the military. There are also multiple time lines and realities in this visual narrative of human encounter with starpeople.

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April 2015 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,
We have been in France for some time now, and I have posted some new articles to the website. I have discovered Saint Valerie! We also visited the Tumulus and Dolma of the Boixe Forest.

April begins with April Fools’ Day, so we do have an “Australian” surprise for you. The crew on the International Space Station share their photos of Typhoon Maysak as it heads towards the Philippines. We hear of the trees of Madrid absorbing negativity, and watch how whales change the climate! The Inuit Elders have a message for us: the axis of the Earth has changed; they can no longer read the weather from the sky. History is on our agenda as researchers discover ancient footprints and microchips embedded in rocks millions of years old.

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