A Journey Nears Accomplishment: From Leonine lives to Earth-body fulfilment

Valerie Barrow

Again I am in Hospital and unable to do the monthly May Youtube message from the team at Andromeda M 31.

I have been asked to write of my experiences as it happened in that I am advised it could help people – as a reminder of self healing – explained in my message of 1.4.2022 when John and I were unexpectedly taken together by ambulance to our local Bowral Public Hospital.

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Our recent visit to Uluru for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference held 12th – 14th January, 2018

The year before on 14th to 18th January we were at Ballina – attending the Close Encounters Conference where Archangel Mikael had asked at our regular monthly meetings with Cosmic Sai Baba if He could speak at the Conference in January 2017. Archangel Mikael had made his entrance so loudly it almost knocked everyone out of their seat. He announced that the United Planetary Nations wished to present themselves en-masse at Uluru – and possibly at other Power Points around our Planet. The 12th of January 2018 was mentioned.

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A Look at Hybrid Humans

In one of the recent meetings of the Mystery School, there was a closing comment in one of the sessions. “There are many, many hybrids“. In the light of the recent transmission from Cosmic Sai Baba and this message from the Mystery School, we bring you reflections on hybrids from Jalarm the Atlantean and Judy Carroll, author of Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth – Lessons in History.

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The Forms of the Star Peoples

On account of the messages from the Angelic Realms that mass showings – disclosure – of the star vessels and the star peoples is possible if the Earthlings do welcome them, we do alert our readers that these visitors to our planet – they are here now in other dimensions – are humanoid. They possess all the sacred qualities of humans yet do not resemble humans 100% … a different torso, a differing number of fingers, the limbs might be longer and skin colour different. In this article, we seek to bring you what the Angelic Realms have shared with us about the forms of the Star Peoples.

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Alcheringa Speaks: The Lion People, the Dugong and the Adonis Race

In this article, Valerie Barrow engages Alcheringa – the oversighting spirit of this planet -for Alcheringa has sighted the history and transformation of this planet for eons past. Valerie seeks to recover information about her past life as a Star Person, a Leonine of the race from Sirius.

Valerie explores the role of the Leonines, and the creation of the hairy up-standing ape like creature. The role of the Dugongs (the sea cow) is also discussed in the genetic history of creating the up-standing hairy ape like creature. The conversation with Alcheringa also engages with the Future of Humans on this planet.

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Archangel Mikael Speaks: The Showing of the Star Peoples

Valerie Barrow serves the Angelic Realms – a place of no limit – and gives over her time, talents and resources in order that the Angelic Realms may use her as a medium and give messages to humanity. These are messages for uplift and benefit of humanity, that all may return to the state of true humanness in the Journey of the Soul.

Readers of this website may know that Valerie gives over the first Tuesday of the month to a spiritual group and during that time, Cosmic Sai Baba is invited to give a message. At recent meetings, Cosmic Sai Baba has indicated that another from the Angelic Realms wished to speak, and Archangel Mikael has come and spoken. We bring you the important message – and clarification – of Archangel Mikael’s announcement of the “Showing of the Star People“, a event to occur – with the welcome of humankind – in the near future.

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