A Psychic examines Kariong Images

Kariong Image

Many years back, Valerie Barrow took a collection of pictures of the Kariong site, and asked a psychic friend to sit with the images and record the impressions that came.

All our readers will be aware of the Egyptian-like hieroglyphs found in a tall stone corridor at Kariong near Gosford, Australia. Our book, ‘Alcheringa when the first ancestors were created‘ speaks about our experiences when first taken to the site. There are two stories found in the writings on the wall – a Mission from the Star people coming on a huge Mothership to this planet that went terribly wrong 900,000 years ago. The survivors from the Pleiades went on to genetically engineer the up-standing ape like creature so that the Human was created (meaning a Light-man, a creature imbued with the hue of light).

We know these to have been the beginning of the Australian Aborigine race. Many tribes have dreaming stories about the 7 sisters (Pleiades constellation) and how they came to this planet and were their ancestors.

There is also another story — much later — of two Egyptian Princes coming to this land to learn from the ‘clever fellas’ in Australia. Unfortunately one of the princes was bitten twice by a snake and died. The Stone corridor with the glyphs telling the story was once covered by a stone roof and is what we believe to be an ancient Egyptian Tomb dating around 4,500 to 5,000 years ago.

The Australian Tribal Elders speak of their knowledge of being visited by Egyptians thousands of years ago.

We were taken to the site by an Aborigine Elder, named Gerry Bostock on thd 10th of October 1995. Gerry introduced us to the area and the ways of the ancient protocol to enter the country. Many photos were taken, including a video, now on YouTube ( here and here).

The Psychic Impressions from Pictures

I showed the photos of the hieroglyphs to my dear psychic medium friend Helen Smythe, from Australia, who said she would sit with them and ask her Spirit Mentor for a translation: This was back in 1995.

The following is what she so kindly gave to us:


As I tune in, I perceive a firey mass – just as it had been broken off from the Sun. There is just fog – a grey mist. Now I see a multitude of Light Beings incorporating with matter – knowing that the essence of spirit would have a chance to progress.

I see the Earth with seven auric spheres.

I see electro-magnetic energy pouring out of those light beings. They will evenutally work with people at a particular time of evolution.

I see light being poured down to stimulate the DNA so that its strength will increase 6-fold.

I see a higher frequency of energy emerging within our world and a collective telepathing flow manifest within the Universe.

All these photos speak of secret knowledge — and a language ‐ which seems to have a two-fold meaning … only understood by the initiated.

This secret knowledge will become acessible to all people as they are awakening to the truth, that they are immortal and that the soul is seeking release from the personality.

I am being given to understand that we enter a kind of amnesia as we enter the body … and that we are given free will as a means by which we are able to make mistakes.

I am being told, that when a certain molecule of mind in any kindgom (mineral, plant, animal, etc.) reaches its full potential, it gravitates naturally to the next level of progression.

I see im my mind gateways all over the world closing up and I see others being opened at the same time. Some are postive and some are negatively charged

I see dormant old sites being located on the planet; some are new ones which begin to manifest etherically, astrally and mentally on the planet.

I see human consciousness going through a 180° change.

I see a lot of encoded knowledge will be revealed in the future.

The Kariong Images

Read the message for these images

Read the message for this image

Read the message for this image

Read the message for this image

Read the message for this image

Read the message for these images

Read the message for these images

Read the message for these images

Images and text © Valerie Barrow

Alcheringa, Kariong and the Story of Humans – Part 2

Thumbnail, your mother is a star

Alcheringa, Kariong and the Story of Humans – Part 2

Continuing on from my last article Alcheringa has led us to the story of how the Star People came to this earth nearly 1 million years ago from the Pleiades (The Seven Sisters) and helped to create the first humans. He said that a group of souls would come together and speak of their past-life memory of being those Star People. This has come true – and the book Alcheringa when the first ancestors were created is a compilation of their memories.

Read more

Kariong and the Ancient Egyptians in Australia

Valerie Barrow channels Alcheringa at Kariong

As Alcheringa told many years ago, the Kariong site of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs is a ‘Doorway’ and that the glyphs would mean many things to many people. He also said he would release keys to the story as time progressed. This has happened.

Alcheringa at Kariong 12th December, 2011

Film Documentary ‘Wirritjin’ it is a Ramindjeri (Kangaroo Island Indigenous people) word/philosophy meaning “Blackfella Whitefella Dreaming – together.”

On the 11th December, 2011 we visited the Kariong site to listen to the two talks – one by Steve Strong and the other by Dr Hans-Dieter von Senff, PH.D

We also met a film crew making a documentary “Blackfella Whitefella Dreaming Together.” I was interviewed for the Whitefella Dreaming part and Alcheringa was filmed when he gave us a Transmission.

You may also view this Interview on YouTube. ( With thanks to Olivia Olley and thanks to the Film Crew>)

The transcript of the Transmission by Alcheringa may be read here.

Hundreds of people, if not thousands, have been able to connect to this story as written about ordinary people remembering being Starpeople and how the first humans were created, nine hundred thousand years ago. See the Book “Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created” Or the E-Book “Starpeople Revisited.”

In his transmission, Alcheringa referred to his talk given to us 16 years ago at the Kariong site of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs when he told us the site was a ‘Doorway’ and that the glyphs would mean many things to many people. He also said he would release keys to the story as time progressed. He also said there was still more story to come. This has happened.

Our story speaks of the Australian Indigenous people not only being the ‘first people’ of Australia but they are the ‘First Humans.’ The Indigenous people say they didn’t come from elsewhere, they began here in this land we now call Australia and then travelled out to other places around the earth.

Ramindjeri Elders claim their ancestors circumnavigated the globe in a figure eight.

A quote from Uncle Rueben Kelly, a Dhungutti (Kempsey) Elder and last man in NSW allowed to carry out initiation ceremonies for boys. “Our legends tell us we came to your planet in a space ship made of energy. When it hit the atmosphere it turned into crystal.”

This story is similar to what we remember as star people although in our memory the space ship was attacked. We know now that the space ship is the Moldavite crystal.

There are other tribal elders who say their ancestors came from the Pleiades, and point to the 7 stars seen in the sky.

I knew of another story gleaned from the same site written by Paul White and how the glyphs were translated into the story of 2 Egyptian princes along with their crew having survived their boat being damaged. However one of the Princes was bitten by a snake and died. This was said to be 5,000 years ago; www.crystalinks.com/egyptaustralia.html

Archaeologists and Egyptologists have not been able to decipher the hieroglyphs and, that, coupled with rumours of an old man seen by a park ranger to be cutting the glyphs into the rock face; the area has been declared a hoax.

This has been challenged by a number of scholars, who produce good evidence of the site’s authencity as being a genuine Ancient Egyptian burial tomb.

I was listening to Steve Strong’s talk and his belief that the Egyptians came here 4,500 years ago. He also said he believed they came on a pilgrimage because they knew and respected the ancient Australian people who had been here a very long time. I was thinking, “I agree with that” … I had drawn an Egyptian like image:~

Draco-Reptilian image found at Cave Hill

Draco – like reptilian image found at Cave Hill, Central Australia
(drawing made with permission)

I had seen on the ceiling of the Cave, at Cave Hill Central Australia, of the Seven Sisters from the Pleiades. On the ceiling it was drawn in black charcoal and was carbon dated over 20,000 years. It looked very similar to the ‘crocodile looking man‘ who is in the Judgement Day papyrus of Egyptian Legend,

Photo of Judgement Day Painting

Photo of Judgement Day Painting

The green headed crocodile man is said to eat some of the deceased’s heart if too heavy before it can move on to heaven. (Read the full article here)

Steve Strong has recently published an article in the latest edition of New Dawn Magazine January-February 2012 edition. Steve has spent time living with the indigenous people and has been initiated as one of them. He and his son Evan has collected an enormous amount of information over the years of the existence of Ancient Egyptians visiting this land 4500 years ago. They say that the huge area of rock art by the indigenous people and new hieroglyphs found, independent of the disputed site at Kariong, make it too important to ignore or write off as a hoax. The area must be protected.

You can read more about this on Steve’s Website, www.forgottenorigin.com

Steve has also written an article, Australian Original astronomical rock engravings will rewrite world history. You can read this here

Dr Hans-Dieter von Senff, has produced a paper recently lodged with the National Library. He says, “These Hieroglyphs are real and have existed for some 4,500 years in Australia. In order to prove that these Proto-Egyptian glyphs are not graffiti, as claimed by various “Experts” and “Egyptologists,” but are the written record left by pre-historic man, written in a coherent and understandable language that makes sense even 4,500 years later. This site is no hoax, but a genuine archaeological discovery; as is proven by the newly discovered second set of glyphs and the existence of an underground airshaft.”

You may download and read Dr Hans-Dieter von Senff’s book, Ancient Egyptians in Australia. (This is the version submitted to the National Library of Australia.) (PDF file, 4.5 MB)

You may download and read Dr Hans-Dieter von Senff’s book, Prohibited Egyptology. (This is an examination of the Egyptian glyphs and burial cave at Kariong.) (PDF file, 2.9 MB)

Of course our work has been about starpeople, or sky heroes as some indigenous folk have described them. I believe the Ancient Egyptians that came 4,500 years ago knew about the original indigenous people and their beginnings from the Pleiadean ancestry and as I have suggested, visited this land on a pilgrimage.

In 1982 the Cairo Times reported that archaeologists working at Fayum, near the Siwa Oasis in Egypt uncovered fossils of kangaroos and other Australian marsupials. Read about this here. It would be interesting to know the dates given to the fossils.

People may be interested in attending another talk Steve Strong is giving at Kariong – please come if you can. You can download a Press Release about this meeting on 18th of February.

“Within this region there is evidence through Aboriginal engravings, formations and paintings of boats meant to navigate open seas, astronomical constructions, an array of ancient Egyptian symbols and a multitude of artstyles and techniques. So numerous and out-of-region are the styles found we have previously referred to this region being the Stone-age equivalent of Alexandria. Such is the quantity, quality and diversity of extremelyimportant sacred sites, there is no other option but to protect and treasure the sites and surrounding land. The entire area, in particular the Kariong / Bambara region, is of international significance. More importantly, what is engraved into rock platforms, constructed and painted in cave-walls goes a long way towards justifying the belief held by Aboriginal Elders and custodians of lore, that they are not related to ancient Africans and always came from Australia, that they were the first intercontinental mariners, the first Homo sapiens and that “all other peoples of the world come from us.” This is not a new interpretation of history but the most ancient and factual account that has ever existed. Find out some of the reasons why this land is so special and so important in fleshing out a much bigger picture of the history of not only Australia but the world.” Steven Strong

Valerie Barrow being with the film team at McMasters Beach.

Valerie Barrow being with the film team at McMasters Beach.
(Next to Valerie is her husband, John Barrow; then Steven Strong clearly visible in this photo;
Dr Hans-Dieter von Senff has his back to the camera (in the white T-shirt and next to him sits Nina Angello.
Thanks to Lavinia Seaton-Smith for sharing this photo.)

Alcheringa, Kariong and the Story of Humans

Hello Everyone,

We have been on another film shoot this past weekend – continuing work with the film crew for the Documentary Wiritjin, a word used to describe a philosophy of Blackfella – Whitefella Dreaming, together.

There was a mystical feeling when we first walked into the area of Kariong where all the stories are held.

Tree photo in mist nearby Kariong

Image in the mist looking like a spirit.

Cameraman walking in the mist with a large spider web nearby

Cameraman walking in the mist with a large spider web nearby

“Alcheringa” the spirit ancestor of Creation spoke to us while I was sitting under the sacred Grandmother Tree – a guardian to the site of the Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphs at Kariong, near the Kuringai National Park.

He had already advised that he would like to speak to us a little more:

“He reminded us that it had been 17 years since He first came to speak to us at Kariong. At that time he advised that the Heiroglyphs would mean many things to many people. He also said he would release the keys to what is a Doorway of Knowledge.”

This has happened and we have learnt that a Mission of 50,000 star people had come from the Pleiades on a huge mothership known as ‘Rexegena’. The plan was to establish a community of Light Beings on this planet to hold a raised energy field here and lift this very dark corner of the galaxy – 900,000 years ago.

The plan was thwarted as the mothership was attacked and blown out of the sky leaving only 90 survivors. They managed to escape by smaller surveillance ships and landed in the area known as Kariong. Their newly born children did not survive in the harsh atmosphere so they resorted to blending their DNA with birth mothers of the existing upright-walking ape-like creatures.

The new babies were enchristed aboriginal children who evolved with larger skulls, less hair on their body and advanced psychic abilities inherited from the star people. They became people who saw God in everything.

Alcheringa (or Alchquaringa) had been the commander-in-chief of the Mission. He lost his life then, but his spirit has gone on to care for the first humans ever since.

Valerie Barrow with film crew, under the grandmother tree at Kariong

Photo of me under the ‘Grandmother Tree’ – hundreds of years old. With me are the film crew – Olivia Olley, (director, writer, and producer); Gavin has the camera and Ben is on sound.

Valerie Barrow with film crew, under the grandmother tree at Kariong

Another view of Valerie sitting at the Grandmother Tree and the film crew at work.

As Alcheringa spoke to us he advised that the area at Kariong was very sacred and held much secret knowledge that was understood by the Tribal Elders. Their Rock Art was drawn images that held a story telling of this knowledge – recording history down through the ages. The knowledge of past history is not written in books but rather it is within the consciousness of everything that is upon this earth. Everything here comes from somewhere else in the Cosmos. He said, the ‘old fellas’ know and we should respect and listen to what they have to say – before it is lost.

He assured us that the Hieroglyph site was an Ancient Egyptian Tomb, that had been interfered with, but further examination would still reveal residual evidence that Ancient Egyptians had come on boats 4,000 – 5,000 years ago. He did not like mentioning time because scientists had different ways of measuring past time. He said the clever ones of the Aboriginal People held the knowledge of the earth’s creation and that the early visits from the Egyptians were a pilgrimage to learn from them.

Glyphs on moss encrusted slab at Kariong

Looking into the Hallway of the Ancient Egyptian Glyphs – underneath is where there is an air-shaft leading to the tomb

Air shaft said to lead to an ancient Egyptian tomb, filled in, at Kariong

Air shaft said to lead to a tomb – filled in. Click the image to view a larger version.

He went on to once again remind us that the Earth was not only a 3rd dimension world but also 4th dimension world, which is the next world and that the clever fellas could walk in and out of those dimensions while on Earth. He said they also had abilities to manifest things or to make them disappear. And that when walking into the next world they could disappear in front of your eyes and reappear elsewhere.

The Grandmother tree at Kariong

Photo of the ‘Grandmother Tree’ – hundreds of years old.

John Barrow in the mist at Kariong

John Barrow in the mist at Kariong.

If you wish to read more about Alcheringa when the first ancestors were created you can read it as an eBook called, Star People Revisited. This tells the entire narrative as outlined by Alcheringa. It is the same story for only $7.00 AUD sent anywhere in the world.

If you would like to be kept informed, here is a link to my Facebook Page.

Many blessings to you all and may Peace fill your day


Part Two – Alcheringa at Kariong, (New South Wales, Australia)

Part Two – Alcheringa at Kariong, (New South Wales, Australia)

Moving on from the cavern with the symbols carved into the walls, Gerry our Aborigine friend wanted us to climb further up the hill, which gave a magnificent view through the gum trees out to the sparkling blue bay. He led us to a place where he told us he liked to perform healings with his crystals. Crystals he said had been used for healing by his Bundjalung tribe since creation.

On a large flat rock, we were shown to one side a naturally formed cradle in the rock where he said the women in bygone years had used it as a bed to have their babies. There were small water pools nearby and soft earth. He asked us to lie in the cradle to see what we would experience. Helen lay first and drifted into an altered state of consciousness. We noticed that no insects came near her even though it was a warm day. She later felt strange and not thinking too clearly she claimed she had felt the ecstasy of birth, but also felt abandoned, yet she knew she was not alone. This was odd. Gerry had asked her, “What about the baby?” He didn’t know why he said that either.

Helen wanted me to lay in the cradle. I found I drifted into an altered state also, feeling very calm but after awhile I returned saying, “It had been a great honour to give birth” So what was that all about ? The feeling was mystical and we knew we were not alone.

That moment left us and we merrily moved on to another flat rock that had a huge whale carved upon it, where Gerry suggested we have our picnic and just talk quietly. He had already pointed out areas that used to be men’s business places and then to women’s business places. We are all psychic and could feel pleasant spirit ancestors hanging around.

The grou sitting on the rock

As the late afternoon closed in it was time for us to leave. I hastened to the boot of my car to give one of our friends something and promptly locked the car keys in the boot. Oh, darn !! we were a long way from help. Hadn’t Alcheringa said he would give us the keys, but now… . he had taken them away!!!

Helen and Gerry stayed with my car, while I gained a lift with the others to the local town. I had great difficulty in telephoning for help – I couldn’t make myself understood; the numbers were not correct and I was becoming more frustrated by the minute. Finally help did come and I arrived back to Gerry, Helen and car, to release the keys.

Evening was beginning to close in. Gerry asked Helen and I to come to the edge of the rock cliff and asked me to hold out my hands towards the water where little boat lights were twinkling … saying, “I think that is where the starship went into the water.”

The three of us were standing closely …. when all together we experienced the same past life memory. Something terrible had happened and we were wailing and crying. I was shaking badly and said, “We are star people, we have lost our huge mothership the Rexegena”. ….and wept and wailed along with Helen and Gerry, we couldn’t believe it had happened. In our sense of hopelessness we knew that an escape ship had been damaged and gone into the water in the bay. Helen and Gerry knew they had been in it. I was in another ship that had followed it, hoping to give help. That memory had been reflected in me in sheer frustration, when I had tried to get help by opening the boot of my car to retrieve the keys earlier.

More unfolded as the week passed. Helen and I kept ringing each other with more memories and Gerry had left to go overseas to the U.S.A. Others heard about our adventure and rang me often saying they felt connected to the same story. Most of the people didn’t know each other and yet all they had to do was sit with the photos of the symbols from the rock walls and they would spontaneously regress into the same Past Life story, but their memory would be from a different point of view.

Alcheringa was right, it was as if an unseen hand was at work, bringing the story forward through many people. It was a time when genetic engineering had been performed by the star people to create the up-standing ape like creature into evolving into the human we have become. I believe the first children were the Aborigine who the star people called, “The cherished ones.” They have inherited the star people’s psychic abilities and have always known that God is in everything.

My 2nd book “Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created.” relates the stories from those off the Mothership Rexegena, that were told to me and who attacked it.

I want to rename the 2nd book to “Star People Revisited” and am looking for it to be republished.

You may view some of of the symbols carved into the walls of the cavern, there are about 250 of them. (View the images here, in this Photo Album) Maybe you, the viewer may connect to the energy of them and begin to remember …. Upstairs has told us that everyone in this Galaxy knows the story … not all were involved with the story but it is in everyone’s heart.


A MOTHERSHIP REUNION was held at Canyonleigh in 2001.

The Mothership Rexegena came from the Pleiades 900,000 years ago, with 50,000 star people on board. The Mothership was destroyed and only 90 star people survived – they struggled to survive the difficult atmosphere which was too hot for them and infested with bacteria that attacked them. Despite this they formed a small community.

The photo below shows some of the people who remember being off the mothership. At the reunion, many of them had not met each other before.

Group of persons assembled who recall being on the Mothership Rexegena

The photo below is of Helen, Val and Gerry who first experienced the Star People’s memory together….which became the beginning of the story. The names given to us in the memory was Elouera, Egarinna and Ujeshet.

Helen, Val, Gerry, who recalled the Star People's memories

Go to Part 1, Alcheringa Speaks at Kariong

Part Two – Alcheringa at Kariong, (New South Wales, Australia)

Part Two – Alcheringa at Kariong, (New South Wales, Australia)

Moving on from the cavern with the symbols carved into the walls, Gerry our Aborigine friend wanted us to climb further up the hill, which gave a magnificent view through the gum trees out to the sparkling blue bay. He led us to a place where he told us he liked to perform healings with his crystals. Crystals he said had been used for healing by his Bundjalung tribe since creation.

On a large flat rock, we were shown to one side a naturally formed cradle in the rock where he said the women in bygone years had used it as a bed to have their babies. There were small water pools nearby and soft earth. He asked us to lie in the cradle to see what we would experience. Helen lay first and drifted into an altered state of consciousness. We noticed that no insects came near her even though it was a warm day. She later felt strange and not thinking too clearly she claimed she had felt the ecstasy of birth, but also felt abandoned, yet she knew she was not alone. This was odd. Gerry had asked her, “What about the baby?” He didn’t know why he said that either.

Helen wanted me to lay in the cradle. I found I drifted into an altered state also, feeling very calm but after awhile I returned saying, “It had been a great honour to give birth” So what was that all about ? The feeling was mystical and we knew we were not alone.

here is a photo of that birthing cradle

That moment left us and we merrily moved on to another flat rock that had a huge whale carved upon it, where Gerry suggested we have our picnic and just talk quietly. He had already pointed out areas that used to be men’s business places and then to women’s business places. We are all psychic and could feel pleasant spirit ancestors hanging around.

The group sitting on the rock

As the late afternoon closed in it was time for us to leave. I hastened to the boot of my car to give one of our friends something and promptly locked the car keys in the boot. Oh, darn !! we were a long way from help. Hadn’t Alcheringa said he would give us the keys, but now… . he had taken them away!!!

Helen and Gerry stayed with my car, while I gained a lift with the others to the local town. I had great difficulty in telephoning for help – I couldn’t make myself understood; the numbers were not correct and I was becoming more frustrated by the minute. Finally help did come and I arrived back to Gerry, Helen and car, to release the keys.

Evening was beginning to close in. Gerry asked Helen and I to come to the edge of the rock cliff and asked me to hold out my hands towards the water where little boat lights were twinkling … saying, “I think that is where the starship went into the water.”

The three of us were standing closely …. when all together we experienced the same past life memory. Something terrible had happened and we were wailing and crying. I was shaking badly and said, “We are star people, we have lost our huge mothership the Rexegena”. ….and wept and wailed along with Helen and Gerry, we couldn’t believe it had happened. In our sense of hopelessness we knew that an escape ship had been damaged and gone into the water in the bay. Helen and Gerry knew they had been in it. I was in another ship that had followed it, hoping to give help. That memory had been reflected in me in sheer frustration, when I had tried to get help by opening the boot of my car to retrieve the keys earlier.

More unfolded as the week passed. Helen and I kept ringing each other with more memories and Gerry had left to go overseas to the U.S.A. Others heard about our adventure and rang me often saying they felt connected to the same story. Most of the people didn’t know each other and yet all they had to do was sit with the photos of the symbols from the rock walls and they would spontaneously regress into the same Past Life story, but their memory would be from a different point of view.

Alcheringa was right, it was as if an unseen hand was at work, bringing the story forward through many people. It was a time when genetic engineering had been performed by the star people to create the up-standing ape like creature into evolving into the human we have become. I believe the first children were the Aborigine who the star people called, “The cherished ones.” They have inherited the star people’s psychic abilities and have always known that God is in everything.

My 2nd book “Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created.” relates the stories from those off the Mothership Rexegena, that were told to me and who attacked it.

I want to rename the 2nd book to “Star People Revisited” and am looking for it to be republished.

You may view some of of the symbols carved into the walls of the cavern, there are about 250 of them. (View the images here, in this Photo Album) Maybe you, the viewer may connect to the energy of them and begin to remember …. Upstairs has told us that everyone in this Galaxy knows the story … not all were involved with the story but it is in everyone’s heart.


A MOTHERSHIP REUNION was held at Canyonleigh in 2001.

The Mothership Rexegena came from the Pleiades 900,000 years ago, with 50,000 star people on board. The Mothership was destroyed and only 90 star people survived – they struggled to survive the difficult atmosphere which was too hot for them and infested with bacteria that attacked them. Despite this they formed a small community.

The photo below shows some of the people who remember being off the mothership. At the reunion, many of them had not met each other before.

Group of persons assembled who recall being on the Mothership Rexegena

The photo below is of Helen, Val and Gerry who first experienced the Star People’s memory together….which became the beginning of the story. The names given to us in the memory was Elouera, Egarinna and Ujeshet.

Helen, Val, Gerry, who recalled the Star People's memories

Go to Part 1, Alcheringa Speaks at Kariong

Alcheringa speaks at Kariong

Alcheringa at Kariong, (New South Wales, Australia)

cavern-entrance at Kariong
Entrance to the Cavern at Kariong

Very shortly after writing The Book of Love by a Medium I met an Aboriginal man named Gerry. It was the first time I had actually met socially, an indigenous man even though I have lived all of my life in Australia. He was wary of me at first, because he knew I had the sacred Alcheringa Stone. He was stern in appearance and word, when he asked me about the stone, he said, “It is men’s business.”

I reassured him I had always respected it and had never un-wrapped the parcel of paperbark (peeled from a tree) and calico tied with string. I advised him that when I sat with it I found myself to be surrounded by a blue-white light that seem to lift my consciousness and I was able to read information that was held in the sacred stone. I also said that I had a Being of Light, named Alcheringa, speak through me. I was nervous telling Gerry about this for, in my ignorance, I wasn’t sure that indigenous people believed in all ‘that stuff.’

His demeanor immediately changed to a huge smile and interest and I was later to find out that the indigenous people live their lives with spirit and the knowledge of other worlds. It is their life, they see spirit and God in everything.

Gerry animatedly asked me more about the spirit being Alcheringa, saying he was well known to the indigenous people. He spoke about a cavern in the bush with petraglyphs carved into the stone walls, some looking Egyptian. It was just north of Sydney. “Do you think if I take you there; Alcheringa will speak to me?”

Grandmother Tree - site guardian
Grandmother Tree at Kariong

I readily agreed he would. For Alcheringa had already said to me, at another time, he would speak to the Aboriginal Elder – I thought at the time it was going to be when we took the painted symbols to Uluru. Not so …. it was going to be a different site, but interestingly still involving symbols which were this time cut into stone walls.

Gerry, myself and a friend named Helen, drove north towards Gosford. It was as though we had set off on an expedition with a few other friends following in cars behind us. Leaving our cars at our destination, and carrying our food and drink for a picnic later, Gerry led the way along a sandy road through the bush. He stopped and asked us to pick a leaf from a green eucalyptus tree, chew it, and that would assist us to bond with the area. We could feel the strong smell of the oil seep into us. Then he asked us to throw some small stones ahead into the trees and underwood, asking permission of the spirits of the land to permit us to enter. He happily ground some red ochre, under the guardian ‘Grandmother tree’ and ceremoniously rubbed a little on each of our foreheads. The indigenous people use the red ochre in ceremonies and believe it helps them to see and connect to spirits.

Val taking photos of the Petroglyphs on the walls of the Cavern at Kariong

Up the slight hill we climbed through the bush and faced a fern covered entrance, looking like a chute through which we crawled into a very uneven, stone covered floor only about one metre wide and about three metres long. Gerry had warned we would all feel cold in there…but the walls rose high either side of us with the sun’s warmth reaching into part of the cavern. We were overwhelmed with all of the drawings on the rock wall, there must have been about 250 of them. Some were covered in moss, but they looked like they had just been cut.

Looking out from the Cavern at Kariong

Climbing further above these walls, it was here we all settled to invite Alcheringa to come and speak to us.

When Alcheringa came and overlighted my body, a strong wind blew. I have since found whenever I connect to Alcheringa out in the bush, he comes with the wind, and speaks through my voice box. (See Transcipt below.)

It led, just like Alcheringa told us on that day, more would eventuate, and it did. My 2nd book Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created records the story of Star People Revisited.

ALCHERINGA SPEAKS at Kariong, NSW – Part 1.
10th October, 1995

Today is the 10th of the 10th1995 which when you look at the number it is 11 – which is a stargate, or a door opening. We are all very privileged to be present on this special day in this chasm and witnessing the many symbols that have been drawn on the rock walls.

I am going to call upon Alcheringa, with great love in my heart, who has made it known to us know that he wishes to speak … and to make his presence here amongst us – but for the moment I wish to say Alcheringa tells us that he resides at Uluru. So in my inner scene I see myself sitting on top of Uluru and I call his name … (and he came to me with the wind, and made his entrance with a loud hurumph sound through my voice box )

It is I Alcheringa and I am very pleased to be here, Valerie has already said I have waited a long time for this meeting to take place. So greetings my friends, we have known each other many times before, many, many lifetimes. And we also connect in the world of the stars.

I have much I could tell you, but I feel this could perhaps cause confusion – I am enjoying being present in this moment of time. There has been much curiosity about the drawings that are upon this rock and the feeling has been, that they have been inspired from other worlds. And, indeed it has. In fact there were many beings that come from other worlds, in fact from other stars, other planets other galaxies.

Over a period of time, this earth has been visited by many. But there has also been an evolvement of living beings on this earth in the form of fish and animal and insects – it is a living planet – it has a life force that lives in everything that exists. But then you are aware of this. You know this.

There has been given to Valerie information about Uluru or Valdamere as it was known to us, the Star People. There are many other things, I am sure, that you would like to know. Uluru was brought to this planet by us – to help the evolvement to take place upon the earth. It brought an energy with it – that helped the creation to further develop upon this earth. At the time there was a development of the Reptilian races, in the form as you know it, were dinosaurs. It became out of control and so there were members of the Hierarchy who came from the Law of the Universe – and the decision was made for help to be brought to this planet. There has been changes down through aeons of time. But there was a time, that the humanity that had been developed onto this earth … took a few steps backwards.

It was a time that most of you would perhaps refer to as the Fall of Atlantis.

This was a time that unfortunately was not really meant to happen as far as the Law of the Universe were concerned. Many lost the knowledge that had been given up until that time – you had to regrow – you had to evolve … and the technology was gradually inspired onto this earth so that man could develop in a way that could use the technology within the Law of the Universe.. rather than against the Law of God.

I am wondering now, if anybody has any questions they would like to ask? As I have said, there is much that I could speak of, but … time will not allow at this time…much of the information will gradually unfold – it is already unfolding – We have a Greater Plan – this information will come together so that the larger picture will be recognized and understood by ALL that live on this planet … this earth.

There is a need for all upon this planet … to understand … to understand their Mother – the Mother…The Mother you call Earth … who looks after and nourishes all who live upon this earth … every living thing is nurtured by the Mother. There is a great need for all to love and nurture her … take her into their bosoms and love her. But I know all of you understand that deeply, and will help us spread that understanding.


May I ask a question? (Gerry speaking) Is there anything that we should know about this site that will aid and protect it?

Al: I understand what you are saying and I appreciate the question. But it has been protected all along and will continue to be protected until it is time for it to come forth in a public way. For it holds keys to this larger picture that I have already spoken about – It will unite, it will open up, it will evolve. The time is a little soon, but it will happen – in a time not too long ahead.

Gerry: Is there anything you would want us to do?

Al: In actual fact my son you are actually following from our inspiration already – Just as this meeting has taken place today with a desire that we wished to take place. And so you have allowed yourself to guide these people …. and at other times we will organise meetings and understandings and you will realise that unseen hands are at work. There is nothing for you to worry about for we know that you are very willing to be of service and we appreciate this. Is there anything else that you would like to ask?

Friend: Could you tell us how we can do our healing work and deal with interference from other forces that are hindering the work of healing – they are creating much confusion and I wonder if there is a way we can complete the healing without this interference.

Al: It would be my pleasure if you call upon my presence while you are doing this work …. you already understand about the duality that exists in the 3rd dimension, and you are actually coping with this very well … it is merely a need to be aware there is nothing that you are doing that is failing … Just continue your work my son, just keep yourself alert. And then deal with each problem as it is put before you.

There are many that work with you. There are many that work with many healers – many Lightworkers – we give assistance – we sometimes push you to a point where it is a little further than what you have been used to – but this is done knowing that you have the ability to work from that point. There is really nothing I could say, other than, to keep up the good work. God Bless you my son.

As you take each step forward in life, know that we are with you, we come from the World of Light, we come with love in our hearts and blessings …. we come from a point of God – and I want to reassure you that what ever form spirit takes in the name of God, we ask that you do not be afraid. We come only to assist and we are ready whenever you call upon us. In some way assistance will be brought to you.

Helen: Is there anything more we can do with regard to the environment ?

Al: It is a difficult problem and we are doing as much as we can to protect Mother Earth. We suggest that all who feel moved by spirit to take a step in a certain direction then to follow that step and to allow themselves to be guided and we will be with you to draw anything that is needed to assist you. Step by step is the way


Friend: Alcheringa could I ask your advice about the work and experiences I have been having with spirit? Do you have any advice about the documentation of this?

Al: You have been working well … and I am really only repeating what I have already said to the others – there is really no need for me to tell you what to do when you can find guidance from within your own heart – I strongly recommend that you follow from that point and all will eventuate. Some of the problems with many, and I am not saying this is for you my dear, but is impatience, just allow situations to eventuate and spirit will assist you in everyway.

And so if there is nothing else I will take my leave. And I do thank you for welcoming here. (Everyone thanked him) It is no coincidence that we are all here this day. More will evolve …. you will see. God Bless you.

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