Kondakion 1 Invincible martyred of Christ Valérie to you our singing of reconnaissance* By your virginal blood you watered the earth of Gaules* So that it carries the future reaping of the Evangile* Ainsi by the sacrifice of your life you testified the endless Kingdom on our sol* And you announced the multitude of the saints in venir* That's why we proclaim you: Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Ikos 1 With saint Alpinien and Saint Austriclinien* Saint Martial was sent from Holy Earth jusques in Gaule* Où he accepted the region of Limousin as centre of sound apostolat* Near The castle where you lived he cures one possédé* Having seen the miracle operated by the sign of Croix* Avec your mother Suzanne you wanted to know the mysteries of creed immediately and we say to you: Be delighted, whom a healthy curiosity brought towards God; Be delighted, who been worthy of knowing the Martial apostle. Be delighted, who saw Christ across him; Be delighted, who reaches you with his holy militia immediately. Be delighted, which by the sign of the Crucifix was transfigured; Be delighted, who been converted by the single miracle. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Ikos 2 The incomprehensible by the favour of the predication of the apostle was you intelligible* You opened your heart big to mysteries of foi* And your thirsty soul drank to the source precepts évangéliques* With fear you answered on the appeal of the Lord and we say to you: Be delighted, Adherent prompt in the listening of Word; Be delighted, immediate Lover of the endless Kingdom. Be delighted, assiduous Virgin in the listening of mysteries; Be delighted, lively Hearer of angelic precepts. Be delighted, nimble Approval of The Gospel of life; Be delighted, instantaneous Conversion to the new world. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Kondakion 3 The potency of Very - Top was then conferred on you by divine baptême* By a holy emulation your mother and your attendants also accepted floodlighting sacrée* Making a fecund field of your home for reaping salvifique of the living God to whom we sing: Halleluiah! Ikos 3 Carrying the Word of Christ in you followed Saints Valérie* Tu the holy footprints of the lost Apostle Martial* Ayant your mother you dedicated entirely yourself to make easier the mission of the saint on the earth limousine* You advanced fast in virtuousness and asceticism and we proclaim you: Be delighted, who had the holy Martial apostle as Gamaliel; Be delighted, who was without conflict Marthe and Mary. Be delighted, who walked on the traces of the adherents; Be delighted, who helped their predication in the world. Be delighted, who fixed your look on the only divine realities; Be delighted, who became a stone of the rising Church. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Ikos 4 You ran up towards Martial Saint as towards Good Pasteur* Te throwing to his feet hushed up opens him your heart and tone âme* And taking it as witness of Very - Top you made vow to unite for ever with the spouse Céleste with Whom we exclaim towards you: Be delighted, Holocaust nice to the eyes of the Lord; Be delighted, Just propitiation for the pagan earth of our forefathers. Be delighted, Sacrifice of virtuousness given for multitudes to come; Be delighted, brittle Prodrome of the holy heroines of our country. Be delighted, undying Glory of our ancestors and the future generations; Be delighted, Delimit way first of celestial on our earth. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Kondakion 5 As a torchlight you shone on course for rising creed of our terre* You were as the star blissfully dirigée* By your blameless behaviour you guided the premises of the herd towards Royaume* Et as a torchlight you shone on course for the rising creed of our earth which proclaims towards God: Halleluiah! Ikos 5 Acknowledging in you the noblewoman owner of a manor in the one who took the form of a slave of the Maître* The people respected your respectability more still and your pureté* You were a model of rectitude because you divested yourself of all your property to achieve the saint pauvreté* Also with those that your example illuminated we say to you: Be delighted, who know how to leave the glory of the vain world; Be delighted, who wants to abandon the delusive privileges of birth. Be delighted, who understands that the only birth is that of the sky; Be delighted, who cultivated humility as a lily in the garden of the Lord. Be delighted, who preached by the example of your immaculate existence; Be delighted, who displays by your life of the softness of the Kingdom. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Ikos 6 Wanting to dispel the blackness of error and sound incroyance* You demonstrated your love for Très-Haut* Et exculpates you from the accusation of disloyalty of the Earth in which locked you up tone fiancé* But its mind remained closed in the voice of God which spoke by your lèvres* Admiring your inexpressible patience we cheer you: Be delighted, pure Fiancée of the only friend des man; Be delighted, Marry mystic of the King of any glory. Be delighted, clear Companion of the Angels and the Saints; Be delighted, virtuous Infanta of the endless Father. Be delighted, Sovereign lover of only Paraclet; Be delighted, mystical Sister of the initiating of favour. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Kondakion 7 You expatiated gently and joy of the Kingdom in venir* Showing the vainglory of the century trompeur* And wanting to introduce the God come lowly as child in our monde* You did not cease by your words to chant towards God: Halleluiah! I KB 7 You spoke about the new creation of miracle Dieu* Du of creed and soft breathing of prière* Who joins our breath with the divine breath of Esprit* Tu offers in Julianus to become your brother by christening and consecration to Dieu* Mais it refused to join its voice with yours to rent God and we return you saying homage: Be delighted, who proclaimed the Truth of a firm voice; Be delighted, who announced the Message without compromise. Be delighted, who wants to lead to Life the one who dedicated you in death; Be delighted, who tried by your words to give him hear Verb. Be delighted, who attracted by your requests to convert your iniquitous judge. Be delighted, who undertakes to earn in Christ the one who believed lose you. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Ikos 8 The mind anchored in God and become absent in monde* You walked towards your suffering without diverting your look of the celestial patrie* You demonstrated your joy by proclaiming to the one who drove you in supplice* Senseless you drive me to death and I run courage to Vie* Emerveillés by your insignia we celebrate you so: Be delighted, incommensurable Bravery of the martyrs of Christ; Be delighted, marvellous Firmness of the soldiers of creed. Be delighted, prodigious Courage of those who consider the other bank; Be delighted, quiet Heroism of the righteous men in front of test. Be delighted, indomitable Courage of the elected representatives in misfortune; Be delighted, Recklessness without fault of the friends of the Spouse. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Kondakion 9 Addressing you then to God you rented It to have brought you in con¬naissance* Of The endless greeting prepared for those who follow His son Bien-Aimé* Tu asks that He sends to support you at ultimate instants His angels of ciel* Who continuously chant: Halleluiah! Ikos 9 The subtle speakers are dumb in front of your firmness ô saint martyr Valérie* A your requests answered a voice of Ciel* Qui assured you the assistance of the celestial milices* Your face lighting up soudain* Should Be as the image of splendour divine* As well as the Son in the past you delayed your mind then in the hands of Père* Et with the holy assemblies we cry: Be delighted, who lived martyred as holy nuptials; Be delighted, who been faithful to the Lord until death. Be delighted, who left this world illuminated by the favour of the Master; Be delighted, who gave your blood and accepted Life in inheritance. Be delighted, who showed by your demise the glory of the elected representatives; Be delighted, who follows the Crucifixion jusques to the Father. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Kondakion 10 As a faithful ewe imitating the Celestial Lamb come among nous* You were delivered in the hands of the hangman without fear nor pleurs* And your leader was cut as a ripe ear in the age of moissons* The Christians who were there were dazzled by your sacrifice and sang to God: Halleluiah! Ikos 10 Bulwark of the virgins and those who use tone intercession* Your more bright soul than the sun went out of your body précieux* And leaving this gangue of the Earth it rose jusques in cieux* Where the assembly of the righteous men received you in the Throne of the Lamb by saying: Be delighted, human Border between blackness and our greeting; Be delighted, Dusk of paganism on our earth. Be delighted, Daybreak of the Christianity of the Gauls; Be delighted, sacred Page of the history of our nation. Be delighted, Lecture saint of the Book of Life; Be delighted, first and holy Heroine of our people. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Kondakion 11 Very hymn turns out to be powerless to sing commendation of your saint martyre* O Sainte prodrome Valérie of the martyrs of the earth of France* Jamais we shall reach by our words the perfection of your sacrifice for God towards Whom we proclaim: Halleluiah! Ikos 11 Pure virgin saint Valérie of the earth of Gaule* Tu lights on the soil of our forefathers insubstantial fire of foi* So that every being can reach to the knowledge of vérité* You gave your life to demonstrate that true life was in God seul* Venerating your sacred memory we exclaim towards you: Be delighted, who left everything to found our Church; Be delighted, who never failed in the promise of your christening. Be delighted, who know how to make yield a profit in increase a hundredfold your talents; Be delighted, who sealed our alliance by your blood with Christ. Be delighted, who was the originator of divine knowledge; Be delighted, who opens the way of true Life. Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Kondakion 12 Wanting to pay tribute to the one who gave birth to you in raising Christ* Te you took your precious leader in your mains* You walked along towards the church where Martial Saint officiait* You deposited your head as an offertory with its feet and you rested for éternité* Admiring this prodigy of creed we rent saying God: Halleluiah! Ikos 12 Saint of our people we sing your birth to the sky with hymns of joie* We glorify you as the stone of angle and the foundation of our Eglise* Par your sacrifice of nice smell in the Endless you opened the Royal Way of the Gospel to those who say to you currently: Be delighted, emulator d' Steven by your martyr; Be delighted, New Thècle of our fatherland Be delighted, Warning of Martin de Tours. Be delighted, initiator de Geneviève de Lutèce; Be delighted, subtle Light of Radegonde. Be delighted, Prodrome of the sweetheart Clotilda; Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls! Kondakion 13 Saint martyr Valérie worthy of all louanges* You who guided the assembly of all saints of the earth of France towards the celestial demeures* With the righteous men who followed your steps and reached jusques in Royaume* Prie the lord God to save souls of those who truthfully honour your saying sacred memory: Be delighted, Sainte de Limoges Protomartyre of the Gauls!