Vale: Valérie Barrow

Valerie Barrow

Valérie Barrow has passed, and we share information about her life and her works, and the celebration of the life of Valérie Barrow.

Valérie Judith Barrow
17 December 1932 – 30 June 2022
Humble and loved instrument of the Source of the All

The instrument whom we knew as Valérie Barrow passed over on 30 June 2022, in the company of her family. Valérie slipped away quietly, in comfort, and without pain.

Having recently published her final book – ULURU AND THE STAR PEOPLE by Valérie J Barrow and Alcheringa, Valérie shared with her co-workers that her life’s mission was complete. For a time, Valérie was the keeper of the Alcheringa Stone, and for a long time, Valérie and John were custodians of the Alcheringa Crystal, at Canyonleigh. Valérie narrated these works along with the reunion of those who were participants in the mission of the Mothership Rexegena. These stories were told in her first book, The Book of Love by a Medium.

Valérie next told of her life as a Starlady, her many lifetimes with John Barrow (who, in a previous life was Charles Dickens) which brings the narrative back once again to the story of the human, the being filled with the HUE of light from the Source of the All – hence the HUEman. That telling envelopes her life as Eagarinna, and of her experiences of Goolagaia, the All-Mother Goddess of the Australian Aboriginal. Alcheringa – the Guardian spirit of our corner of the galaxy and the Milky Way, also featured in her life and stories, as did the glyphs of Kariong, and her works with the late Gerry Bostok. Valérie also worked with her fellow light-workers on the Narayana Oracle, wherein much of the history of this planet was revealed, the two genesis events on Earth, the evolution of man from the hairy-upstanding-ape, and conversations with Jalarm, a spirit being with extraordinary high energy and frequency.

Valérie channelled Archangel Mikael and Sanat Kumara. For many years, she was to channel the Cosmic Sai Baba, and when this work was brought to a closure, Andromeda Val from the constellation M31 (Andromeda) came into her life. There were monthly messages from both Andromeda Val and Alcheringa, and Cosmic Sai Baba – who held the channel open for these messages.

Valérie was an enthusiastic light worker, who brought many people into her ambit and her work. She would thrive in supporting many of her fellow light workers – here in Australia and overseas – and to promote their signal contributions to furthering humanity and uplifting all into the Golden Age of the higher dimensions. So many people came in touch with her enthusiasm, her love, and her sparkle. As her family shared on Facebook, a new star is sparkling in the firmament, and this is the light and love of Valérie Barrow.

There will be a private cremation for Valérie’s immediate family, shortly.

At a date to be announced, there will be a Public Celebration of the life and work of Valérie Barrow.

Watch this space for news about this Celebration, and news about Valérie’s final book, ULURU AND THE STAR PEOPLE.

In speaking of Valérie, Cosmic Sai Baba had the following to say:

Valérie has a special Mission and a special Role to do.

She is a Soul that has come in as you say “is as a walk-in” That is something that may be a little hard to understand but it is not uncommon for it to be happening at this time. There are many Souls that have offered their time to come to be able to hold the new energy and to help raise the consciousness upon your planet. This is the role and Valérie is one of them and so she was not born into the earth body that she exists in now.

I am full of gratitude for all those who help to hold the new energy on this planet for it is helping things to change – whether they realise it or not. This is the main mission of all of you when you come to this planet and I would like you to take this seriously and not worry about perhaps not doing enough – because you are.


 Valérie with her new book:
Valérie with her new book: