Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message April 3rd, 2018

Cosmic Sai Baba

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please see the February 6, 2018 message from Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val to readers of the website.

Valerie Barrow: So with great love and respect in our hearts we are calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba –

Cosmic Sai Baba (through Valerie):

“I am here and I am very pleased to be here. I welcome this opportunity in coming and conducting the introduction, shall we say, to Andromeda Val. You all know of her and her reason for coming and that is to help lift the consciousness and also show that there are beings – races that exist in other worlds that are very human like so that there is really no need to be afraid. For they understand and know many things and they can assist you and help you if you want to ask. I suggest that you do just that.

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Arrival (Film)

visitArrival had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on September 1, 2016, and was released in the United States on November 11, 2016 by Paramount Pictures. The film received positive reviews, and praise for its story, sustained intense and suspenseful atmosphere, and lead actress Amy Adams’s performance as the linguist, Louise Banks. There are star people (called heptapods), there are communication issues, there is mass panic and ultimatums from the military. There are also multiple time lines and realities in this visual narrative of human encounter with starpeople.

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Return of White Animals – Creatures Great and Small


There is much misunderstanding about prophecies of End Times. The prophecies of the ‘end of times’ really signify a movement from the past – fear and wars over scarcity – to moving into balance and harmony. I believe all these white birds and animals are a credible sign.

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Understanding the 4th Dimension

Cosmic Sai Baba

We have prepared a summary of references made by Cosmic Sai Baba to the Solstice on 21 December 2012, along with explanations about the 4th Dimension by Cosmic Sai Baba in His earlier transmissions. It is offered with love, for your reading.

Understanding the Fourth Dimension

The 3rd Dimension will mesh with the 4th Dimension.

every living thing

The Earth is experiencing a transition to the 4th Dimension. The Earth, which fell out of the Fourth Dimension at the fall of Atlantis, is now returning to the 4th Dimension. A sun in a solar system is the centre-point around which all other bodies rotate; our own solar system rotates around a central sun of this galaxy (known as Sagittarius A – possibly a dark star) which in turn is rotating around the central sun of all galaxies and universes – this Central Sun is larger than our own solar system. It is from THIS central sun that light is streaming forth – and a higher frequency is being passed to all galaxies and solar systems. Many worlds are partaking in this transition to a higher frequency.

This higher frequency is raising the energies, the vibrations in every atom, every cell of every thing in this our galaxy, solar system, and our Mother Earth. Every living thing will rise to a higher frequency, be it mineral life, plant life, insect, animal or human. The third dimension is a heavy frequency, which is being raised to a higher frequency. The transition can be likened to changing gears in a car; the motor revolutions are increased, the clutch is engaged, the gears mesh and the motor car proceeds at a higher speed. So too, the third dimension is being raised, the “revolutions” (or frequency) in every atom, every cell, will rise to a higher frequency of the 4th Dimension.

The 3rd Dimension will once again join with the 4th Dimension.

Role of the Star People

There are star beings — call them Star People if you like — who exist in the 4th Dimension. To them, the 3rd and 4th Dimensions are one and the same. They are not separate. It is thought that the dimensions became separate after the fall of Atlantis, and that much different frequencies and energies were prevailing at that time. With the fall of Atlantis, floods and darkness came over the Earth (the Earth nearly died), people were living in caves until the Sun was visible again. All this brought immense destruction, loss of records and change, separation of the dimensions on the physical plane. To the Star People, there was never any separation.

The Star People exist on many worlds. There is life on other stars, and other planets. Cosmic Sai Baba, when he was in his physical form in India, once spoke of beings that live in our very own Sun! In our solar system, a point of light was established on Venus, where the Blue People came from. At that time Venus was known as Vu, and Earth was known as Mu. The Blue People have bluish-white skin, and have physical bodies ~ but not physical bodies in our three dimensional world. Their physical bodies exist in the 4th Dimension.

every living thing

The Blue People are here in other dimensions on Earth. The Blue People came to this corner of the galaxy to spread Divine Light, Divine Energy and Divine Teachings. They are here in their (4th dimensional) bodies, and some have taken birth in human form also. There are many, many Star People here on Earth at the moment who have come to assist with this transition of Earth and its life forms to the 4th Dimension.

A person cannot see the 4th Dimension with their two eyes; it is seen with the inner eye (sometimes called the Third Eye). Clairvoyants – people who can see with the inner eye occasionally get glimpses of the 4th Dimension. Others obtain intimations of the 4th Dimension through feelings, insights, and just knowing (which is sometimes called clairgnosis). The 4th Dimension is a much higher frequency than the dense, slow, heavy frequency of the 3rd Dimension. Time is faster in the 4th Dimension.

The 4th Dimension is immediately adjacent to the 3rd Dimension. As we have mentioned, for the Star People, there is no separation of the 3rd and 4th dimensions. The Blue People—along with many other Star People—are here to assist with this transition. Many human beings have also taken birth at this time to participate and assist with this change. It is part of their soul blueprint, the journey in a human body. Really, all human beings are spirit-people; they are spirits born into human bodies, having an earthly experience. And these humans, along with the Star People, have a commitment to assist with this period of change. This time of change brings responsibility for thoughts and the thought-forms around the Earth.

Thoughts, Thought-forms and Conscious Growth

Human beings have been given a marvellous gift; they are in control of their own consciousness and are free to determine the level of consciousness they will rise to in the human body. They have been given control of their own growth and consciousness. Humans choose the level they will rise to – or sink to. Humans have freedom of choice, and are free to manage their own minds. Thoughts are critical, for thought creates reality. Our thoughts shape our lives, our experiences and the world we live in. This world we live in is the manifestation of all our thought energies.

In the universe, everything is ENERGY. Thoughts are energy, and energy has form. Thoughts are put into the atmosphere and when sufficient thoughts agglomerate and take further energy, it is reflected back in this physical world. The Earth is surrounded by a magnetic energy field. Everything has the quality of magnetism, from the tiny electron-proton-neutron in the atoms, to the cellular form, to the physical form. This magnetic energy is influenced by thoughts, feelings, actions. What humans put out as thought is reflected back and manifests in this material world of ours via this magnetic energy field which surrounds the Earth. Thought, which accumulates like energies, manifests in our lives. Thus, thoughts are very important to the life we make for ourselves.

magnetic energy field

As human beings have been given control of their consciousness and their growth, thoughts are important. Thoughts should be controlled, humans can choose to be positive, and give out positive energy, thoughts of love and light to all around them. They may do this in concert with the Creative Source of All. As you give, so shall ye receive, and the more positive energy goes out, the more positive people become and the world becomes a lighter place filled with love. This is the result of positive magnetic energy being placed in the magnetic energy field around the Earth. Negative energies are also placed in this magnetic field.

Negative energy, when placed in the magnetic energy field, has the capacity to hurt people and place them in darkness, depression, misery, like this. All negative energy can be transformed to positive energy by focussing, calling on the Creative Source of All, and sending light. One may ask for help from the Angelic Beings, the Angels. Angelic Beings have no abode; they are everywhere, everywhen. They are not limited by time, space, place. When help is asked for, help always comes. They will come and assist in the transformation of negative energy when called. Transformation of negative energies leads to transformation of the Earth. This transformation has far-reaching outcomes in time and space.

Transformation of the Earth, use of positive energy along with light and love, not only transforms the Earth and all its peoples, all its life-forms, it also heals other worlds in the Cosmos. For every action, there is a reaction, here and in the Cosmos. We have been told that digging holes in the Earth has a hurtful, damaging effect on Mother Earth, and also causes harm on other worlds in the Cosmos. As we have all come with a commitment—along with the Star People and the Blue People—we may all work together to assist this in this period of change to the 4th Dimension, and when we do this healing and change — life on other worlds, and in other universes, is also assisted, healed and changed. This transformation is not limited by Time.

The Hierarchy and Time

The Hierarchy (which serves the Creative Source of All) has given an Edict. This galaxy will be raised to the 4th Dimension, rendering a rising of consciousness, a giving a higher knowledge and a higher frequency. Everything is energy, so the 4th Dimension is a gift of new frequency to all life. The Hierarchy has also decided there will be no global catastrophe; no “clearing out”, no worldwide disaster. The Hierarchy oversights the changes, and has been at work, silently, imperceptible, behind the scenes, giving considerable abatement of volcanic eruption, undersea tectonic plate movement, and earthquakes. This is the will of the Hierarchy. No gloom and doom; no disaster, no bomb shelters nor survival kits are needed. Whilst there have been trials, calm is coming.

The extremes of weather and climate have been a time of trial for all who live on this Earth Planet. The Solar sun is also changing with energy passing through and will continue for some time. This higher frequency of light actually what is being passed on through the Solar sun to our earth. This period of rising frequency has taken some time to come about; it will also take some time for things to calm down.

This will all settle. The raging torrents will calm to a still pond in a backwater. The eddies will change to a springtime trickle. So have hope in your hearts and take Time.

time changing frequency

The 4th Dimension is causing changes with the frequency of Time. Time is changing to match the new frequencies. Time is a man-made thing. It will match with the 4th Dimension. Young people feel they are running out of time, other people feel this change with time and it causes their minds to gallop. Time in fact is relative. It depends on thinking.

The solution is to FOCUS. Focus your use of time. Focus will need a clearing out of cupboards, in the mind, the cupboards filled with old knowledge should be emptied out, just as we empty drawers of clutter and clean out wardrobes full of old clothes. Clearing out the old makes way for the new, the freshness.

This clearing out will bring about fresh change within. This will be most effective if coupled with meditation. Concentration brings success to every activity. So focus, change, meditation and concentration are the clarion call of the day. This will bring about change of thinking, change of habits. This makes space for awareness of the soul consciousness within.

Meditation is listening for the soul-voice within. It is the God-source within the human. Meditation opens the doors to soul consciousness and allows inspiration from the soul to come forth. Following this inspiration (and not the head) will enable us to follow our soul blueprint. So focussed use of time, clearing out of the cupboards of the mind and heart, and allowing fresh inspiration to emerge connects with the movement the new frequency the new 4th Dimension brings. With this change, we can help others, for we are spirit-people with a soul commitment to ring the changes upon the Earth and bring forth, embody Ascension.

What Ascension Means

Light is flowing from the Creative Source of All through to the suns of the subtle universe, to the central sun of the material universe, through the central sun of this galaxy, to the sun of our own solar system. This light cannot all come at once, for if it did, it would disturb many beings and life forms. It has to come in small amounts through Stargates, to the outer meridians (or light grids) in our outer atmosphere – and this is done so there is not too much of the brighter light coming onto Earth at once.

The light frequencies descend slowly to allow adjustment and change to the frequencies and vibrations in all the atoms and cells, in every form of life on Earth. As this light energy descends slowly, with gradual adjustment, it brings about change to thinking.

With this change to thinking, comes responsibility for thoughts and actions, and responsibility for what you create with your thoughts. There is a need to entertain thoughts, that is, see your thoughts on a screen and hear them, and look at them and to feel them and to see what it is you are thinking; this, then, is important so you can change what you do not want to unthinkingly create. We must be responsible for what we create with our thoughts.

responsible choice

It is time for all on this planet to become consious of the responsibility for their choices. Choices are based on thoughts and these go out and not only influence your own lives, but also the lives of others around us. We are all Creators; we all come from the same Source, we are all brothers and sisters. As the energy raises in frequency and vibration, so also does the power of creation by thought, for this raised energy now connects directly to the Source. This is what is meant by Ascension.

If everyone were to open their mind, their thoughts and listen carefully to everyone, you would eventually discover that thoughts begin to unite. And there would be a willingness to co-operate with one another. And there would be a connection to the Creative Source of All in all these encounters all around the world. People would find answers to any problem that arises on this Earth.

This feeling of connection, oneness, flows from this slow, steady adjustment and dispersal of energy via the Stargates and the outer meridians of our outer atmosphere – raising the frequencies within – and leads to planetary Ascension.

Ascension is not like getting in a lift in a building and going up and down. There is nowhere to go up to; it is all coming here. Ascension is not getting in an elevator and rising to a world of light and discarding our physical bodies. There are no two Earths; there is only one Earth with many civilisations in the different dimensions. There is life within the Earth herself, there is life on the physical plane, and there are life-forms in the 4th Dimension, which will merge with the 3rd Dimension. Our Mother Earth is home to many life-forms in many dimensions.

The Earth, Our Mother


We should also be mindful of Mother Earth, who is also giving birth to the new energy. We should appreciate the Earth our Mother and be grateful to her, for where would we be without our Mother Earth? She gives us the elements without, and the elements within our own bodies. The Earth Mother gives us our water and the very blood within our circulatory system; she nourishes and sustains us with food, with crops which we convert to clothes, our plastics come from her resins, our steel comes from her ores. We have night and day, hot and cold, and the four seasons which grace all the cycles of life. Where would we be without our Mother Earth?

So we should express gratitude and respect to the Earth our Mother and give thanks for all the nurturance that she gives to all the life she sustains. She also is giving birth to this new energy and experiencing the changes brought forth by this light streaming from the Creative Source of All. Focussing with love, light and gratitude on the Earth will help lift everything into the New World, the new Golden Age, which is of a 5th Dimensional frequency.

From that 5th dimensional frequency people will just “know”, without any conflict within them … they will know how to respect one another; … … how to give to each other and share with one another … how to connect with each other and respect each other’s differences and find answers to any conflict that may arise.

The word “war” does not exist in the 5th dimensional understanding.

People will be wise; … … that energy will be inter-related to each other … … interspersed with each other. For God the Creator is of Universal Love. Fear does not exist.

The 5th Dimension is the Dimension of Universal Love.

Earth Magnetic Fields by NASA

Earth Magnetic Fields by NASA

Page prepared by Chris Parnell, Webmaster,

Newsletter, August 2012

NASA Icebridge, Arctic Circle

Hello Everyone,

Here is the latest newsletter from my website. John and I are soon to make a voyage across the ‘Top of the Earth’ we shall be away from the end of August to end of September 2012. I shall be making notes and intend to write articles upon our return.

Summer Arctic Storm

This Rare Arctic Summer Storm early in August is a little challenging. We are not booked to visit Greenland but we are to visit Iceland. Let us see what happens.

But before you read on, have a quick look at this short time-lapse video of sea ice and weather conditions in the central Arctic Ocean from early July through August 8, recorded by one of the two autonomous cameras set on the sea ice near the North Pole each spring by a research team from the University of Washington. Note: The center of the storm is hundreds of miles away from the drifting sea ice cameras.

NASA released a remarkable satellite image (above) of the Arctic storm discussed below. Click for background and technical details.

Map of Arctic Ice

The National Snow and Ice Data Center has posted on what it calls “a most interesting Arctic summer,” and that is certainly the case, given this week’s powerful and rare summer storm, which is churning the Arctic Ocean’s already thin and reduced sea ice cover.

In the third installment in a running series of posts on the potent storm, the Arctic Sea Ice blog, a popular aggregator of all things related to the sheath of ice floating on Arctic seas, has proposed calling it the “Great Arctic Cyclone of 2012.”

However, the effects of an individual strong storm, like that observed in early August, can be complex. While much of the region influenced by the August cyclone experienced a sudden drop in temperature, areas influenced by winds from the south experienced a rise in temperature. Coincident with the storm, a large area of low concentration ice in the East Siberian Sea (concentrations typically below 50%) rapidly melted out. On three consecutive days (August 7, 8, and 9), sea ice extent dropped by nearly 200,000 square kilometers (77,220 square miles). This could be due to mechanical break up of the ice and increased melting by strong winds and wave action during the storm. However, it may be simply a coincidence of timing, given that the low concentration ice in the region was already poised to rapidly melt out.

Our Solar System

With all the recent notes about a “revealing” of our heavenly “off-planet” neighbours showing themselves at the Athletics Stadium during the Olympic Games, I thoughht it time we brought you a nice website which gives a rather picturesque and interactive overview of our solar system, and the stars in our galaxies.

Website for Solar System Scope.

Solar System Scope Website

The website is called Solar System Scope, and having the sound turned on gives a rather neat audio and visual experience to the visitor. You can visit planets, rotate them, measure the distance between planets and far off stars, and see the constellations and the individual stars. Whatever will they think of next?

Egypt Pyramids Discovered On Google Earth, Researcher Says

Here is another interesting piece of news if you haven’t seen it already about a new ancient Egyptian Pyramid discovered

Archeology News Network describes one of the possible complexes:

One of the complex sites contains a distinct, four-sided, truncated, pyramidal shape that is approximately 140 feet in width. This site contains three smaller mounds in a very clear formation, similar to the diagonal alignment of the Giza Plateau pyramids.

Four sided lost pyramid.

Solar System Scope Website

Further research is needed confirm the findings, however Micol thinks the images tell all.

“The images speak for themselves. It’s very obvious what the sites may contain, but field research is needed to verify they are, in fact, pyramids,” Micol said, according to Discovery News.

According to, an Egyptologist verified that the sites were previously undiscovered.

Read the original article on Huffington Post.

An Olympic Pyramid?

While the world’s finest athletes put on a show around Britain’s Olympic venues yesterday, the moon staged a special display of its own. A full moon tinged dusky gold rose through Tower Bridge’s Olympic banner, briefly forming a unique sixth ring on the London skyline.

An Olympic Moon

An Olympic Moon forming a unique sixth ring on London Bridge

And a lovely photo of the Olympic Games and the Universe adding its own special symbol of an upside down pyramid.

The moon joins the Olympic Rings on London Bridge making a pyramid

The moon joins the Olympic Rings on London Bridge to form an Olympic “Pyramid”

2012 Messages: Predictions and revelations about 2012 and the Grand Shift of the Ages

Book Cover, 2012 Messages

2012 Messages is a collection of detailed predictions and insights from notable psychics, channels and intuitives about 2012 and beyond. One chapter contains the work of Valerie Barrow.

We are headed into new territory where there are new rules. Humanity and the Earth itself are evolving now—a lightening fast quickening—and we are being offered the chance to take back our power and use it to create a New Earth.

We are waist-deep in this transition and the road ahead may be rough for a time, but through foreknowledge, spiritual understanding and the release of the fear of change and the unknown, we will all be a part of the birth of a new consciousness.

Gathered from over a dozen psychics and channelers, intuitives, even the Mayan Elders themselves, comes needed information about the time period we are living in right now – 2012.

Valerie Barrow has been a light-worker for many years. Author Craig Howell has included material from the Cosmic Sai Baba, as channelled by Valerie Barrow. The author also mentions how helpful the messages given by Alcheringa have been.

Is this the “End Times”, or just the end of a time and the beginning of another? The sources say we are at the threshold of the birthing of a new consciousness, but with birth comes upheaval as the old ways struggle to remain in a new world where they have no place. We are in this transition from the old to the new. It is coming on so quickly, we will barely have time to catch our breath between the massive changes that are about to occur in our economic systems, on the earth and within ourselves.

This time has been foretold in prophecy after prophecy for thousands of years, but known mostly through the attention on the Mayan Calendar called The Tzolkin, which some say ends on December 21, 2012 after over 5200 years. This has caused great fear and uncertainty among the masses.

This book answers many questions about this year and this time period we are in: A Grand Shift of the Ages. There are many possibilities, but one thing is certain: after the transition is complete, things will never be the same again.

  • What may happen on December 21, 2012?
  • Will there be a pole shift or magnetic pole reversal?
  • Is time speeding up as the Earth’s rotation slows down?
  • Are we entering a “time of truth” where all will be revealed?
  • Will this be the year of almost instant manifestation of our focus?
  • Are we at a crossroads in our evolution and which path will we choose?
  • How could releasing fears about 2012 be your best protection?
  • Could the world financial system shift to a new model?
  • Will we witness the start of the collapse of the political system in the U.S.?
  • What wild weather or earth changes could occur and where?
  • Are we shifting along with the Earth into a higher dimension?
  • Could a massive solar flare create havoc with our grid?
  • What are the Mayan Elders messages to the world from their own prophecies and teachings?

Craig Howell has been a published writer since 1993 when he created and published his holisitc/metaphysical monthly publication, “The Wheel” He has since created four books: “A Flower Unfolds” (spiritual giftbook), “Through the Eyes of Kwan Yin” (Q&A with a Kwan Yin channel), “Spiritual Teachings for Young Souls” (basic teachings for teen empowerment) and “2012 Messages”. He has contributed to many publications online and in print, most recently in Dell Horoscope Magazine.

This book is available in several versions. You may order this book online.

I have listened to Craig’s CDs and found the sound was from another world. “I immediately, when listening to Mayan Days of Sound felt my eyes clear and my body buzz all over. The sound I felt was clearing and balancing my energy field. I asked John to listen and he shivered and then said, he felt his body buzzing also. Highly recommend people to listen to his work.”

Crystal Lights Lady

A friend of Valerie’s writes about crystal lights in her hair. She is a lightworker and works with crystals.
(We have blurred the lady’s face for privacy.)

They do not always come through very clear in emails. I have very dark hair all that sparkly stuff is them. They change the color sometimes of my hair in pictures to violet or blue. They are like a cloud in my hair that moves. I feel them constantly sometimes stronger than others.

crystal lights lady

crystal lights lady

crystal lights lady

crystal lights lady

crystal lights lady

crystal lights lady

The Baltic Sea UFO Anomaly

“John and I are also travelling the Baltic Sea so this is an interesting piece of information for us to think about while visiting Sweden and Finland.”

A team of salvage divers has discovered an unexplained object resting at the bottom of the Baltic Sea near Sweden. “This thing turned up. My first reaction was to tell the guys that we have a UFO here on the bottom,” said Peter Lindberg, the leader of the amateur treasure hunters. Sonar readings show that the mysterious object is about 60 meters across, or, about the size of a jumbo jet. And it’s not alone. Nearby on the sea floor is another, smaller object with a similar shape. Even more fascinating, both objects have “drag marks” behind them on the sea floor, stretching back more than 400 feet. It could just be another shipwreck. Or, mud. But Lindberg says the ship theory doesn’t really hold up because of the unusually large size of the objects.

You can read more about this on CNET News

Electrical Equipment Stops Working Near Baltic Sea UFO

Object found on sea bed

The OceanX team exploring a UFO-shaped object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has claimed that their electrical equipments stop working when they approach within 200 meters. Professional diver Stefan Hogerborn, who is part of the Ocean X team which is exploring the anomaly, said some of the teams cameras and the teams satellite phone would refuse to work when directly above the object, and would only work once they had sailed away.

“Anything electric out there – and the satellite phone as well – stopped working when we were above the object,” the Daily Mail quoted him as saying. “And then we got away about 200 meters and it turned on again, and when we got back over the object it didnt work,” he said. Diver Peter Lindberg admitted,

“We have experienced things that I really couldnt imagine and I have been the team’s biggest skeptic regarding these different kind of theories, I was kind of prepared just to find a cliff or outcrop or pile of mud but it was nothing like that, so for me it has been a missing experience I must say,” he said

“I am one hundred percent convinced and confident that we have found something in May of last year that is very, very, very unique,” member Dennis Asberg said.

There are perfectly straight lines and angles embedded into the smooth structure and a diver is photographed at lower right.

The lines can be made by natural causes, but they look very man made.The grooves are about 1-1.5 meter wide and 0.5-1.5 meters deep. The disc has a completely circular plate-like exterior, 180 meters in circumference. Object is 200 foot across mushroom shaped comprising a thick pillar rising eight meters out of the seabed with a four meter thick dome on top rising a total of 12 meters (approx 40 feet) high above the surrounding seabed

There are visible formations on top of the object, which are set at a 90 degree angle and look like passageways or walls, as well as something that looks like it could be a staircase.

There are stone circles, like “fireplaces” of hard black “almost petrified” burnt looking stone each a few inches in diameter, like 4 or 5 pearls in a necklace in various arrangements on top of the dome. It might be a meteorite, or the base from a U-boat, – or a UFO?

“The Ocean X team did get some pictures, such as these soot-covered rocks that encircled an egg-shaped hole which went into the object at its centre, and have no idea what any of it means. There is a long 985-foot runway, skid marks, or a downhill path that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of it.

Coda: Cold Seas …

Here’s the full size image of the Ice Bridge in the Arctic Circle, which we used for the Newsletter Theme. Ice? Ouch!

NASA Photgraph of the Ice Bridge in the Artic Circle.

This photo was taken over the Patagonian ice fields, on November 23, 2009. Hmmm, methinks “upstairs” has played a wee joke on us, giving us this picture taken on that day.

Finally, the shipment of the reprint of my second book Alcheringa, When the ancestors were first created has arrived.

We are pleased to offer a promotion of 2 books for AUD $20.00 Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created and The Book of Love, by a Medium.

So send me your order on our Book Order page and I shall write to you.

Book cover - Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created

So many people are having experiences; Will all join me in a prayer for all who suffer in these times of change? Time seems to be speeding up (as Cosmic Sai Baba confirmed) …

So you must not feel that you are running out of time but rather the time that you match with the Dimension—that you are in now—is changing. You can feel it—you feel … that everything is racing—even young people speak of this as if they have not got enough time to do everything they want to.

… and the world is entirely made up of vibrations. Let us all keep our thoughts the highest, and send the vibration of love to all who need. We recall the affirmation that is so needed by the peoples of our times:

I am the Pure Light of Consciousness
Penetrating Everwhere,
and bringing everyone into the Light of God.

Blessings be with you and Universal love. Val.

Photo Credits: NASA Goddard and Video, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Angela Micol / Google Earth, Reuters – Luke MacGregor – The Sun August 5th, Listrocket, CNN News, National Snow and Ice Data Center

Material from other websites may not necessarily be endorsed by Valerie Barrow nor her website. Material from other websites is reproduced here for interest, only. Images and descriptions by NASA are used with permission, in accord with NASA Photo Guidelines.