Questions Asked of Alcheringa – Introduced by Cosmic Sai Baba – at the Lungkata Room, Uluru December 20th 2020


Valerie Barrow: I call upon now Cosmic Sai Baba to make his presence amongst us.

Cosmic Sai Baba as channelled by Valerie: I am here and I am very pleased to be here and to see so many happy, smiling faces, and of course the Light Beings that you are. I want you to know that you are Light Beings, you have lived in the beginning of the human race, which was hue colour and it is of light. And so remember that always – you are Light Beings and from that you come from the creative source and that is what gives you inner strength. So you do not really have to worry about protection or worry about dark forces; they cannot exist at the layer of consciousness from the soul at the creation of source. I hope I am making myself understood.

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Our Alien Ancestry Conference – Chapter 3

Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 4th August 2020

Meeting August 4th, 2020 – Mossvale

Questions to be asked of Andromeda Val today.
  1. Would you describe the Adonis race and what it is like living on Andromeda M31?
  2. What will it be like on Earth when we move into the Golden Age?
  3. What is the most important thing Humans can do to move into the Golden Age?

Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Here is the YouTube video of this meeting.

Valerie Barrow: Today is Tuesday the fourth of August 2020 and we are calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to make his presence with us. Thank you.

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Notes About Scalar Energy

NOTES About ‘UPSTAIRS’ bringing Scalar Energy Pendants to our understanding. All over a period of one day. And we wish to thank Kathyn and Mick for gifting them to the speakers at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference in January this year at Uluru, Australia.

I Found my Pendant in its package on our Altar in the meditation room and decided to search on the net for more information about it…… (I saw that as upstairs wanting me to understand more about it.)

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Cosmic Sai Baba clarifies about being a Star Person


The Earth rises on the Moon

Valerie Barrow, (instrument of the Divine with the ladies of the Mystery School) has received a number of messages from concerned persons about the article on this website (and on The Mystery School) called “Sathya Sai Baba – Starperson”. Valerie – and the ladies of the Mystery School – have willingly given their lives over to serve the Divine in whatever name and form that Divine reveals itself. Valerie – along with these ladies – give their time, talents and resources acquired in this life, and in the many lives that have gone before. Much of this website – – is an exploration of the lives of Valerie and John Barrow. They have taken up journeys to places they have been guided to visit and brought back their spiritual experiences, their understanding, their learning. This is for the advance of humanity.

We mentioned that Valerie and these ladies give their time, talents and resources acquired in this life, and in the many lives that have gone before. The spiritual uplift that their souls have acquired in other lives on this and other planets has earned them the merit and the opportunity to place their unique talents in service of the Divine in this life, this time. Sathya Sai Baba said many times that “Service to God is service to Man”. The service of the ladies of the Mystery School is also service to humanity at large that they may progress and advance in these days of Ascension to the 5th and 6th dimensions and living in the Golden Age. Valerie has approached Cosmic Sai Baba for reply to the questions people have asked about “Sathya Sai Baba – Starperson”.

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John Barrow and Virtual Reality


John and Valerie Barrow travelled to France during 2015 and finished their travels with a visit to the United Kingdom. On this journey, there was closure for records or signatures of past events associated with the Crusades, Queen Eleanor, King Richard I (the Lionheart) and the Knights Templar, and importantly, the energies associated with the Crusades.

John Barrow has concluded a conversation with Cosmic Sai Baba on the Whispering Knights and certain energies associated, and the unfolding of Ascension and what the higher energies of the 5th and 6th Dimensions will feel like – as John and Valerie were given a ‘taste’ of what life would be like. John Barrow now moves on to another subject, that of bi-location and virtual reality, the capacity of humans to experience being in two different places at once.

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