OVERVIEW of the Return of the 8th White Sisters


In the beginning when I was first awakened from a deep sleep and a rather compelling and authoritative voice began speaking to me, I was introduced to White Eagle, a spirit man, who had a past lifetime as an American Red Indian Chief.

OVERVIEW of the Return of the 8th White Sister (sisters) from the Pleiades – after the sign of the WHITE creatures large and small – and the Legend of the BOOK OF LOVE from the Cathars, South of France and the WHITE DOVE.

In the beginning when I was first awakened from a deep sleep and a rather compelling and authoritative voice began speaking to me, I was introduced to White Eagle, a spirit man, who had a past lifetime as an American Red Indian Chief. He advised that a group of souls had agreed to come together in this lifetime to speak of a past-life memory in which they had come from the stars. White Eagle later changed his name to the creator spirit ancestor Alcheringa who is well known to the Australian Indigenous people. He spoke of a time when humanity was first created, 900,000 years ago. This prophecy has come to pass and a book written – Alcheringa when the first Ancestors were Created.

White Eagle also said, in his first introduction, that a group of souls would help to manifest a manuscript that had been written, nearly 2,000 years ago, by John the Divine and known as The Book of Love. God had asked John the Divine to ‘eat it’ at the time and by that I presume God meant he was to hold it back, or even consume it. White Eagle also said, ‘He was John the Divine in an earlier life on Earth.’

Interestingly, the people known as the Cathars in France, around 1244 were said to have possessed a mysterious manuscript, The Book of Love written by St. John the Divine, in which ‘marvellous revelations’ were recorded. The Cathars were known as The Pure Ones, and it seems that the Book was later lost when The Cathars were attacked and burned by the soldiers of the French Inquisition.

The Book of Love by a Medium

It is said, through a legend, that the lost manuscript is recorded and now lies in a cave somewhere in the South of France. The Cathar Prophecy also says the Book will be revealed to the world at a “pre-ordained time, by a predestined being of perfect innocence and absolute purity, who will be under the sign of the Dove.” (Ref: The Sign of the Dove by Elizabeth van Buren.)

We have now been made aware the original manuscript held by the Cathars was consumed by fire at Montsegur in 1244.

When John and I visited Montsegur, the last Bastion of the Cathars found in the Pyranee Mountains, South of France we made the very difficult and in some parts dangerous climb to the top. When almost to the top I broke down, shaking and crying with an overwhelming feeling I had been there before. I felt totally abandoned by God and was in deep shock that we were all going to be burned to death if we didn’t renounce our way of life and deep faith we had in the early teachings of Jesus. I knew John had been with me in that life. Later Alcheringa advised that we had been the Elders – a brother and sister in that life. John that night had a dream where he saw himself organising building the road up the mountain and houses at the top.

Alcheringa/White Eagle has advised us that my John, was connected to him in a past life memory of him being John the Divine the author of the lost Book of Love and that I was his sister in that life over 1,200 years earlier. We all on the mountain knew about the source of the Book of Love and had it in our care. I was the one who had it hidden in my woman’s clothing. Thus when over 200 people refused to renounce their faith, they were burned to death at the base of the mountain. The original manuscript was consumed by fire. I, therefore, have been chosen to resurrect the story as written in the original Book of Love. I believe it was about the Starpeople and our human connection to them with Holy Blood.

Two SoulMates

When John and I were travelling to sacred places in 2010, we were asked to write another book about the many, many past life memories we have shared together. This was when we were standing on the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt. The book ‘Two Soulmates, Walking Through Time & History‘ has been published by Custom Book Publications of Hong Kong.

Three past life stories are from the South of France – the Cathar perfecta Brother and sister Elders from Montsegur, the story of Jehanne d’Arc who used to call herself ‘La Pucelle’ who tried to teach of one’s internal spirituality and Pope Clement V who tried to stop the terrible Inquisition by the Catholic Church but died with deep unhappiness … seeing the White Dove guide him home upon his death.

And so the prophecy has come to pass …

The book Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created, tells of how many people visited a cave here in Australia, well below South of France, where there is a manuscript written in stone in the form of hieroglyphs.

Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created

My voices tell me that the hieroglyphs will mean many things to many people and indeed they have triggered memories in people. Many have spontaneously regressed into a past-life memory speaking of a time of when they were star people. It was a time when the upstanding ape-like creature evolved from animal to human after being imbued with genes from the star people.

The white skinned Star People had come from a constellation known as the Pleiades, on a mission of peace and love, the sign of The Dove. The Mission was to free the up-standing apelike creatures who were being used as slaves by other star beings of a reptilian form and nature.

The original up-standing ape like creatures were created by the reptilian bi-ped race of the Cosmos, without permission from the Source. They wanted them to mine gold in what we know as South Africa. The Reptilian race exercised mind control – and called them in when needed. At other times they were left to their own weapon wielding devices.

The human has been created genetically from the up-standing ape-like creature and the star people. The influence of mind control is still with us. We need to recognise that weakness within us and ask for assistance from the starpeople (our brothers and sisters) to assist in raising our thinking to an ascended state of consciousness. This will bring confidence, self assurance in all decisions, and never allow us to give our power away to anybody or anything. This is what it is all about.

Any increased technical development we have had on Earth is a plus, as long as we use it wisely. Knowledge has been given to us by the starpeople.

The Mission of Peace and Love manned by the Mothership Rexegena from the 8th Pleiadean Star 900,000 years ago is not a simple story but one filled with intrigue, deception, and the planned destruction of a defenseless mothership that left only ninety survivors to be cast upon the Earth. Part of the story is about their survival – on a planet whose atmosphere they could barely breathe, a sun they could not expose themselves to, and a dangerous and poisonous environment that took many of their lives.

With the creation of the human, it gives opportunity for Enchristed Souls to incarnate into an Earth body from all over the Galaxy. My Mentor has advised that the Earth holds a vast library of ethereal genes that come from many, many other worlds in the Cosmos. This not only means our Earth race of fleshly humans, but all other races on Earth, from birds, reptiles, animals, insects, trees, flowers, fruits, seaweed and sea life – and inanimate objects such as rocks, particularly crystals and precious stones and metals; shells, and earth – in fact everything that is upon our earth has come from somewhere else within the Cosmos.

Our Earth is a living library from other worlds in the Cosmos. The Australian Aborigine have always known this heritage, the knowledge being held in their dreamtime story telling.

All this knowledge has also been held by secret societies down through the ages. Christ, the leader of the star people, decreed a secret Church of Love. John the Divine was appointed its keeper. The Cathars in France were one branch of this secret church.

The Merovingian Kings who possessed fabulous powers, were said to be direct descendants of Christ holding the holy blood in their veins. The Holy blood being the genes from the star people. This Holy blood was also held by certain Priest Kings in early Ancient Egypt.

Icon of Joan of Arc

Jehanne d’Arc was a direct descendant of the Holy Blood. She was born of the Merovingian King line and hurriedly removed from an european royal house to the care of foster parents in Lorraine, France.

In 1244 The Cathars were known as “The Pure”. Jeanne d’Arc who incarnated in 1412 described herself as The Pure One. She declared herself to be La Pucelle – the virgin. She, too, has spoken to me in spirit and I believe is behind bringing forth “The Marvellous Revelations” that have now been portrayed in the books “Alcheringa – When The First Ancestors Were Created”, “The Book of Love by a Medium” and our latest book (just released), “Two Soulmates, Walking Through Time and History”.

As already mentioned, through a legend, that the lost manuscript is recorded and now lies in a cave somewhere in the South of France. The Cathar Prophecy also says the Book will be revealed to the world at a “pre-ordained time, by a predestined being of perfect innocence and absolute purity, who will be under the sign of the Dove.”

In a way the lost manuscript was held in the ether (stone or cave?) by the entity from the Cathar life in my Soul Story and as a Cathar she was considered a ‘Perfect’ and a Virgin under the sign of the Dove. It has now been revealed in the pre-ordained time, shown as the Return of the 8th Sister from the Pleiades and the SIGN from Holy Spirit with all the creatures large and small being born as PURE WHITE a direct message from the White brotherhood and the White sisterhood from the stars.

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