Large chunks of vibhuti fell from images of Sathya Sai Baba during a bhajan session in a Puttaparthi hotel, five days ago.
5 days ago a musician named Mike was asked to play for a group of people in a hotel. This hotel has a prayer room. The photos below were full of vibhuti.
From the waist up Swami’s photo was completely covered with vibhuthi. His face was the only part that could be seen. I arrived at 4.30 to play. Only one other person was there.
A young man from Melbourne – Mathew came. As it happened, he and I were the only ones there for about an hour and a half. We were the only people in the room. All I did was play to him and Swami.
6pm came along and I decided to play “I am the pure light of consciousness” just as I finished playing a massive chunk of vibhuthi fell from Swami’s throat (see below) .
the vibhuti fell from the throat and shoulder
I played another song and on completion Matthew said “Mike, I just realised why the vibhuthi fell from Swami’s throat.” He went onto explain that just recently he had cancer in his throat and had an operation. There was also a thyroid problem in his throat as well. So this vibhuti falling was a beautiful acknowledgement of Baba’s love for him.
Later on, more than 20 people had arrived. We sang for another hour and a half. As I was singing Asatoma Sad Gamaya, another huge chunk fell from Swami’s shoulder.
a large chunk fell from Swami’s shoulder
Now it is five days later; you can see that the vibhuthi growing. It’s soooooo soft. Its amazing. I forgot to take pictures on the day. When the vibhuthi fell there was not a trace of it in the area that the vibhuthi fell from. Now lots of little bits growing again.
Vibhuti on picture of Sai Baba
Vibhuti on Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba
(Images and story used with permission of the author)