Valerie and John are in France, reliving – sometimes painfully – their past lives in and around St Amant, Poitiers, and other places associated with the Knights Templar. In this article, Valerie recounts the origins of the Knights Templar, and then proceeds with the exploration of the past lives John Barrow has had at this time and place. There were many, and some were happening at the same time, where the soul is completing tasks in different bodies. Time is not linear, and the soul may be completing experiences at different entrances to time and space. Valerie finishes with a reflection, and explores a mysterious sign …
Eleanor of Aquitaine Part 2 – Louis VII, Henry II and Richard the Lionheart
The Crusades
The Crusades began in France – there is much written about it in England and France (and elsewhere) so I have decided to just write about it from our ‘Past Life’ involvement and how our recent time in France and England was, when we were given insight into our Soul Story. Our lives then did not go past the 3rd Crusade.
Here is an image of the enormous number of churches surrounding where we lived in France – next to the village of St. Amant. This map is showing only roughly a 20 mile radius of the area around St. Amant.

Map showing the number of churches surrounding St Amant. Click to see a larger view.

A summer photo of the beautiful St. Amant Forest
(This overview of the Crusades is is taken from the UK History Learning Website. )
The Crusades were a series of military campaigns during the time of Medieval England against the Muslims of the Middle East. In 1076, the Muslims had captured Jerusalem – the most holy of holy places for Christians. Jesus had been born in nearby Bethlehem and Jesus had spent most of his life in Jerusalem. He was crucified on Calvary Hill, also in Jerusalem. There was no more important place on Earth than Jerusalem for a true Christian which is why Christians called Jerusalem the “City of God”.
However, Jerusalem was also extremely important for the Muslims as Muhammad, the founder of the Muslim faith, had been there and there was great joy in the Muslim world when Jerusalem was captured. A beautiful dome – called the Dome of the Rock – was built on the rock where Muhammad was said to have sat and prayed. The rock was so holy that no Muslim was allowed to tread on it or touch it when visiting the Dome.
Thus the Christians fought to get Jerusalem back while the Muslims fought to keep Jerusalem. These wars were to last nearly 200 years.
A Timeline of the Crusades
Some history books do slightly vary with their dates of when the Crusades started. The problem seems to be on deciding whether the date a crusade was called for is the date it started – or whether the start date was the date the troops actually left for a crusade.
- The First Crusade : 1096 to 1099
- The Second Crusade : 1147 to 1149
- The Third Crusade : 1189 to 1192
- The Fourth Crusade : 1201 to 1204
- The Fifth Crusade : 1217 to 1221
- The Sixth Crusade : 1228 to 1229
- The Seventh Crusade : 1248 to 1254
- The Eighth Crusade : 1270
- The 9th Crusade: 1271 to 1272
In 1212 what became known as the Children’s Crusade also occurred.
When the first crusaders set off (calling themselves ‘pilgrims’), they wore large red cloth crosses, hence the subsequent naming of ‘crusade’, originally derived from the Latin word ‘crux’. The term ‘crusades’ never surfaced until a French historic text (L’Histoire des Croisades) was published in the 17th Century.
As pilgrims, the original crusaders saw themselves as undertaking an armed mission or pilgrimage, and the ‘taking of the crux’ (cross) all the way to Jerusalem symbolised their vows that would only be fulfilled upon reaching their destination”

I have written that my husband, John was feeling strong memories connected to the Crusades after our visit to Citadelle du Château-d’Oléron – (see Eleanor of Aquitaine Part 1)
In fact so much so, that I asked our friend Helen, who reads the History of Soul Stories. Here is what she sent us for John:

I am sitting in the quiet of my room and with humble humility; I am trying to tap into the soul story of John Barrow ……………….
I specifically ask (if permitted) to tune into a time around the 11th century, as I am usually not able to access time or names during my tune-in.
I tune into a time when Christian Europe fought for the Holy Places in Palestine. I see John as the head of an army – I see banners with a white cross and I see his army storming the Holy City – peace followed – there seemed to be two Knights – Knights Templar and Knights … … (something else) a name I cannot get – but they somehow belong together ….. peace prevailed for some time. John however, died quite young from wounds he received in battles … … this vision is fading now … …
Valerie comments:
Not sure of this Knight’s name – but it was the successful Third Crusade and another aspect of John’s soul at the same time as this next Crusade. The second name for the Knights Templars – which Helen could not quite get – would have been the Knights Hospitallers – usually depicted with the black cross of St John.
I am now tuning into a life around the same time and I see John as a man of power, power which has been bestowed on him. But John feels that the real power lies in fighting – it is to be involved – it lies in negotiating, planning and acting. His mind is sharp – he is interested in recent history – in past lost battles. He has memories of failures und successes and he is driven to make wrongs right. Again I see him as a leader but his power is being slowly eroded by disagreements between the leaders in his forces. I see him abandon his plans and trying to return to his homeland. I feel this connection to England very strongly. I see him riding through foreign land,riding only during the dark hours and hiding in the forests; I see him disguising himself. I now see John captured – I see him surrounded by prison walls – but John does not feel defeated – he remains optimistic – knowing that he had great support back home. Again I see him dying in battle, still fairly young – with this my visions faded … … …”
Valerie comments:
We know in this life John was King Richard I, The Lionheart. You can read about King Richard I and the Third Crusade on Wikipedia.

The Great Seal of King Richard, struck for the Crusade. The inscription around the edge reads: Richard, by the grace of God, King of the English / Richard, by the grace of God, Duke of the Normans and of the Aquitanians and Count of the Angevins.
Valerie comments:
Now we go to Page 2 of Helen’s reading: (Which comes from an earlier time in history)
I now see John as a kind of superior in charge of an army. No, not an army – they are not fighting – but they are sort of ready. He listens to speeches being given encouraging people to take up the fight. It seems even foreigners to the country were urged to get ready to fight, in order to protect the community. I see flags or something like that with a red cross being handed out, but they are put on the left shoulders of men who are ready to fight. Pilgrims had to be protected! I perceive dangers everywhere. I see him travelling around many lands promoting a cause and being given money and goods and parcels of land. He seemed to be very persuasive and people everywhere like him. I see him collecting some sort of silver ware – which is gathered up in a big cloth and which is being carried by an assistant and which is being sold for money. John also has connection to &#lsquo;High Places&#rsquo; and its from there that he gathers his greatest strength from and the support he needs. He hears intriguing stories about other lands – about politics – and he has plans in his head – big plans – but suddenly a black wall is in front of me. It appears his life was cut short …. …
Valerie comments:
We know this life to be Hugh de Payns the creator of the Knights Templar

Hugh of Payns (var. Payens)
As I tune in now I see John as a monk. I see a big “C” in front of me so I guess it is a Catholic order. He is grieving inside and he is trying to find a meaning in life – he was given a chance to work in a religious community which he had known from a young age – he is very bright, intelligent and eager to bring about changes for the better. Soon he is given more responsibilities – he has lots of brothers – I see him persuading them to join the order – I see him writing – his responsibilities are big – but he really likes the solitude of being a monk. I see him being constantly asked for advice or for permission. Although a monk, and very devout – he sees it as an obligation to fight against evil – in order to protect Christians…….
With this my visions faded.”
Valerie comments:
(We also know that this life was another for John at the same time as Hugh de Payns – Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

This relief shows two Knights Templar on one horse.
This was because the knights were poor and bound by rules to live with frugality.

Bernard of Clairvaux, third son of a Burgundian nobleman, was born in 1090.
His brothers were trained as soldiers. Bernard entered the Church and preached The Crusades.

So we can understand why John knew he had been in and out of a number lives with the Knights Templar. He says, “Almost one after the other … … in fact two were together, both times. The English used to wear a white cross and the French a Red Cross. But they could have inter-related because of the history of French and English monarchy at that time.”
The last two personalities in John’s reading are the two who helped to gather the Chevaliers (Knights) and Christian flock to take up the cross and fight to retain safe journey and entrance into the Christian Holy Places at Jerusalem. This was at the bequest of the Pope and the church of the time who were concerned and worried that Jesus’ teachings would be lost.
The Royals at that time, namely Eleanor of Aquitaine, Louis VII of France, and then Henry II and all of their children (including Richard the Lionheart) were all highly spiritual people and supported the Pope and the Catholic Church. In that era the ‘thinking was very different’ to how it is today. The Catholic Churches in Europe were building their flocks and encouraging pilgrimages to Jerusalem and also to the Santiago de Compostela.
Roman Chapels were being built into huge Gothic style churches even in the smallest of villages. Catholic communes were established in many places in France. There were assaults led by Muslims who were coming into Aquitaine as far as Poitier from Spain and they had to be thwarted. This was the Chevalier’s belief.
John and I felt prompted to find as many Knights’ Temples as we could. We found many and soon found most of the churches large or small had the symbol of the equal sided cross on their walls – showing connection to the Crusades – they are everywhere in France – here is an image showing the Templar Commanderies in Europe around 1300 AD

Map showing Templar Commanderies in Europe around 1300 AD
In particular we visited St.Nicolas de Civray, not far from where we were living. We were advised that it was more or less the same church that existed in the famous ‘Rosslyn Chapel’ near Edinburgh. (It was built well after these two). A video of the Church of St Nicolas of Civray may be viewed here.

View of St Nicolas of Civray Church

John at the entrance of St Nicolas of Civray Church

View of the interior of St Nicolas of Civray Church

View of the beautiful interior of St Nicolas of Civray Church
Here are photos of the Church of Notre Dame du Grande (Our Lady the Great) at Poitiers – to show you how grand churches were built all over France.

West facade of the church of Our Lady the Great, Poitiers

Interior of the church of Our Lady the Great at Poitiers
Eleanor of Aquitane and her children – including Richard the Lionheart – lived for sometime in Poitiers. The Cathedral where Henry II and Eleanor were married is further down the road. The chateau they lived is now known as the Palais de Justice – it is surrounded with shops and other buildings.

Palais de Justice Poitiers – former home of Eleanor of Aquitaine
Homecoming and Reflections:
Since coming to France we have been shown our connection to many past lives in France.
In particular it would seem we came into human bodies to try and assist the spread of Jesus Teachings – His teaching was of Universal Love and Compassion … The way was lost to some degree when war (killings) were used in the name of Jesus to sort out disagreements in what has come to be known as ‘The Dark Ages.’
With my Fall in the house we were living, and later a ‘Turn’ that nearly took my life at the same age that Eleanor of Aquitane died – John and I were re-living, almost daily, the memories of the Crusades – our part in it and also the emotional reactions we were playing out from the extreme difficulties of the royal family of that era.
We almost ‘packed our things and came home early’ it had been so upsetting. I did ask our spirit mentors why we had to ‘replay’ all these emotional memories AGAIN … and was advised that as teachers our experiences were being monitored for ‘other worlds’ and that also that in walking the land that we actually knew so well in that era. We were healing ourselves and others, affected by the decisions that were made, even with the best intentions, at that time.
It has taken John and myself two months to settle back to our home in Australia and all that time for me to feel I could begin to write again and share our experiences. It has been the most difficult of all the ‘past lives’ we have dealt with. It has dominated our thoughts and we were unable to think about reporting our travels. Part 3 is soon to come …
I wanted to give thanks to the Creator of All for giving us this opportunity to undo all that was done and to ask forgiveness.
There was a gentle breeze that suddenly came through the front door and when I looked outside the window I saw thousands of little pale leaves falling to the ground, it was as if it was snowing. I was enthralled and delighted with the sight and walked outside to find the leaves were falling only around our house at every view point and not further away.
I KNEW IT WAS A SIGN – a message from Holy Spirit.
So I quickly referred to Betty Bethard’s Dream Book – Symbols of Understanding and read:
LEAVES: Attributes; leaves on tree represent lessons learned, accomplishments, rewards. Fruit of activities. Many leaves mean great growth and accomplishment. Leaves on ground are things completed, let go.
(Betty gives about 3 meanings to a symbol then asks you to intuitively choose the message that is for you. This time I felt all the meanings were meant for us.)
Then as I was contemplating, I observed the leaf was ‘see through’, film like, and I could see a seed in the middle. Many of the leaves were heart shaped, like angel wings around the seed. Was it another SIGN, another MESSAGE from Holy Spirit?
SEED: Means a New beginning, potential. If you are casting or planting seeds you are building for future abundance. As you sow, you reap.
Is God, Holy Spirit, casting seeds building for future abundance? I had arisen early this morning to join thousands of people on a World Meditation linked with the Internet. It was a prayer for WORLD PEACE.
I say Yes, Yes Yes …