The Fall of Atlantis

The Fall of Atlantis

The Angelic Realms organized a grid of energetic net to be thrown around the earth to contain the catastrophic disruption that was happening on earth1. The catastrophe had been caused by some of the scientists of the advanced race on earth, the Blue People. Many of their leaders had tried to stop the experimentation that had been taking place. Going against the wishes of their leaders, scientists had tried to capture an asteroid to be used as a second moon. A staging area for inter-action of various galactic races visiting this planet. Each moon was to be opposite each other held magnetically in orbit to the outer-atmosphere of the earth. It was to be used as a star ship launch and landing stage, as well as an observation post. The experiment failed miserably, with the asteroid missing the alignment point and slamming into the earth herself. An edict was given by the Star Nations Hierarchy under the supervision of the Angelic Realms that the earth was to be left to its own devices and not allowed to interrupt the normal flow of cosmic energy within the Galaxy. What man on earth had done to earth, man on earth had to undo.

The Earth is now moving from the third back into the fourth dimension as new energy from the Cosmos is allowed to enter into earth’s atmosphere. The grid that had been created around the earth is being opened like gates where energy lines cross. The new energy from the Cosmos, coming into the earth’s atmosphere, is causing a battle of the dark and light forces on earth seeking a balance. The new energy, Divine Light, will overcome the slower frequencies and infiltrate everything upon the earth. Thus the earth within its solar system is slowly aligning its sun – with the core of suns from other solar systems within our galaxy and universe, leading back to the source of all creation on its way to the fifth dimension. When, I believe we shall again be able to see the star people, God forms, and Angelic forms. The lifting of the third dimension to the fourth dimension is also the reason why so many archaeologists are finding so many ancient artefacts and bones. They just couldn’t see them until now.


1The energetic lines can been seen by those who have the capacity to view the 4th and 5th dimensions. At this point in time (early 2009) Upstairs has recently given the message that the new energy coming onto the earth is now coming through much stronger. The grid, seen as white, is opening like a doorway where the grids cross and is known as stargates.

One such seeker who sees the grid net regularly recently saw the intense energy which is transforming the earth. This photo was taken just after sunrise. The sun in fact is rising on the far left behind the photographer.

Pink Energy Grid in early morning skies

After 2012

Message from a Group of Light Beings – Announcement

On a recent meditation meeting at our new house in Moss Vale a number of visitors gathered, seated in a circle in our blue healing room. As I always do, I light a candle requesting all present to connect their minds to the Source of all Creation. As I have said, I do not plan how the meeting is to unfold. I ask everyone present to allow themselves, in the name of God, to become peaceful with loving thoughts. This particular day I heard a voice ask me if I would be willing to receive direction from a conglomerate of Light Beings, allowing an address to take place. I willingly agreed, although a little curious, as I haven’t done this before. I felt a peaceful energy overtake my energy field and begin speaking through my voice box.

“The one that comes through speaks on behalf of the Light Beings. They have always been here to hold the energy of the Crystal Light in whatever form they present themselves. As they have said so often, all you have to do is ask for guidance and/or assistance and they will come.

It is from the World of Light that the energy is coming. The World of Light is where souls return to, to a sea of souls. Souls are aspects of Light Beings. The energy of the soul is never lost.

There have been many races created and evolved on Earth and in the Cosmos. The Beings of Light are here now to assist the little Earthling to raise the consciousness of the Earth body. The Earth body continues to multiply and hold the energy in its cells of the ascension that has taken place at various times through its beginning and will continue to ascend. This Light energy is held in the eggs of the Earthling race and continues to be held with each new generation of babies. It holds the signature of the Earth being and so the race of the Earthling is always infused with the Light in the World of Light.

There are two major upliftments of the Earthling race. In particular when the infusion began from the animal man into human, the Light was imbued into the form of human. The other was when babies were born to Earthwomen who had been infused with Light from the Blue people. This is what has been brought to the Earthling’s understanding so that they may be aware of their beginnings and continue to have understanding of their source and their connection to their source of Creation of All.

All the Beings of Light who were here at Atlantean Times are back here now – assisting with this uplifting of the Earthling. Those that were part of the race that were progeny of the Blue people who fell to a degree are here but so are the Light Beings that have never broken away from the Source of Creation of all. They are here to bring that strength, that courage and that initiation into the Earthling that exists here now.

The Earthling is imbued with many different energy forms and Light forms. The Blue Crystal Light is the one that will take them into the future of the Adonis Race – which is a co-habitation and image of energies that have been used down through the ages to create the future form of the Earthling. This is where the Earthling race will move into.

There will be two paths. There will be a path where the Earthling will move into the Golden Age and be part of the Adonis Race, and a path where the race of the Earthling who is not ready to move into the Adonis Race. They will continue to live on Earth as Earth is presented at this time to evolve and mature until they are ready to move into the future race of the Adonis.

The Adonis Race to look at is very similar to the Earthling. A very good looking race -the eyes are not as large as those that are seen in the extraterrestrial but they do have large eyes – more as was seen with the ancient Egyptians. They have hair -they have well shaped bodies and balanced auras – a very graceful movement – they are free of disease – free of imperfections when unions take place and the new little embryos are formed; imperfections will no longer exist. They will carry the energy of the Adonis Race as each form is recreated at the coming together to produce the little ones. It is an act of God. It is an act, which has total permission from the Source, and therefore no pulling away in any distorted fashion from the World of Light or from The Source.

The people are kind and generous in thought. – big people, caring people, loving people, considerate to one another and always if there is a difference of opinion – honouring that difference and finding consensus to overcome a problem.

This is the new Earth. There are two Earths. One operating in a different dimension. Those operating in the new Earth of the Adonis Race will not be aware of the other race that is operating on the Earth. Nor will those Earth people be aware of the Earth’s Adonis Race – they will operate independently but within the same sphere.

Some have spoken about two suns and in actual fact that is true. But they are independent of each other. It is a different world. A World upon a World. It is separate but in the same place.

I speak on behalf the Beings of Light who have come and are always here to assist in any way that they can. To reach the point of separation where those that have chosen to move into the Adonis Race they will be welcomed with open arms. Those that choose to stay in a different dimension will be assisted and allowed to evolve. It is no judgement – it has been spoken of as at time of ‘wheat being sorted from the chaff’ an allegory only, of what we are speaking about.

Thank you my beloved. Thank you for allowing us to come – we bless you – we are always with you. Our hearts are One. God Bless.

Before 2012

ALCHERINGA … speaks …

“It is I Alcheringa …

Alcheringa speaks …

I have come this day to re-affirm of the major asteroids that have already hit this earth at another time … It is true cycles take place upon this earth, but I can assure you that there will be no more asteroids hitting this Earth.

It is an edict from the Hierarchy of the Elohim … they will not allow this to happen again.

The Earth has evolved to a point that peoples upon this Earth are taking responsibility for their actions. There is a need for people to respect one another … … to listen to one another and to resolve issues between one another.

There is a choice to follow God within and move forward into the Golden Age, which is a place of love, learning and giving. It is up to everybody upon this Earth to make that choice.

The Earth herself has already made that decision and is moving into a LINE of frequency that lifts the consciousness of every other thing that is upon this Earth.

St. Germaine, has said that the time of the ‘Fall of Atlantis’ was a time that spread all over the Earth… with upheavals happening in every place upon the Earth so that the people can remember of what happened at that time … they see images in their dreams, they have images in their soul memory … their fear is coming from that place. I would like everyone to understand this.

I will say again … NO asteroid will be allowed to plummet into your Earth. Be assured my children, I as Alcheringa have been known to the indigenous people as the Creator of the Dreamtime … … of the beginning … … of the creation of this Earth … and it is my assignment to make sure that from now on … this Earth and it’s solar system, travels to a place of peace and harmony … of calm, and loving energy … of always giving and sharing.

God Bless you My Children, God Bless you.”

Audio Recording of Alcheringa

You may listen to a recording of Alcheringa speaking about no more asteroids.

(This is an mp3 file, 5.4MB, playing time 5:41)

Afterword by Valerie

ULURU holds a timeless energy point on the Earth. It is in the centre of Australia, making it the heart of Australia. Alcheringa has advised that to the star people there is no difference between the 3rd dimension and the 4th dimension on Earth. The 4th dimension is not always seen by humans on Earth, although it is felt by us whether we realise it or not.

Thus the energy of change is still anchored on Earth by Uluru; it is an uplifting place, a place of deep mystery and unseen influences for good. A sacred place that the Indigenous people of Australia have always known and respected – performing regular ceremonies of suppliance. They know of the Creator Ancestor Alcheringa and why he says he resides at Uluru, and how the Creation Energy flows through 4th dimensional grid lines around the Earth.

The first time my keys were spirited away in 1994 was when I visited Uluru with a group of mediums to lift and bind the energies, with prayer, between Uluru and Kata Tjuta.

I misplaced my car keys and leaving the group, I retraced my steps walking alone along the Liru (meaning snake) track under the shadow of the huge rock Uluru. As I walked I became very upset and angry, not really knowing why, and as I strode out, sounding off as I walked, I realised I was walking beside the Ancestral Spirit of Alcheringa. I am tall and he was having trouble keeping up with me. I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was there. He was speaking to me. We must have walked about one kilometre. I didn’t really understand my behaviour, but it seemed to reach back into a past time within my soul memory, and was releasing pent up emotions held from a dreamtime. It was as though I was a snake shedding old skin. When we came to Uluru itself, he asked me was I still willing to work for him. I laughed and replied, “Of course.”

When I finally rejoined my colleagues I had to face the embarrassment of telling them that I had found my keys in my pocket. (Spirit had manifested them back there.)

The message, I believe now, is we are all Creators and it is time to devote ourselves with prayer to God to anchor the energy of change for the “Good of All”.

Sacred Uluru, the home of Alcheringa
Sacred Uluru, the home of Alcheringa

Sai Baba and the Hot Water Bottle

Shri Hottienanda aka Shri Hotwaterbottle…

The Story

This story is certainly one of life’s little mysteries … Although I now believe that Sai Baba had something to do with it.

Everyone who sees the hot water bottle and hears the story is agog!!!

The story is, that about 5 years ago my Spiritual Mother Margo Gill (she passed over 3 years ago, God bless her!), gave me a photo of Sai Baba, a small one the size of a drivers licence, and some ash from Sai Baba which was bought back to her by a couple of her friends who had spent some months in the ashram in India with him. I was very grateful when accepting her gift but I was not a follower of Sai Baba nor did I know much about him except that he was an evolved soul – who was a Guru – whose teachings touched a chord in millions of people and that he was able to manifest himself and also manifest ash and other things.

Anyway, Sai Baba’s photo lay around my desk for a while. One day I looked into my wardrobe for something and saw a spot on the back in the alcove part for Sai Baba’ photo.

A couple of years passed and I realised one day that there was a hook about 4cm to the right of the picture and thought to myself that it was a perfect spot to hang my hot water bottles. So I did. They hung there for for a couple of years hiding Sai Baba’s face. (I had forgotten that he was there!)

Well, on the afternoon of 13th Sept 2002 I opened my cupboard door to get something and to my surprise I saw a flap of red rubbery stuff, looking just like a fold of fabric, hanging down the back of the wardrobe.. with the blue hottie in front of it.

Melted hot water bottle

I took the Blue hottie away and to my amazement the red hot water bottle’s whole side had peeled away (sort of melted) and was just hanging by a few rubbery spaghetti type threads. This is what I saw!!!

I took the melted red hottie off the hook and noticed that the spot where the heat came from, had melted a small window in the top right hand side of the hot water bottle.. exactly the spot where Sai Baba’s face was!

And there is a red rubber imprint in fine lines on the back of the blue hottie which was hanging in front of the red one in the cupboard … and the blue one wasn’t even melted although it was leaning up against it.

We were a bit spooked out with this. so I took Sai Baba’s photo out of the cupboard , made an altar, lit a candle and put flowers in a vase and laid out the hotwaterbottle in front of it. With respect!

What did this all mean?? How did it happen? Why in my cupboard?

I’ve learnt never to put a hot water bottle over Sai Baba’s face again.

I’ve learnt to remember that magic continues to happen.

I’ve learnt that there are things that happen that are unexplained … until someone explains them …

I’ve learnt that if I really need to contact the uncontactable … It will happen!!!

Sai Baba was and still is smiling in the photo.

Any ideas, I’m open to anything you may suggest. A scientific explanation??


Howard Tosse’s story of healing

Howard Toose’s experience of Healing with the Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola at Abadiania

This talk given with permission by John of God at Abadiania on 23.6.2011.

Howard began by asking everyone to hold hands to say The Lord’s Prayer

“I will warn you I tend to get very emotional when telling my story. Up until I came here to the Casa, tears would not come easily – but since I have come here and received a very strong connection with St. Ignatius, when he is around I feel a strong emotion of love and compassion. I am not a public speaker I just say it as it is, so if you leave because of boredom, I won’t be upset.

Howard Toose at Casa Dom Ignatio

Howard Toose at Casa Dom Ignácio

Today I feel I need to go right back to the beginning. I was working in a Supervisor position with a large communication company in Australia and we were preparing for cable TV. I had a lot of responsibility with crews working on various jobs. Where my accident happened there were cables being laid underground with huge copper cables running everywhere on the main route to Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Sydney and Melbourne.

I was in the office and received a call from one of my very efficient crews, working in the Southport – Surfer’s Paradise area which is an extremely busy built up area linking Melbourne to Brisbane. They were looking for a pipe that was coming across the street into a large chamber – you may have seen man holes covered by lids in the street, this one had six lids.

Where they join the complicated cable system they said the cable crossing the street was not there. Every job that goes out I check the plans and I found that very unusual. So I said, “Leave it to me and I will come and have a look, just leave a barrier around the hole.”

As I have said, I was in the office and was able to get away about 3.30pm in the afternoon. I climbed down into the huge chamber – It was about 6 and a half feet deep where the main lids are and then they drop down to about 5 and a half feet, just as you go away from the lids and then there are concrete tunnels to conduits that come out into the end-bell.

I looked in the main area, it had been disturbed but there was nothing at all. Its got to be here, I thought and as I started to get deeper into the huge chamber I pulled some big cables away and found it … and just at that time a big spider found my arm. As that spider found my arm – my reflex was to jump straight up. I was wearing a safety helmet – but as I jumped up I hit the concrete ceiling with my head, because there was not that much room.

I came up with such force I heard a lot of cracking and noises going on in my neck region. I knew I was in trouble, then with the aggravation of that spinal injury, it caused an abnormal growth in my nervous system canal and it slowly strangled my nervous system. There was no room for my nervous system to go through.

I have had four operations, and one of those was to open up the nervous system canal, but as the doctors’ say the damage done to the nervous system will not repair itself. You have to live with that.

After the operations the pain level was the same. To explain the pain level, for me, I knew what pain was, I played football – raced motorbikes, I did all the silly things and I have been smashed up pretty badly at times. I already had a few screws and plates inside my body. The pain from a previous spinal injury was absolutely nothing — in comparison to this nervous system injury.

The only way I can describe it is a 10 out of 10 pain level – the pain level was worse – up to four times worse – and it is with you all the time. Even though the canal had been opened with operations, the pain was all the way down from the head all the time. I had to lay down all the time – the house was silent all the time (I realise now) because I couldn’t handle any noise. I couldn’t handle light. I just laid in my bed or on a recliner out in the family room.

Once a week I had to get up and be taken to the doctor for government approval for the painkillers (they were narcotics) I was prescribed. When you talk to medical people these painkillers are really heavy stuff. On a bad day, I may as well have been taking Smarties or Minties (confectionery); there was no relief from the pain at all.

So living with that pain was very confronting and perpetually present for me; I realise now how hard it was for my family also. At the end of the first twelve months the pain specialist said to my wife, “You are very lucky to have him, with the pain level he has suffered only two percent of patients survive.”

I can relate to that – it was hard to keep going – suffering a pain at that level 24 hours a day was horrific. It gets that bad you go for 3 or 4 days with out any sleep whatever, then your body just shuts down – it has had enough – you are closed down for a couple of days – then the cycle starts up again.

I was at the stage, 9½ years after the accident, where I was crippled and a hunched up little old man. By the time a decision was made for me to come to the Casa, the major organs in my body were closing down.

Before that in early 2002, a chance meeting took place between my wife, my sister-in-law and a lady who was about to travel to Abadiania. She was on her way to the Casa and said to my wife, “I want to take him with me.” My wife said, “No way, he is flat out getting to the doctor each week; He would never make it.” So then the lady asked if she could take my photo over there. My wife, and sister-in-law Noreen said they would ask me. So when they told me of the lady going to John of God in Brazil and how he was a spiritual healer and that she would like to take my photo, I said, “Well it can’t hurt, I don’t have to do anything.” And that was when my photograph came over here.

While the photograph was at the Casa in Brazil, to me, in Australia, it felt like I was having a spiritual cleansing. It was a really hard time. It was nightmarish, but it was preparing me. Then the more I was coming to the White Light in Abadainia – the more I felt I was being dragged away by a force. It is something not to dwell on, but if anyone has that experience – the closer you get to the white light – the other forces pulling against you will give up. Soon after that exeperience I felt I was totally in the White Light and I never needed to have any more concerns after that.

Some time ago while I was still in Australia, I had a vision and saw a beautiful smiling and compassionate face. A face I didn’t know. But it was so clear and it stayed with me; I felt that one day I would meet this person or come to know who it was.

My sister-in-law and my wife felt they wanted to find out more about John of God. In those days there wasn’t that much information about him and what was happening at the Casa. They were planning to come over to the Casa, to see what was going on here, and to see if I could be helped at all. I said, “I must go too, I feel very strongly that I should.”

I didn’t know at the time, but my friends and relatives were so much against me coming. They thought they would never see me again because I was so ill.

The trip was planned, we made it to Auckland where we spent 2 nights there, which prepared me for the next leg to Santiago, Chile. We spent four nights there and I knew I was in a lot of trouble – I knew I was critically ill, and I knew I had to get out of Chile. We left Chile, and arrived at Sao Paulo, Brazil. I was lying flat out on the floor at the airport there in a bad way. We made it to Brazilia, the capital of Brazil; I was still in a bad way. We decided to stay at a hotel in Brazilia before taking the last leg of the journey, the taxi ride for a 1½ hour drive to Abadiania.

Next morning at the hotel, I was so ill, Margaret my wife called for a doctor, the doctor came immediately, called an ambulance and set up a mini intensive care in the hotel room. On my way to the hospital I died.

I had an out-of-body experience – I remember being up over the ambulance and seeing the paramedics working on me. I have no idea how long I was dead for. I am told it was up to 15 minutes. I have no recall from when we left the hotel to when we arrived at the hospital – I was having a nice soft ride above the ambulance not feeling a thing.

Looking down, spirit came all around me; we conferred. They said you can come but it is not your time yet, you have a lot of work to do, but it is your decision. If anyone has been in that situation it is so much easier to go to the ‘other side.’ I chose to stay.

If anyone has seen the Clint Eastwood movie Hereafter there has been a lot of research done with people that have been to the ‘other side’ and come back. The Light comes all around you.

So I was in the hospital in the intensive care ward. My wife was with me and was told there was an outside chance that I would make it through the day. I was very lucky to even get to the hospital.

By that night I was back in the hotel room. (This was a miracle)

That day was virtually the start of a new life for me.

After a couple of days recuperating we proceeded to Abadiania. My wife and her sister had their photos sent on also and those had been marked with a cross by John-of-God in entity which means they needed a spiritual operation. So when we were all in the Assembly Hall up where all the wheel chair people are – the ‘operation’ line was called and so they left, that left me with no one to push my wheelchair. I had never had to use a wheelchair before and so when I was called to the queue, I was struggling to operate the thing. I struggled through the rooms, past all the mediums sitting in deep mediation holding The Light at ground level. When I came closer to John of God I thought, “Wow, this is the vision I had before,” at the time my photograph first came over.

I was thinking, ‘This is going to be amazing; I’m going to come face to face with him and he is going to give me that beautiful smiling face. I can’t wait’. Then it was my turn. I was still struggling to operate the wheelchair; nobody came to push me. As I got close to him the wheelchair took on the force of one of those Bi-lo shopping trolleys and I nearly ran over his toes and had to pull his feet out of the way. The vision wasn’t there. It was the complete opposite to the vision. The look on his face was like, “Get him out of here.” I thought O.K. I’ve missed out on the lovely vision.

I was sent to the ‘Blessing Room,’ and then everytime I came near him again, I was sent out to the ‘Blessing Room.’ I thought, I can wear this, if I am not meant to have spiritual surgery so be it. At least I am here.

Then finally, the time came when he sent me for an ‘Operation.’ When I was sitting in the operation room, again surrounded by mediums in deep meditation holding the Light, we are asked to put our right hand over our heart. A beautiful voice floats through the room saying, “In God’s name may everybody in this room be healed.”

I felt two big waves of energy float down through the top of the head, with a shaking feeling and then into the eyes with another strong shaking feeling. Then I could feel ‘spirit fingers’ manipulating my spine. After a while I felt I was in a whirly wind. There were no fans in the room but I could feel the brushing sensation. I returned to my room at the guest house where I was staying and was laid out on my bed for a couple of days. I felt I had been anaesthetized (like you do after being in hospital) and needed to rest.

Then on the day we were to leave, I walked up to John-of-God in entity, and was greeted with that beautiful smiling compassionate face and he said, “Don’t worry we are working upon you.”

I knew I was going to get better. By the time I arrived back in Sydney I sat up for 2½ hours talking about what had happened at the Casa at Brazil. I had never been able to do that from the time of my injury in the telephone cable pit.

The healing is ongoing – the energy has stayed with me all the time. After that first trip the pain level began to ease. Which the medical profession said would never happen. My neck was locked solid and as I said, I was a crippled up little old man. What hair I had was snow-white and very little left. Our son’s friend said “You have grown about 4 inches!” He had only ever known me to be crippled and in agony. I could stand straight again.

Earlier, when I had been so ill, I couldn’t talk with people for more than a few minutes as I would be exhausted with the pain. I had two friends (one a theatre nurse who only came to visit once); they confessed their visit was so depressing and they were just waiting to receive a phone call that I had passed away.

After I returned to Australia, I went back to my doctor and walked into his office, and I am standing straight. I told him I want to halve the morphine tablets straight away. He exclaimed, “You can’t do that … you have been on those tablets for 9½ years!” I replied, “If I feel it is not right, I will take an extra one or I will come back and see you.”

He halved that prescription straight away. Over a period of time we have continued to lower the dosage. I did tell my doctor I was going to Brazil to a spiritual healer. He is young and he does have an open mind. Since then he has asked for more information; he has read books and watched the DVD’s and he has told me he wants to accompany me on one trip.

So my health continues to improve all the time. As events unfolded, I have been able to return to John of God. John of God recently made two visits to New Zealand, and we took the opportunity to visit him. And I have discovered that ‘operations’ still happen at the Casa in Brazil whether he is there or not.

In 2006 in Abadiania I was sitting in meditation where ‘current’ is held in the Casa of John of God. I offered myself to serve to help others. I talk to a lot of groups here at Abadiania and in Australia.

When I recently met Howard at Abadiania he had just received another ‘operation. ‘ John of God-in-entity had said to him, “I will heal you.”

Howard Toose has a Crystal Bed. He can be contacted on his mobile 0408 289 351 or (07) 552 46025 Email:

Howard is a Medium to John of God and a son of The Casa De Dom Inacio

He has many more stories to tell.

Howard Tosse at Casa Dom Ignatio

Howard Toose at Casa Dom Ignácio

Sai Baba – by Frances Todd

Sai Baba, by Frances Todd

Here on this page, we bring you one experience of Sai Baba, shortly after he left his physical body.

The following information is given, with permission, from Frances Todd:

Sai Baba in Mumbai

I thought you might like this humorous little personal anecdote from just before Baba’s passing from his earth shell. Please feel free to publish it on your website as a personal anecdote.

Sai Humour very much alive

Written to a Sai friend on 25 April 2011, who sent a message about Sai Baba’s leaving the physical body on Easter Sunday. I had known some years before he would probably leave early and I was aware that he was in hospital in Puttiparthi.

In the week leading up to Easter 2011, I had been thinking more about fine-tuning relations with spiritual guides, and relating to them more consciously on a day to day level, and in particular moments. I have never bothered too much about names before, feeling presences and promptings only. But this time, there was need for something deeper for rest of this life. So I asked for a name, something with El in it to indicate angel (Jewish/Arabic suffix to do with angel or holy). A movie title with Madigan caught my attention.

Then I thought of Elvira Madigan. Then I thought of ways to spell it. El-vera. Then the question, what does Vera mean – all this accompanied with sense of much laughter. So I went online to a website of names to check out meaning of name for Vera – it is, Truth.

Then I wondered, El-vera – is there a name spelt like that?S o I typed in it, and Elvera, Elverah, is an old English name meaning: man of truth. Can be used for male/female names. This exercise was carried out on either Friday/Saturday of this Easter week. Throughout the week, there had been many mental flashes of Baba in my mind.

So with Baba’s passing on Ester Sunday morning – delivered via a friends’ email – the connection between Elverah (truth) – and Sathya Sai Baba (truth) was made. Sai Baba is not gone, I can see him in mind.

And he is now my Angel of Truth (El-verah), which is how He appears to me. For someone else, He will appear differently,but still the same Baba serious and with impish sense of humour at same time. I like to laugh a lot with Baba.

Now He is freed of the Body in this dimension, at least, in form as he appeared to world and us, he sets to accomplish next stage of His mission. So we as eyes head heart hands and limbs of cosmic Sai continue the work of love and loving.

4 May 2011

Sai Baba

After Sai Baba left

Sai Baba, after Samadhi (leaving the body)

Here on this page, we bring you one experience of Sai Baba, shortly after he left his physical body.

The following information is given, with permission, from Belinda Pate:

Sai Baba breaking coconuts

The message I received from Swami today was very clear. He was standing right in front of me and said:

“I was never in one body; I was in Every Body and still am. It is now time for my work to be done through Every Body, especially those who have been my ‘devotees’. ” (He says ‘devotees’ in a way that indicates he knows everyone is the same, just that those who have followed his teachings whilst he was incarnate will be called upon to practice those teachings and share them with the world.)

He then showed me that now His physical body is no longer here, there will not be a focal point for the darker energies to project their allegations and dissentions to. No one makes accusations against Jesus, Buddha, Krishna or Allah because they are no longer in physical form. Without the physical body, His teachings can be shine through Every Body and with less resistance. It is time for us to step up to the plate.

I also understood that His physical form now being in the 4th dimension makes it easier to be a bridge for the transformation into the 5th dimension which will take place over the next few years.

The experience I had on the Thursday before his passing was important.

I was in a space of peace and contentment whilst away camping at Cania Gorge. I was simply walking to the shop to buy some ice when I felt the energy of the Puttaparthi ashram surround me and saw Swami quite clearly in front of me. He said “I am here, I am present”. I had experiences whilst I was away of being changed profoundly. Rainbows were emanating from my heart in concentric circles. I felt I was being prepared to work in a different way.

The message I felt from His appearance at the camping site was that whenever you are in a space of peace, contentment and openness, then you will see Him easily. He is everywhere, we just need to be in that space continually to see Him clearly.

Please feel free to share any of this on your website, and with anywhere else you think will be of benefit to others.

with much love Belinda

Sai Baba

Visit to John of God

Jao de Deus

Earlier this year I visited the medium known as John of God at Casa Dom Ignáico, in Abadiana, Brazil.

Casa Dom Ignácio – the residence of the Medium known as
John of God, in Abadiana, Brazil.

A most sacred place.

I had first heard of the ‘miracle healings’ that occur at the Casa when I read Shirley MacLaine’s account of her visit there in her book Going Within. She was cured of stomach cancer and this was in 1991.

Photograph of a painting of St Ignatius, Spanish Mystic, at Casa Dom Ignácio

Photograph of a painting of St Ignatius, Spanish Mystic, at Casa Dom Ignácio

Later in 2001 Robert Pellegrino-Estrich and his wife visited the Southern Highlands, where we live, giving a public talk about their book, The Miracle Man and the life story of Joao De Deus.

On the cover of their book it says that Joao treats 1000 people per day; 11 million people have been treated over 30 years. He makes the blind see and quadriplegics walk again. More operations per day than a large hospital in a month. Why is there no bleeding when he does the occasional physical operation? How is it possible without anaesthetic? He has cured 139 cases of AIDS. How does he remove tumours without touching the patient? He has been recorded to bring a man back from death completely healed, verified by doctors. Why does he refuse payment?

All this was recorded 10 years ago, and he is still working. Joao has dedicated his life to his work for 54 years and has never taken a holiday. When he is incorporated with ‘entity‘ he does not remember a thing and has asked that all proceedings be recorded photographed, and videoed. He would be the most powerful Medium on earth.

Photograph of John of God at Casa Dom Ignácio

Photograph of John of God at Casa Dom Ignácio

I found more and more people I knew were making the long journey to his Casa and receiving healings – not all at physical level but in some way they would receive healing of their Soul, their Spirit, their Mind and/or Body.

Waiting room at Casa Dom Ignácio

Waiting room at Casa Dom Ignácio

The Casa is a sacred place with crystals over a metre wide and sometimes over a metre high that are programmed to hold Divine Light and prayers said constantly by visitors, and volunteers who work with Joao in his ‘current‘ room. Many mediums assist by sitting in meditation, and hold the energy of Divine Light in the house or Casa while Joao is in operation. Sometimes 3 to 4 hours at a time – this is called a current.

Waiting room at Casa Dom Ignácio

Another view of the Waiting room at Casa Dom Igácio

The Casa itself is built on land where crystals have formed deep under the earth surface. It allows the entities, or spirit doctors as they are called, to come into the earth’s atmosphere and stay to do the work of healing.

The energy also releases any ‘unwanted entities‘ that are around for it is said that up to 60% of ill health in people are caused by ‘attached entities.’

If you wonder about crystals, think about the first crystal radio and the use of crystals in technology exploring outer space.

Photograph of Valerie and friend at the entrance to Casa Dom Ignácio

Photograph of Valerie and friend at the entrance to Casa Dom Ignácio

In November 2010, a friend took my photo on one of her journeys to the Casa – stood in a long queue of hundreds of people who daily visit when The Medium, Joao is in residence, and is in “Entity“. Meaning as a Medium he allows a Spirit Entity to incorporate his body, and work through him to perform miraculous healings. Joao-in-entity took the photo of me from my friend, prescribed herbal medicine and marked the photo with a cross. That meant I was being asked to visit the Casa in Brazil to receive a spiritual operation.

Valerie Barrow floating in the air at the entrance to Casa Dom Ignácio

Front gate is in focus – I look like I am floating – strange green light coming from somewhere? Have a look at next photo?

I took the herbal medicine and did feel I was being called to visit the Casa. I suffered with too many skin cancers, diagnosed as Basel Cell Carcinomas for many years and now developing into Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and even landed in hospital having to have skin grafts on both legs leaving me totally bedridden with bed baths and bed pans for 2 weeks before being able to stand – let alone fully heal a month later. I already suffer with a skin disease known as Psoriasis making it difficult to recognize when a cancer lesion is beginning to form.

The next form of cancer is Melanoma. My mother died of Melanoma so I thought it was time I sought help. Already, I was encouraged to find that the latest cancer skin lesions on my legs were diagnosed as ‘keratosis’ which is only the first stage of cancer – so I was receiving healing from a distance. I was already being worked upon. I had to go.

John, my husband, was going to come with me but at the last minute decided not to come after all. As it turned out I was led into a room for an ‘Intervention‘ which most people call a ‘Spiritual Operation,’ as soon as I arrived. That meant I had to rest on my bed for the first 24 hours with food being brought to my room. For the next 8 days I needed to rest, not work at my computer at all, and I found I received insight and knowledge relating to my well being. It was a time I needed to be alone just to allow healing to take place. After 8 days you are asked to queue again to go before Joao-in-entity for a ‘Revision‘ and have spiritual stitches removed. He sent me on another ‘Intervention‘ and the same thing happened which meant it was as if I was in hospital for 16 days and we were only there for 19 days, so it would not have been much fun for my John.

Valerie Barrow photographed at Casa Dom Ignácio

Strange green light again – and it looks out of focus – but it isn’t my face anymore? I like the pink light across my heart. I asked Joao-in-entity and he said, “It was showing the energy that exists in the Casa.” In the background on the right – it looks like a row of spirit entities.

Not everybody can feel a spiritual operation taking place, but it is still happening. I was lucky enough to be aware of spirit fingers moving inside my body and receiving waves of healing energy pass through me. For the first day I felt I was recovering from anaesthetic and my mind was totally addled. I began to feel lighter and was asked to attend a crystal bed. These are available at the Casa and at various places around the world. It is a huge metal arm, on a stand, reaching over a bed. The arm separates into more arms holding different coloured crystals that are positioned above the body’s chakras. Light then pulsates through the crystals rendering healing down to the body lying on the bed. The last treatment I received I felt I was lying on a soft cloud in outer space, not really wanting to return. It brings balance of light energy into the body.

Now that I have returned home I am still aware I am being ‘worked’ upon by the spirit doctors. They say healing can take up to 40 days and/or sometimes up to 3 or 4 months. I have been given more herbal tablets which are ground passion fruit flowers and leaves with a special individual energy given to each patient. I also continue to drink the blessed water that is available from the Casa. You are asked not to stop taking any allopathic medicine that you may already be taking.

John and I missed each other, and he says we are never going to travel separately again. Because of the recent Chilean volcanic eruptions our flight was detoured – taking 21 hours instead of 14 hours. My ankles were twice the size of normal on the journey home – never had them swell like that before. I am still to attend 3 more crystal beds which are available in the Southern Highlands.

John has not been well and has developed a heavy red rash all over his body. We know it is probably an allergic reaction to some medication he has been taking but I cannot help remembering that the Casa advised that you can take on healing for someone else. I believe John is helping me to heal – as my body is now covered in a psoriasis red rash and I believe John is assisting with the healing of the karma of this body that exists from the soul before me. Psoriasis is inherited through family DNA history and spiritually can be difficult to heal. How amazing! We both look like we have a bad case of measles. Funny really. What a mess I would be in if I had to take it all on by myself.

So there is more to come – let alone all the wonderful information I have received while processing my healing at the Casa.


Crystal Bed Healing, blessed by The Casa is available from:

Amanda Grant, Burradoo, Southern Highlands, NSW
Mobile Phone: 0415 541 115
Southern Highlands official John of God Casa
Linda Walker-Muschelknautz, Moss Vale, Southern Highlands, NSW
Mobile Phone: 0435 839 707