Newsletter, June 2015

Sunrise at Stonhenge, Solstice 2015Hello Everyone,
It has been quiet days for John and myself, since our recent adventure with the steps inside our homestay house in Montignac. Much releasing has gone and John has also been deeply affected by our experience – which goes much beyond words and presence. I do believe that John and I are much more aware of and alert to the need for our world to release all that is hurtful, all that is negative, and to celebrate love and light everywhere you see. You will see how one young lass does so at the end of my newsletter. Choice for light is so powerful.


We have shared in many articles news of Uluru and how this is the home of the oversighting spirit by name Alcheringa. It is also the home of the Indigenous Mother Goddess Goolagaia. The Dalai Lama has fulfilled one of his wishes and finally visited Uluru. Last month we brought you giant sinkholes- this month we have the ocean whirlpools. We also have wonderful photographs of the recent Aurora Australis caused by the geomagnetic storms. We have news of a new crop circle from Wiltshire (nearby Stonehenge) and a Russian Scientist – using advanced Kirilian photography taking photos of the soul leaving the body! The Solstice has passed as this beautiful photo of sunrise at Stonehenge shows. The European summer has finally arrived and now we can venture outside in light clothes and enjoy the climate!

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