‘Upstairs’ has asked me to note all the experiences I have had in releasing energy that no longer serves me in my Earth Body. I was in hospital – after I collapsed and not able to move. I was taken by Ambulance with a suspected heart attack; John had to come in the same ambulance because he can no long look after himself. Now, I take you through the experiences and understandings that have come as I have progressed through the layers of consciousness in – and out of hospital. Away from my husband John, which makes me sad.
Sacred Now
Online Conference – Our Alien Ancestry – Old Ways – New Days

I just wanted to let everybody know that I have been invited to speak at the online conference called “Our Alien Ancestry – Old Ways – New Days”.
You can read all about it at the Our Alien Ancestry website. I hope you are able to join us.

A Full Moon for a New Year
We look to the Heart of our Planet – at the Earth Chakra location, Uluru, in Central Australia. Valerie will be participating in the Cosmic Consciousness Conference and Alcheringa, the oversighting Spirit of our planet and galaxy, will be channelled at this conference. The astrology of this conference is important as is the First Full Moon of 2018, an event linked to the New Year 2018.
We have shared – via guidance given from the Cosmic Hierarchy – that the Full Moon occasions are best days for meditations for world peace, and for sending positive energy out to those in need.
The Christmas Tree
Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s consort, is usually credited with having introduced the Christmas tree into England in 1840. However, the honour of establishing this tradition in the United Kingdom rightfully belongs to ‘good Queen Charlotte’, the German wife of George III, who set up the first known English tree at Queen’s Lodge, Windsor, in December, 1800.
Stepping Up into Ascension
On this page, we bring you the message of Patricia Cota-Robles on the gift of a series of Free Seminars which will help you in the company of like-minded lightworkers and soul-bringers – to step through the accellerated pace of Ascension and birth the Golden Age on Earth. While Valerie tells that Patrica Cobles-Ross uses different language, the message is the same. Without further ado, we bring you this message of Patricia Cota-Robles with her kind permission …
The Triple Gateway Initiation, the Time Capsule Awakening and Stepping into your New Soul Mission
A message from Archangel Mikael – via Starchild Global and Celia Finn tells that at his time, Earth and all who reside upon her are passing through what we call The Triple Gateway and the Initiation into their Augmented and Higher Soul Mission at the 11/11 Gateway on the 11th of November.
Water for Rejuvenation
Does water have a memory, and is it a living entity with a consciousness? Pure, clean water with dissolved minerals from the earth is full of healthy, clean, and natural energy. Water is not separate from us. It is within everyone and all living things. Inspiration for novel ways of enhancing water comes from the work conducted and published by Dr Emoto in his published work, The Hidden Messages in Water.
Andromeda and Magenta
In the Mystery School, The Source has suggested – several times – that we research about Andromeda and the energy and color by name “Magenta”. On account of our daily works Valerie comes across many references to these, and we have compiled a number of references – principally Youtube videos that give information and background materials. Viewing such will go towards raising consciousness, as will reading transcripts of these messages. Enjoy!