Our recent visit to Uluru for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference held 12th – 14th January, 2018

The year before on 14th to 18th January we were at Ballina – attending the Close Encounters Conference where Archangel Mikael had asked at our regular monthly meetings with Cosmic Sai Baba if He could speak at the Conference in January 2017. Archangel Mikael had made his entrance so loudly it almost knocked everyone out of their seat. He announced that the United Planetary Nations wished to present themselves en-masse at Uluru – and possibly at other Power Points around our Planet. The 12th of January 2018 was mentioned.

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Archangel Mikael Speaks: The Showing of the Star Peoples

Valerie Barrow serves the Angelic Realms – a place of no limit – and gives over her time, talents and resources in order that the Angelic Realms may use her as a medium and give messages to humanity. These are messages for uplift and benefit of humanity, that all may return to the state of true humanness in the Journey of the Soul.

Readers of this website may know that Valerie gives over the first Tuesday of the month to a spiritual group and during that time, Cosmic Sai Baba is invited to give a message. At recent meetings, Cosmic Sai Baba has indicated that another from the Angelic Realms wished to speak, and Archangel Mikael has come and spoken. We bring you the important message – and clarification – of Archangel Mikael’s announcement of the “Showing of the Star People“, a event to occur – with the welcome of humankind – in the near future.

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Uluru as Stargate

Hello Everyone,
I mentioned to my webmaster, the day before our usual meeting to receive our monthly transmission from Cosmic Sai Baba, that there seemed to be more about ET’s than ever on the Social media, news, and discussions, and that it could be leading finally to DISCLOSURE. That was on the 2nd January, 2017.  Then on the same day, my friendly webmaster wrote back and agreed especially when I had been reminded by ‘upstairs’ about the time in 1994 when a group of psychics visited Uluru. There had been a message received from Alcheringa saying The Star People were going to appear en-masse while we there, and it would receive world coverage.  It didn’t happen – although we did feel we had been in contact with them in a hidden way.

Then on the 3rd January, my webmaster wrote back to me and I have asked him to share his email with us – I hope he will include the strange clouds in the sky where he lives and also about the man who lives in his home town that has finally spoken out of what he saw as a young man: No co-incidence that my webmaster was getting all these promptings at the same time as I was … …

(This has all happened before we received the message from Archangel Mikael when he spoke at the Close Encounters Conference on 16th January and announced that the Star Planetary Nations wanted to show themselves at Uluru in January 2018 and they hoped they would be welcomed.  So please spread the news… … they also said they wouldn’t be coming if they were going to be shot at.)  Here is what my webmaster wrote, John and I had already been prompted to see the movie Arrival so don’t miss his review and understanding about it.

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Archangel Mikael Speaks at Close Encounters Conference


Readers of the Cosmic Sai Baba transmissions will know that Archangel Mikael made his presence on the 3rd January 2017 – the day we normally receive a Transmission from Cosmic Sai Baba. Cosmic Sai Baba advised telepathically that he did not have a message that day but there was another who wished to speak. It was Archangel Mikael saying he would like to speak at the Conference Valerie Barrow (the medium) was going to address at Byron Bay, NSW on 16th January, 2017. A transcript of the Annunciation of Archangel Mikael is now given.

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January 2017 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,
Here is the January 2017 Newsletter. It seems to focus around Uluru, and you shall see why, quickly! We bring you news about discovery of the star-navigation skills of the Australian aboriginals, and expose (fake) news about an archaeological discovery at Uluru. Nonetheless, the Northern Territory Museum are doing a fantastic dig nearby with Flinders University. We bring you the colours of Egypt and news of the message given by Archangel Mikael at the Close Encounters Conference at Byron Bay, which I attended in the company of my husband, John.

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Archangel Mikael’s Message

mikaelMany will know that Valerie Barrow has been serving “Upstairs” as a medium and channel for many years. Valerie’s journey began with Sanat Kumara (one of the four sons of the creator, Brahma), and the Spirit Being Alcheringa has been speaking through her in the travels to uncover the story of the origins of man. The Mother Goddess, Goolagaia, has also spoken through Valerie Barrow. On the Cosmic Sai Baba website, you will find 8 years work of transmissions by the Cosmic Sai Baba. Archangel Mikael has come through Valerie several times, and the most recent occasion was on 7th June 2016, wherein a message about caring for the Earth was given. This took place during the monthly tranmission by Cosmic Sai Baba, when He asked Valerie to allow another to come through. This message is given below.

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Archangel Mikael and Sacred Earth

sacred earthRecently, Archangel Mikael gave a message that the Earth our Mother is in need of support, nourishment and love. Last December, representatives of 196 nations gathered in Paris, and they reached an international agreement on climate change. Many, many faith communities were at the heart of making this happen. But there is still more to do. Sacred Earth is a worldwide spiritual event taking place on June 12, 2016. This event spans many faith traditions.

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