Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message July 3rd, 2018

Cosmic Sai Baba

ANNOUNCEMENT: Please see the February 6, 2018 message from Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val to readers of the website.
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Also there is a YouTube video of the meeting every month so all can join us at the gathering.

Valerie Barrow: With great love and respect in our hearts we are calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to make His presence this day – it is 3rd July, 2018 and we are at Moss Vale, New South Wales, Australia. Thank you.

Cosmic Sai Baba (through Valerie):

“I am Cosmic Sai Baba, and it gives me great pleasure to be here – I am very glad to be here to assist with this meeting to take place with Andromeda Val, all the way from Andromeda Galaxy M31. And so, she is here, and she is waiting, thank you My Dears, thank you for being here.”

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Light on a Dark Corner of the Milky Way

On Tuesday 3rd of October, Cosmic Sai Baba gave one message at Moss Vale, and then indicated that another was to speak. Andromeda Val came through in the transmission, a unique channelling given by the future self of Valerie Barrow, some 6000 years ahead of now (as time is reckoned in this dimension). “Andromeda Val” gave a unique overview of the Milky Way, the purpose of Planet Earth, and the journey towards love and light, the peaceful co-existence of all together on Earth and the incredible gift this can give – not only to our galaxy (the Milky Way) but also to our Universe.

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