In times past The Source has shared with us that this world is light, and that light can have a solid form. Just as we are advancing to the 5th Dimension, so also, there will be night and day, hard and soft, heat and cold and light will have solid form just as it has right now in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions.
We are not limited to what has happened in the past – although for many it is important that we learn from the past so we do not make the same mistakes in the future. This applies to corporate greed and manipulation just as much as it applies to our inner habits and our ego-self. It is very, very hard to change the ego. Most light-workers and fellow travellers who are working with The Source know that sacrifice is not necessary in religion, and some light-beings from other stars and spirit guides from the Angelic Realms have been channelling just this, recently.
The Source has shared that imagination is the nation of images. We also learn that intuition is inner tuition, knowledge, information and understanding that comes to us from the spirit world around us. In fact, there is no separation from the Spirit World although many would deny this, emphatically. The Source takes up The Oracle to give an extended teaching on intuition and its role in the lives of all on their soul journey. In fact, The Source goes on to explain how all races (star People) in all galaxies and universes share similar features, similar inner organs, and the same intuition once they come as a Soul into a Human Earth Body; there is no cause for mistrust. This message from The Source is referring to every Earth Human being the same – that their sameness is the binding thing that would help (the star-people) the souls (especially new souls) coming to Earth to come to understand each other. And go on to find peace and harmony. That is the main reason for the GREAT PLAN here on our planet … put together by the Angelic Realms for people to come to Earth and evolve the Divine Light and Love in this corner of our Galaxy.
You can read more of this session’s work by The Mystery School here.