![Entrance to temple through Sphinx](images/code1small.jpg)
The Pyramid Code uncovers new light on the story of the Pyramids in Egypt, which has been corroborated by Valerie Barrow.
I would like to recommend to our reader the following YouTube series to watch, if you haven’t already done so. I have found the information a breath of fresh air: it is a new take on Egyptology and a matriarchal consciousness. It is interesting that the Divine Mother came to us with a message only last week – you can listen to her transmission on the Cosmic Sai Baba Website .
In a Golden Age long before the patriarchal Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, The Temples and Pyramids were never meant to be Tombs, but rather places to lift the consciousness. We are told the three main Pyramids were once pure White, the next Red and the smallest one was black. I am reminded that they are the colours used in the symbol for Siva – Definitely points to the Cosmos. In an altered state of consciousness we have been given cosmic knowledge – and know that was how the Ancient Egyptians received their knowledge of how it was before they entered into a body and how it was after they left.
![John Barrow reflecting on the stonework at the Sphinx temple, Egypt](images/code1.jpg)
John Barrow reflects on the stoneworks
“Upstairs” told me that the Sphinx Temple was much older than the Great Pyramid of Giza and explained advanced abilities of people that existed in pre-ancient Egyptian times. My Mentor spoke of levitation and pointed out how well the great stones were tessellated together.
![Close up showing how well tessellated the stones were](images/code2.jpg)
Close up showing how well tessellated the stones were
![Showing how perfect the rock joins were](images/code3.jpg)
You will hear on the videos how the Nile river has migrated 8 miles from the Pyramids and that it would have taken tens of thousands of years to change its course. It will also show an interesting pattern of the Pyramids connected to the stars in our galaxy.
![John Barrow at the Sphinx Temple landing](images/code4.jpg)
John is standing on the ancient landing from where the Nile once flowed.
Immediately in front of him is the Temple of the Sphinx.
And how a wall has recently been cleaned at the temple of Seti the First, at Abydos showing drawings that look like a helicopter and other futuristic vehicles.
“The Pyramid Code is a made-for-television documentary series of 5 episodes that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated technology in a Golden Age. The series is based on the extensive research done in 25 trips to Egypt and 51 other countries around the world by Dr. Carmen Boulter formerly from the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary in Canada.
![The Pyramid Code](images/code5.jpg)
The Pyramid Code features interviews with prominent scholars and authors in multidisciplinary fields (see Cast): geology, physics, astrophysics, archaeology, bilogical engineering, magnetic field theory, hieroglyphics, and Egyptology. The series explores penetrating questions.”
![Episode 1, The Band of Peace](images/epi1.jpg)
Episode 1
The Band of Peace raises questions about the purpose of the pyramids challenging the story traditional Egyptology tells. See rare footage of 6 distinct pyramid sites near the Great Pyramid with evidence of superior technology and sophisticated knowledge of physics, astronomy, biology, and cosmology. Watch Episode 1 on Youtube.
![Episode 2, High Level Technology](images/epi2.jpg)
Episode 2
High Level Technology shows evidence that the ancient Egptians used sophisticated engineering and high science to construct pyramids and temples. Scientists discuss the source of this power and its applications in the ancient world. Our science is just beginning to grasp what the ancients clearly understood long ago. Watch Episode 2 on Youtube.
![Episode 3, Sacred Cosmology](images/epi3.jpg)
Episode 3
Sacred Cosmology offers a new way of interpreting hieroglyphics and demonstrates that the ancients understood physics, biology, and celestial mechanics. On an expedition through the open desert to a site of extreme antiquity called Nabta Playa, neolithic stone circles mark the motion of the same stars as were tracked in pharonic civilization. Watch Episode 3 on Youtube.
![Episode 4, The Empowered Human](images/epi4.jpg)
Episode 4
The Empowered Human proposes that the pyramid builders were living in a Golden Age, they had more refined senses, experienced higher levels of consciousness which gave them superior abilities than we have today. The sacred feminine was honored and existed in balance with the sacred masculine. Watch Episode 4 on Youtube.
![Episode 5, A New Chronology](images/epi5.jpg)
Episode 5
A New Chronology posits, after examining the evidence presented in the series, that the dates given by traditional Egyptology do not fit. Carefully considering cycles of time through the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages of Plato’s Great Year, a new chronology is emerging that illuminates secrets of ancient Egypt. Watch Episode 5 on Youtube.
![Dr Carmen Boulter](images/boulter.jpg)
The series is based on the extensive research done in 25 trips to Egypt and 51 other countries around the world by Dr. Carmen Boulter formerly from the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary in Canada. Dr Carmen Boulter’s website is www.pyramidcode.com
There is also another link to Documentary Heaven, which has a full playlist of the Pyramid Code Episodes. You can go to Documentary Heaven.
![One Network](images/onenetwork.jpg)
There is also another YouTube series with an Interview with Dr Boulter and THE ONE NETWORK TV – you can view the One Network interview with Dr Carmen Boulter.
Pillar of Light emerging from Pyramid, Mexico
In the Mexican state of Yucatán lies the historical site of the Maya called Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza was one of the largest Maya cities, with the relatively densely clustered architecture of the site core covering an area of at least 5 square kilometres.
![Chicken Itza Pyramid](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7a/Chichen-Itza-Castillo-Seen-From-East.JPG/320px-Chichen-Itza-Castillo-Seen-From-East.JPG)
Chichen Itza is the Temple of Kukulkan (a Maya feathered serpent deity similar to the Aztec Quetzalcoatl), usually referred to as El Castillo (“the castle”). This step pyramid stands about 30 metres high and consists of a series of nine square terraces, each approximately 2.57 metres high, with a 6-metre high temple upon the summit.[40] The sides of the pyramid are approximately 55.3 metres at the base and rise at an angle of 53°, although that varies slightly for each side. The four faces of the pyramid have protruding stairways that rise at an angle of 45°. The talud walls of each terrace slant at an angle of between 72° and 74°. At the base of the balustrades of the northeastern staircase are carved heads of a serpent.
Source:Valerie Barrow, Dr Carmen Boulter, Fernando Correa
Photo Credits: Valerie Barrow, The Pyramid Code