Hello Everyone,
Here is the latest newsletter from my website. In this newsletter we examine the remarkable excavations at Gobekli Tepe, in Turkey.
Recently, I received this from Heather Mills, for which I sincerely thank her. I believe it is a most exciting archaeological find.
12,000-year-old Gobekli Tepe in Turkey
The structures on this site were built about 12,000 years ago (10,000 BC) and possibly intentionally buried with sand about 8,000 years ago. No one knows who these people were, what the massive buildings were for, or why they were buried. Just for reference, these massive structures were built during the last ice age and are more than 7,000 years older than any other structure we have yet discovered on our planet.
There is an excellent video which gives you an overview of the excavations done so far. Click to view the video: http://www.wimp.com/unexplainedstructure/
As I watched this I was in awe of what is shown and discussed, 13 years of work and only an estimated 5% had been uncovered!!! This would truly be amazing beyond words to see!
Archaeologists have a theory that the whole complex has been buried by someone to preserve the site. I believe it is a co-ordinated incidence that upstairs is inspiring people to find these sites at this time – proving that there was an advanced civilization living on Earth before the Fall of Atlantis about 12,000 years ago.
In our last Newsletter you will remember we talked about the Great Sphinx at Giza being buried and also the Moai (statues) on Easter Island being buried also from giant tsunami’s—possibly at the same time about 12,000 years ago.
If you read St. Germaine’s channelling in graphic detail about the Fall of Atlantis it is easy to see how disaster struck the Earth, which was thrown into utter turmoil and then followed by an ice age. You may read the transmision of St Germaine here.
Excavations in progress at Gobekli Tepe, in Turkey

Panorama of Places in The Holy Land
This is awesome – hope you enjoy: http://www.p4panorama.com/panos/HOLYLAND/index.html

Fly-past for the Queen’s Jubilee
“Tail-end Charlie” is the name given to the last aircraft in an airborne flotilla of planes. Here are some stunning images of the fly-past by World War II aircraft during Queen Elizabeth’s recent Jubilee.

Crop Circles-UFO’s-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations
The latest crop circle was given to Stowell Farms at Golden Ball Hill, near Alton in Wiltshire, in the UK. The digrams and discussions speak of the Vesica Piscis, and impending changes connected to our own Sun. This web link we give you below is accompanied by an email from the irate farmer about “receiving” his two crop circles…
Go to the Crop Circle at Golden Ball Hill.

Mysterious Shadow at Mount Connor, Central Australia
The photo below was taken on our way to Cave Hill, 5 hours there and back to Uluru. It is a photo of Mount Connor – but have a look at the shadow in front of the Mount. It looks like it has been pencilled in by upstairs – it wasn’t us. And look at the cloud formation – hardly heavy enough to cast such a dark shadow on the ground.
Photograph of Mount Connor, Central Australia, showing an odd shadow in the foreground
The photo below is even more intriguing – there have been some strange sightings in our out-back.
The clouds are too light to have cast such a heavy shadow – and since when was there ever an angular cloud such as this. I believe we travelled into a dimensional warp and the shadow was coming from a mothership. I remember noticing that there wasn’t any animal or insect activity around.
Photograph of Mount Connor, Central Australia, showing an odd shadow in the foreground
A Human Fish? Or is it Nommos?
And while we are speaking about strange things here is a photo of a fish sent by Warren Mitchell
Attached photo of a “human fish” my great Grandfather caught in North Queensland in 1915.
He said it made crying sounds like a baby before it died.
Is it a Merman / Nommos ? According to the Dogon, a race of beings from the Sirius system called the Nommos visited Earth thousands of years ago. The Nommos were ugly, amphibious beings that resembled mermen and mermaids”. See a larger version
Mayan Calendar Continues Endlessly
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -“On the wall of a tiny structure buried under forest debris in Guatemala, archaeologists have discovered a scribe’s notes about the Maya lunar calendar, which they say could be the first known records by an official chronicler of this ancient civilization.
These notes pertain to the same Maya calendar that is sometimes erroneously thought to predict the world’s end on or about December 22, 2012. The researchers who helped uncover and decipher the wall’s inscriptions said the Maya calendar foresaw a vast progression of time, with the December 2012 date the beginning of a new calendar cycle called a baktun.
‘They were looking at the way these cycles were turning,’ said William Saturno of Boston University, an author of an article on the find in the journal Science. “The Maya calendar is going to keep going and keep going for billions, trillions, octillions of years into the future, a huge number that we can’t even wrap our heads around.”
Read more on Yahoo News

Sunrise in a land of Earthquakes
And last but not least: a wonderful image at sunrise … from Marian Laursen
It is taken just outside the house where she lives – in Okaihau, Far North, New Zealand. The area is known for its huge Totara trees – and this golden tree is one of them.
On the subject of earthquakes, we had a minor earthquake not far from our home in Moss Vale, yesterday. And there was the largest earthquake in 100 years last week, in Victoria.
Finally, the shipment of the reprint of my second book Alcheringa, When the ancestors were first created has arrived.
We are pleased to offer a promotion of 2 books for AUD $20.00 Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created and The Book of Love, by a Medium.
So send me your order on our Book Order page and I shall write to you.
So many people are having experiences; Will all join me in a prayer for all who suffer in these times of change? Time seems to be speeding up (as Cosmic Sai Baba confirmed) …
So you must not feel that you are running out of time but rather the time that you match with the Dimension—that you are in now—is changing. You can feel it—you feel … that everything is racing—even young people speak of this as if they have not got enough time to do everything they want to.
… and the world is entirely made up of vibrations. Let us all keep our thoughts the highest, and send the vibration of love to all who need. We recall the affirmation that is so needed by the peoples of our times:
I am the Pure Light of Consciousness
Penetrating Everwhere,
and bringing everyone into the Light of God.
Blessings be with you and Universal love. Val.
Material from other websites may not necessarily be supported by Valerie Barrow nor her website. Material from other websites is reproduced here for interest, only.