Stepping Up into Ascension

On this page, we bring you the message of Patricia Cota-Robles on the gift of a series of Free Seminars which will help you in the company of like-minded lightworkers and soul-bringers – to step through the accellerated pace of Ascension and birth the Golden Age on Earth. While Valerie tells that Patrica Cobles-Ross uses different language, the message is the same. Without further ado, we bring you this message of Patricia Cota-Robles with her kind permission …


Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are sending forth a Clarion Call that is reverberating through the Ethers. They are calling Awakening Humanity to a higher octave of service during this critical and tumultuous time. On behalf of YOU and me and every single person, group, organization, company and Activity of Light that is in any way striving to add to the Light of the World, our God Parents and the Company of Heaven are orchestrating a Divine Plan that will allow us to unify our Hearts and effectively expand our Lightwork a thousand fold.
     For Lifetimes our I AM Presence has guided us through myriad experiences designed to strengthen us, and to prepare us to be able to stay focused on the Light in the face of all adversity. This is the moment for which we have all been preparing. It is through our unified efforts that Humanity will transcend the surfacing negativity.
     The Divine Intent of this NEW facet of the Divine Plan is for the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presences of Awakening Humanity to empower a thousand fold the Lightwork that every single person on Earth is participating in. This unfathomable influx of Light will be Breathed into the Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love that is enveloping the Earth by our Father-Mother God. This Sacred Breath from the Heart of God will occur in a rhythmic momentum each month during our Free Seminar. 
      I will announce via email where the Free Seminar will be every month. These seminars are always free and open to the public. The NEW Free Seminars are titled, It Is Time to Take the Next Step.” Hopefully, hundreds of people in and around the area will have the Heart Call to come to the seminar and weave their Golden Thread of Light into the Chalice we will form through our unified Heart Flames.
     In addition to those who will be physically present, our Father-Mother God are invoking Lightworkers around the World who are aware of the Free Seminars to take a moment that day to weave their Golden Thread into our Chalice of Light. This will greatly increase the amount of Light our Father-Mother God will be able to Breathe through our Heart Flames into the Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. Once this Light is secured in the Grid of Divine Love our Father-Mother God have assured us that it will flood the Earth and exponentially expand the Lightwork of every person on this Planet a thousand fold.
Phase Two of Our Father-Mother God’s NEW Facet of the Divine Plan

      During our Free Seminars, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are going to do even more to take advantage of the collective Cup of Consciousness that we will form. Every month the Beings of Light will evaluate how the expansion of our Lightwork through the Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love has benefited Humanity and the Earth. They will then determine what additional Lightwork can be accomplished through our unified efforts during each Free Seminar. After each seminar I will share that information with you in our free Monthly Online Newsletter. You will then be able to realize the awesome assistance you are receiving from the Heavenly Realms.
This seminar is a Gift from our Hearts to yours. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by.

You can read more about the Free Seminars here.

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization        
FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
©2015 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


the living universe