Newsletter, December 2013
Hello Everyone,
Here is the December 2013 newsletter from my website. It has been a busy year, with much travel and engagements, and many messages from “Upstairs” about the progress of Mother Earth in the 4th and 5th Dimensions. I have much news to share with you all.
OVERVIEW of the Return of the 8th White Sisters
In the beginning when I was first awakened from a deep sleep and a rather compelling and authoritative voice began speaking to me, I was introduced to White Eagle, a spirit man, who had a past lifetime as an American Red Indian Chief.
Return of White Animals – Creatures Great and Small
There is much misunderstanding about prophecies of End Times. The prophecies of the ‘end of times’ really signify a movement from the past – fear and wars over scarcity – to moving into balance and harmony. I believe all these white birds and animals are a credible sign.
The Saga of the 8th Sister returning …
Valerie visits Kariong and joins a “tribe” of ancient researchers. It is a rainy afternoon, and Valerie is taken to meet her ‘twin’ Sister, the 8th Sister of the Pleiades.
The Saga of the 8th Sister of the Pleiades begins at this article, (which you may wish to read first).