Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message February 5th, 2019

Cosmic Sai Baba

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please see the February 6, 2018 message from Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val to readers of the website.
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Also there is a YouTube video of the meeting every month so all can join us at the gathering.

Meeting February 5th, 2019 – Moss Vale.

In today’s meeting, 3 questions are asked:

  • Information about Two Earth Planets and two Suns.
  • Civilizations in the Inner Earth.
  • Shift of control and changes in the Financial Systems on Earth.

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message January 1st, 2019

Cosmic Sai Baba

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please see the February 6, 2018 message from Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val to readers of the website.
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Also there is a YouTube video of the meeting every month so all can join us at the gathering.

Meeting January 1st, 2019 – Moss Vale.

In today’s meeting, 3 questions are asked:

  • About Human DNA and how it relates to raising our consciousness to 5th Dimension.
  • About the Opalized Dinosaur bones found in Australia – and the connection to the extreme heat coming from Uluru which they say is an Inselberg and is an Asteroid that came as a fiery mass, landing in the ancient Eromanga sea.
  • About the Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, Bigfoot all being the same race on Earth.

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message December 4th, 2018

Cosmic Sai Baba

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please see the February 6, 2018 message from Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val to readers of the website.
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Also there is a YouTube video of the meeting every month so all can join us at the gathering.

Meeting December 4th, 2018 – Moss Vale.

Valerie Barrow: We’re gathering here today on Tuesday the 4th of December and we’re going to call on Cosmic Sia Baba to introduce us to Andromeda Val thats from the galaxy M31, thank you.

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message October 16th, 2018

Cosmic Sai Baba

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please see the February 6, 2018 message from Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val to readers of the website.
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Also there is a YouTube video of the meeting every month so all can join us at the gathering.

Valerie Barrow: With great love and respect in our hearts we are calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to make His presence this day – it is 16th, October 2018 and we are at Moss Vale, New South Wales, Australia. Thank you.

Cosmic Sai Baba (through Valerie):

“It is I, Cosmic Sai Baba and I am very pleased to be here – and indeed there is more going on than you realize my children – so do not worry, do not worry – all is well and you will be assisted I can assure you. For the moment we have Andromeda Val waiting to speak with you from the Galaxy Andromeda M31. This has been set up as we are waiting now to connect – so without any further ado I will hand it over to Andromeda Val. Thank you.”

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message August 7th, 2018

Cosmic Sai Baba

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please see the February 6, 2018 message from Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val to readers of the website.
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Also there is a YouTube video of the meeting every month so all can join us at the gathering.

Valerie Barrow: We call upon Cosmic Sai Baba to make his presence among us. Today is August 7th, 2018.
And our meeting is taking place at Moss Vale, NS.W. Australia.

Cosmic Sai Baba (through Valerie):

“I am here, and I am very pleased to be here, it is I Cosmic Sai Baba and I am here to introduce Andromeda Val who has been waiting to give her normal message here, in this Galaxy the Milky Way – and she is in the Galaxy Andromeda M31.
So without further ado I will hand her over to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

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Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message May 1st, 2018

Cosmic Sai Baba

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please see the February 6, 2018 message from Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val to readers of the website.

Valerie Barrow: With great love and respect in our hearts we are calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to make His presence this day – it is 1st May, 2018 and we are at Moss Vale, New South Wales, Australia.
Thank you.

Cosmic Sai Baba (through Valerie):

“It is I, I am Cosmic Sai Baba and I am very pleased to be here. There has been a little problem getting started and I have been waiting… but I am very pleased that it has started now.

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The Energy of Water

The ladies of The Mystery School join together once again to give up their time in service of others, humanity, and the starpeople who seek to assist the little Earthling. In this session, we find that the blue water which covers much of this planet holds many secrets, yet to be explored. We are also reminded about the OverSoul, the individual soul and the distress and forgetting that separation causes. Separation is really an illusion as all are of the one essence, really. We learn some surprises about Andromeda.
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Newsletter, March 2017

Hello Everyone,

Once again, time plays its tricks, daylight savings comes and goes, and we witness evidence that the afterlife is real. The Soul comes and goes. We read that we are always one with our Oversoul, and more news of the glyphs of Gosford and how these are evidence of ancient civilisations in Australia. We read of mudras that will aid us in choosing our state of consciousness, and hence, our presence to the world. We also look to DNA studies of Indigenous Australians as evidence of their being the oldest race of hue-man, that is, the being imbued with the Crystal Consciousness, the hue-of-light from the Creative Source of All.

The Schumann Resonance has spiked and we witness extremes in the Earth’s magnetic shield with wildly gyrating geomagnetic storms of late. We look to synaptic pruning and how the brain deletes information.(The Angelic Realms has shared with us that the brain can be overloaded with information and data. It is like a computer disc, it can only take so much … ) and we go on to look at the significance of a recently formed crop circle. The International Space Station continues to show us new dimensions of life, weather and the Earth from above our skies, and we examine the soul purpose of pets. The Angelic Realms have recently commented on the role pets play in human life and the raising of consciousness; Pope John Paul II declared that animals have souls and are worthy of being treated respectfully. We look to the skies once again with Cyclone Debbie and offer our prayers. You many also listen to the message of the Arcturians with Ascension and how transformation may be integrated with our bodies.

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