Does water have a memory, and is it a living entity with a consciousness? Pure, clean water with dissolved minerals from the earth is full of healthy, clean, and natural energy. Water is not separate from us. It is within everyone and all living things. Inspiration for novel ways of enhancing water comes from the work conducted and published by Dr Emoto in his published work, The Hidden Messages in Water.
Others writing
Important Information for the December Solstice and 2017
On this page, we bring you the message of Patricia Cota-Robles on the gift of Mother Mary to Humanity on December 12, and how the first 11 days of 2017 contain a light-filled significance. Ms Cota-Robles says that one may access the energy of past events by using replay; links are given to enable participation. Without further ado, we bring you this message of Patricia Cota-Robles with her kind permission …
Judy Carroll: Our Kariong Experience
In October of 2016, Judy Carroll visited Sydney, NSW, in the company of her fellow star-worker, Helene. They take the opportunity to visit Kariong and see the Grandmother Tree and the various hieroglyphs located at Kariong. Judy Carroll shares what emerges as a rite-of-passage gifted to herself and fellow star-worker Helene from the Indigenous beings residing there in the interdimensional portals.
Sleepwalking through the Shift to the 5th Dimension
There were many who expected, there were many who woke up on the day of December 21st, 2012, believing the Mayan Elder prophecy would come true, thus bringing the planet into a higher state of consciousness. In fact, many books, movies, and articles were written about this. On December 22nd, 2012, some claimed that the 5th dimension was here.
A Thoughtful ANZAC Day
ANZAC Day in Australia was first observed in 1916; it is a joint celebration by Australia and New Zealand of the sacrifices paid in a theatre of war on the beaches of Turkey. It has since evolved into a trans-Tasman commemoration of all who love and serve the motherland in times of international conflict, and paid the ultimate price. It also acknowledges those who continue to serve, and continue to suffer when they return home. All war is horrible, and Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder spares no-one. One of my regular correspondents – Chris Parnell – shared his experience of ANZAC Day. It seems to be related to the cycles of transformation and the coming 5th Dimension.
Eclipses, Comets and Accelerated Light Transformation
Since the procession of the equinox and the end of the Mayan Long Baktun Calendar on 22 December 2012, much has happened on the Earth. There have been signs in the skies, signs in the Earth and signs in the seasons and the cycles of the Earth. Many light-workers have held the light within; they have also accelerated the rate of Ascension for all others on this planet. Recent eclipses and flybys of comets also presage both the transforming energies and the new energies associated with the reawakening of the Light of the higher dimensions within all. Once again, we bring you an introduction from a fellow light-worker, Patricia Cota-Robles:
Since the procession of the equinox and the end of the Mayan Long Baktun Calendar on 22 December 2012, the earthling, the human race and all life forms on this planet have been exposed to the new energies raising all life forms to higher dimensions. This is called Ascension. We have a New Earth, wherein all plants, animals, mammals, and humans will live in the 5th Dimension. Patricia Cota-Robles takes up the narrative of the New Earth and unfolds the dimensions of the question, “What is the next step?”
Life-transforming Success and Much, Much More!
On this page, we bring you the message of Patricia Cota-Robles on the increased energies of light connected to the elevation of the 5th Dimension. This message references Mother Mary, Saint Germain along with Archangel Mikael and All Angels. There is also reference to the September Wave X which many enlightened beings have given messages about. Due the number of crop circles indicating that the Earth and all forms of life upon Mother Earth are passing through a light portal and energetic portal of one kind, there is much substance to this message of Patricia Cota-Robles. Valerie shares that this message explains so much of what is happening and is – in the words of Valerie Barrow – “spot on“. Without further ado, we bring you this message of Patricia Cota-Robles with her kind permission. ….