On this page, we bring you the message of Patricia Cota-Robles on the gift of a series of Free Seminars which will help you in the company of like-minded lightworkers and soul-bringers – to step through the accellerated pace of Ascension and birth the Golden Age on Earth. While Valerie tells that Patrica Cobles-Ross uses different language, the message is the same. Without further ado, we bring you this message of Patricia Cota-Robles with her kind permission …
The Minds of World Leaders; the Minds of Lightworkers
Many peoples and world leaders have come together recently to discuss the future of our planet and to place a limit on emissions, and halt global warming before too much damage is done. There will be damage and destruction, for respect is something the human brain finds it hard to express in the human body, and respect for the Earth has been lacking. There is a need for prayer to the Source to influence the minds of the leaders that we take care of the earth, for EVERY LIVING THING (including Mother Earth) is going to get into the 5th and higher dimensions. This is an Edict from God.
The soul knows things that the brain knows nothing of. The human brain is something like a super-computer, it receives downloads of information from parents, school, teachers, peers and the society we are born into. On the other hand, the SOUL knows much more and has access to material that comes from our Self, through feeling, through intuition (inner – tuition) and imagination (the nation of images). There is the physical body, the emotional body and the Light Body. The Source explains how emotions and the memory of these remain with us. The Source also explains how we can magnetically make things better for people with our raised consciousness. So we begin to learn of the effectiveness of the minds of Light Workers.
World Peace and the coming of Respect for Planet Earth
After some travel, excursions and byways, the ladies of the Mystery School come together once again. And again, the Source – God in any other word – reminds them that they chose to come to Earth at this time and do this service. As told previously, there is a high level of respect and trust between the light bodies of all present, and indeed, this occasion is one of light bodies being perceived. The Source confirms that world peace is some years away, and when it comes, Prema Sai Baba will be spreading the evangel gospel of worldwide peace and the divinity within.
Eclipses, Comets and Accelerated Light Transformation
Since the procession of the equinox and the end of the Mayan Long Baktun Calendar on 22 December 2012, much has happened on the Earth. There have been signs in the skies, signs in the Earth and signs in the seasons and the cycles of the Earth. Many light-workers have held the light within; they have also accelerated the rate of Ascension for all others on this planet. Recent eclipses and flybys of comets also presage both the transforming energies and the new energies associated with the reawakening of the Light of the higher dimensions within all. Once again, we bring you an introduction from a fellow light-worker, Patricia Cota-Robles: