Christmas Newsletter, 2015

Prince Charming meets Cinderella

Hello Everyone,
The psychologists have said that Christmas is such a busy time, and a holiday afterwards does nothing to give relief from stress, hustle and bustle! Perhaps the psychologists are saying we need to pay some attention to the “reason for the season”! Ha!

In this newsletter, we have speculation about Australian Aboriginals possibly being the first Americans (the Hierarchy shared that they actually travelled the ocean currents). Does lightning strike twice? Decide for yourself after reading the information. Where did our technology come from? Archaeologists raise penetrating questions. Worried about red-nosed reindeer and a jolly fellow in red? Read about NORAD and how they keep an eye on things. There is a rare full moon at Christmas, and we look to Peace in All the Worlds. Valerie – with a twinkle in her eye – links the story of Cinderella to the human story with a certain quote! Enjoy our Christmas Newsletter!

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Aspects of the Full Moon – 10 August

Full Moon

This coming Full Moon on 10 August – called a ‘super moon’ on account of perigree (closest to Earth) which will occur on 10 August. As the Hierarchy – in the messages of Cosmic Sai Baba, Jalarm and Alcheringa – recommends meditation on full moon days, we offer a reflection on this coming “super moon” and the astrological significance surrounding this.

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