Visit to Saint Maximin and la Sainte-Baume

Visit to Saint Maximin and la Sainte-Baume

Replica of the reliquary of Sainte Madeleine , St Mary Magdalene

Replica of the Reliquary of St Mary Magdalene
carried in procession

Valerie Barrow and her husband John spent the end of September, all of October and the early part of November 2010 travelling through the UK, France and parts of Egypt. What follows is Valerie’s record of their visit to the Saint-Maximin la Saint-Baume region, where Mary Magdalene resided after her flight from Egypt. There has been a constant monastic presence here preserving the tradition (and the relics) of Mary Magdalene since the Fourth Century.

Map of Saint-Maximin la Saint-Baume Region

Map of Saint-Maximin la Saint-Baume Region. Click to see a larger map

The area is well known for a geological formation known as Massif, which will come into play in the story which is to unfold.

The region, as evidenced by some archaeological finds, was already a religious center some 3000 years ago. The existence of a huge reserve of water which is fed by all the rivers of the region explains that since prehistoric times, the pagan cults dedicated to the goddesses of fertility were developed there. Some historians believe that the forest has been frequented by the “Druids” at the time of the presence of Celts from the fourth century BCE.

Geological formation known as Massif at Sainte-Baume

Geological formation known as Massif at Sainte-Baume

The attractive market town of Saint-Maximin lies 300 metres above sea level, surrounded by vineyards and sheltered by the three great ranges of Mont Aurelien, Mont Sainte Victoire and the Massif Sainte Baume.

Originally a Gallo-Roman site north east of Marseilles and The Camargue, this ancient town owes much of its fame to that part of its rich history touched by the mystique and legend of Mary Magdalene.

Basilica of St Mary Magdalene surrounded by the Royal Convent

Basilica of St Mary Magdalene surrounded by the Royal Convent

The relics of the saint were discovered here in 1280, in a crypt dating back to the fourth century AD, and thenceforth preserved in a primitive local church. Later, in order to accommodate the ever burgeoning influx of pilgrims, Charles II of Anjou, Count of Provence and nephew to Saint Louis of France ordered, with the blessing of Pope Boniface VIII – the construction of the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene and Convent on the same spot.

Original plan of the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene showing the location of the crypt

Original plan of the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene showing the location of the crypt.
The Basilica was never completed on account of the Black Death,
and so the entry of the Basilica shows the unfinished face

John Barrow standing in front of the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene; the unfinished front is visible

John Barrow standing in front of the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene; the unfinished front is visible

John and I are entranced with being able to stay in the Royal Convent, once occupied by Dominican monks but now converted to comfortable accommodation and restaurant.

View of the Dining Room of the Royal Convent at Saint-Maximin

View of the Dining Room of the Royal Convent at Saint-Maximin.
Note the white orb overlaying the bunch of roses, top right

A Dominican monk overlooks the menu in the dining room of the Royal Convent

A Dominican monk overlooks the menu in the dining room of the Royal Convent

We soon begin the short walk, virtually next door, to explore the magnificent Basilica. I know the remains of Mary Magdalene are kept in the crypt and I am anxious to view them.

Entrance to the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Entrance to the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Just after we arrive, the crypt is closed because a sacred ceremony – a Confirmation of Children – is taking place. John and I decide to wait until the ceremony (which lasted about hour) was over.

Confirmation Mass was taking place in the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Confirmation Mass was taking place in the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

The High Altar in the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at St Maximin

The High Altar in the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

While waiting for the Crypt to re-open after the Confirmation, I was led to the following photo in the Cathedral, Trilogie, which is believed to be the spirits of the Three Marys.

Trilogie, depicting the spirits of the Three Marys at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Trilogie, depicting the spirits of the Three Marys at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin



At the Crypt

View of the Crypt at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

View of the Crypt at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

When the Crypt is opened I ask if I can take a photo of the shrine of Mary Magdalene with the skull inside. (see Jehanne/Judith half sister of Issa – Jesus.) I ask my mentor if it is really she? He replies,

“It It is indeed, my dear, for all have come to recognise her and bless her for her work – the ones that understand and know from the origins from which she came.

Valerie's photo of the Shrine in the Crypt at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Valerie’s photo of the Shrine in the Crypt
at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

The photo that you have – IS – an extra light my dear, so do not question it. It is in acknowledgement of your presence and she is very pleased to see you. Understand her spirit is not just in the crypt, but is omnipresence – and it will follow you to the mountain cave. “

Notice at the Shrine in the Crypt at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Notice at the Shrine in the Crypt
at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Altar in the Crypt at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Altar in the Crypt
at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Shrine with skull of Mary Magdalene

Shrine with Skull of Mary Magdalene

The Crypt also houses the sarcophagi of Saint Maximin, Saint Sidoine, Saint Marcelle and Saint Suzanne—companions of Saint Mary Magdalene on the boats.

Replica of the reliquary of Sainte Madeleine , St Mary Magdalene

Replica of the Reliquary of St Mary Magdalene
carried in procession;
The Feast Day of St Mary Magdalene is July 22nd

Where we witnessed the evocation of the Marys landing at the Camargue along with six other members of Jesus’s family, it was said Saint Maximin was also one of them. It would seem he moved on to the mountain area with Mary Magdalene to spread the teachings.

Cover of the Annales Ecclesiastici by Cardinal Caesar Baronius

Cover of the Annales Ecclesiastici by Cardinal Caesar Baronius

There is another legend written by Cardinal Baronius, curator of the Vatican Library, in his “Annales Ecclesiastici” (ecclesiastical annals from Christ’s nativity to 1198), consisting of twelve folio volumes, is a history of the first 12 centuries of the Christian Church) giving a complete list of passengers who were said to travel to Marseilles to escape the danger that existed after Jesus was crucified: I am prompted by spirit to research the Web about Joseph of Arimathea and this is the website I am led to: Web Archive (archive of a web page that has since disappeared after creating this page)

Joseph, with many disciples traveled from the holy land by Phoenician boat and landed at Marseilles (a Phoenician trading post), in the Vienoise province of the Gauls (France) in the year 35 AD. From there Joseph went on to England, to establish seminaries and send out missionaries. Cardinal Baronius, Curator of the Vatican library, in his “Ecclesiastical Annals“, gives this account. “In that year the party mentioned was exposed to the sea in a vessel without sails or oars. The vessel drifted finally to Marseilles and they were saved. From Marseilles, Joseph and his company passed into Britain and after preaching the Gospel there, died.”

Here is Cardinal Baronius’ complete list of passengers:

  • St. Mary, wife of Cleopas
  • St. Eutropius
  • St. Salome
  • St. Martial
  • St. Trophimus
  • St. Cleon
  • St. Saturninus
  • St. Maximin (the blind man)
  • St. Sidonius (Restitutus)
  • St. Joseph of Arimathea
  • St. Mary Magdalene
  • St. Martha
  • St. Lazarus
  • Marcella, the Bethany sisters’ maid

Other records state that James and Mary, the mother of Jesus, were also in the boat. Philip was waiting for the travelers in France. There is testimony asserting his commission in Gaul, all of which say that he was received and consecrated Josephus the Apostle to Britain, prior to his journey there.”

Alcheringa, (who often speaks on behalf of Cosmic Sai Baba) has advised that there were many ships that came with the refugees from Egypt. The Camargue is not far from Marseilles. The Camargue gypsies hold the legend as told about in my article “Les Saintes Maries de la Mer” that St Salome, St Jacobe and Sarah, along with St Maximin landed at the Carmargue and Alcheringa says, St. Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and her 2 daughters also landed there along with Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus’ brother James. There were others not mentioned.

Those Saints who have sarcophagi nearby the reliquary of Mary Magdalene at the Basilica here at the village Saint Maximin, are St. Maximin, St. Sidonius, St. Salome, St. Suzanne, who are the same people who are mentioned in the previous list (with the exception of St. Suzanne)

2000 years later, the records of antiquity are difficult to decipher. A companion or disciple is often referred to by name, or from where they came from, or a son of – in different ways so that it is difficult to know when it is the same person being recorded in manuscripts written by different scribes.

There were many who left the Holy Lands via Egypt for safety reasons, after Jesus was crucified. Those, particularly the women, who traveled to and stayed in South of France (then known as Gaul) were still in danger and had to go about their mission of spreading the teachings quietly and almost secretly.

Joseph of Arimathea traveled with others to his familiar territory in the Britannic Isles and began his teaching there. He went on to establish the first Christian Church at Glastonbury. It was not so dangerous there, even though it was still part of the ancient Roman Empire.

In my next article I will be speaking about our visit to Glastonbury, U.K.

Returning to our visit to Saint Maximin, we later walked around the old town, noting how narrow many of the streets were.

Illustrating the narrow byways of Saint-Maximin

Narrow byways of Saint-Maximin; not much room to pass the car!

John Barrow  illustrates the narrow byways of Saint-Maximin

Narrow byways of Saint-Maximin; the room in the corner behind John looks like it is about to fall away.

Cakes in shop at Saint-Maximin

Some of the lovely cakes we saw on our walk around Saint-Maximin

Go to PART TWO: Our visit to the grotto LA SAINTE-BAUME

Past Life of Ruth – half sister of Issa

Past Life Regression of Ruth, half-sister to Issa – Jesus

Issa-Jesus meditating in the Himalayas
Issa – Jesus meditating in the Himalayas

Transcript 1st January 2007 – Rosemary/Ruth – Time of Jesus.

PAST LIFE REGRESSIONitalics are Val asking Rosemary the questions.

We are asking that you be taken into the Halls of Records and you are asking to be led to the book – regarding the life you had with Jesus. When you saw yourself in the House of Miriam.

“I feel my choice is that I am being offered to be transported into a room and it is like that there is many photo albums on a desk. It is being suggested I have a look at these albums. Each one is open and seems to represent a Lifetime I have had. At the top of the desk above the photo album is an engraved nameplate of the year ‘from – to’

So he is suggesting I walk around the room until I find the one I want to look at. It is a large hall and desks are wooden with the albums opened on it.

I am naturally being drawn to the year 33 BC. I am just turning the pages of the album until there is something I want to stop. It’s funny because as I look at the pages they become alive and I could just walk into them if I wanted to. Farmers are going around with oxen. There is a wooden yoke on the oxen and they are plowing the ground.

I am being told it is Joseph the husband of Mary who is going to be my father. But he is not married yet. He is younger. (It’s like I am being shown my mother’s album. There are little white stone houses. They are whitewashed. They are small and people live in them. (She later said they belonged to the Essenes)

Just very ordinary country people and life.

She then sees Mary is carrying a child in her stomach and Joseph is walking with her.

They have a fair way to go. When they arrive in town (Bethlehem) they are greeted and led into a simple house – There is a place where water is boiled. And as time passes in the corner there is a huge bale of hay ready for the birth so that the after-birth etc. can easily be disposed of once the baby is born. (It is not a manger but something she can lean back on while giving birth.) She has 4 women acting as mid-wives attending to her. This birth is long awaited by many for they know the child is the prophesized one. They are all rejoicing – singing.

She was asked if she could see a date on the record.

I am just seeing the date the 29th February. And the year is in the reign of King Herod (it sounded more like Harold) and it was in the 16th year of his reign. Year one was in the first year of his reign.

When asked she said the country was Judea.

She said she was being shown that after Jesus was born – it was after that Joseph and Mary got married. Or became husband and wife together. (You mean the marriage hadn’t been consummated up until then? Rosemary said “yes”.) Jesus was the first born – but Joseph was not the father. A Light from God had impregnated Mary and Jesus was born from that. So that she wasn’t of the lineage of Jesus but rather after his birth the family lineage came from Joseph.

Rosemary said “I wasn’t the first born of the family of Mary and Joseph. The children are James, Phillip, and John then they had a girl called Judith then Ruth. Then another two.

The house was communal living – the children belonged to everyone. You weren’t separate from your cousins or your relatives – it was tribal – everyone belonged to everyone. All were aunts and uncles and so on.

I loved Jesus – he was so much older than me. He was a grown man when I was born. He was 18 when I was born. He used to call me Esmeralda – and funnily my father called me that in this life when I was young.

I had to look after the stove – that was one of my chores. I can feel myself in the body putting the wood on the fire and not wanting to get burnt. Everyone is wearing brown cloth. They wore White on special occasions or if we were out.

(Cannot hear tape well)

Moving on – can you see yourself getting older?

Something has happened in the three years. I call him Issa (pronounced Eesa). He is always talking to men. It is not like when I was little he played with me more. Now is always busy and he goes away a lot and he goes to other places.

She was asked if He was happy.

She said sometimes he sings – other times he is serious – always teaching.

Sometimes he liked to be alone – it was then he said he was with his father. I thought Joseph was his father but he said no. He talked about God a lot He said I have come straight from the Father little one.

He had kind face. A big face. Dark brownish hair – (not dark) sometimes his beard was bushy. He had beautiful eyes – He would give my plait a jerk and say Wake up! Wake up! (She sounded young when experiencing this memory.)

Sometimes he would take my hand and take me walking when he wasn’t too busy.

Then it was like a dark cloud came. People were always talking about soldiers, And dangerous times. Sickness and death. And wanting to be free. They wanted my brother to be king. They wanted my brother to be a head of something. A government? To set the people free. He would say, “But this is not my work. You do not understand. You listen but you do not understand. That is not what I have come to do. You will be set free.

If you believe in me, if you believe and understand the truth will set you free.”

Ruth is upset, here. She is saying:

“Listen to him – it is the Light that will set you free“.

But they wanted their pain to go. They wanted the fighting to stop and the slavery. And the things they saw that was wrong with the world.

He was trying to show them another world. A real place. A real world. That everything that they believed was just an illusion of the mind. He was trying to show them they were trapped by the mind – not the soldiers. But they couldn’t hear him

And I heard him say “Those that have ears to hear – let them hear.”

And it would make me sad. For I thought that what he had come to do – wasn’t going to happen – because they couldn’t hear him (she was crying now). And that made me sad. And I thought that I could be like mother …

She was asked to move on in her memory – after Issa was crucified … There is danger and there is need to get away …

Ruth interrupted and said:

I must tell you, the Marys knew – and the Marys got together to leave that country. The Marys were empowered by the Word. And the Word was with them. And the Word was not (as I can see it) with the men. The Word was with the Marys. And the Marys took the Word to France.

She was asked if they had other traveling with them:

There were several boats. But the Marys held … (I have grown now – I am older – I feel I am about sixteen.) I am one of the servants or the handmaiden of the Marys.

Val comments: this makes sense – if Jesus was 18 years old when she was born and she is now sixteen after Jesus was crucified at age 33, then this would make it that Jesus would have been 34 had he lived.

She was asked who the Marys are?

The Marys are the Mary Magdalene, My Mother (Mary of Jesus) and there is one called Miriam – she is Mary also. She seems to be a cousin to Jesus.

There is another one called Mary. There seems to be 4. I don’t know if there is 3 plus 1 and she has a different function – but there are 4 women. I don’t know if she is supporting the 3 women that hold the Word or whether the 4 hold the Word. So – Oh my God – they have the Holy Grail.

Ruth says she is looking at the Light coming out of it. It is metal and has configuration of other metals forming a design.

It reminds me of a trophy cup. There is engraving on it. It has been designed by someone back in the village.

It is always higher than my eyes – I am always looking up to it.

Do the other Marys talk about it, then?

They seem to worship it? Jesus used to drink out of it.

Is this the one that was said to be at the Last Supper?

I think so – but I don’t know, for I wasn’t at the Last Supper.

I think it is the only thing we have that belonged to him. I … Oh! … I think you will find that his hands touched it after the resurrection.

This is after he had arisen – after the resurrection?

Yes – It has a sound in it.

It emanates a sound.

It’s like a higher sound

In a cave, there is a ledge in the cave and The Marys have made that part of their altar – they give thanks to it – because it carries the Light and it represent the Light to them – it holds the power – it is a focus for them.

It’s like a vortex to another World.

… It is like a doorway. It is iridescent. It is shimmering!

… It has all the colours in it.

She was asked where it was.

She doesn’t know where she is.

We landed and we were met by shepherds. But Mary calls them wisemen. They only look like shepherds to me. They knew we were coming. They took us to this cave for the grail had to be kept safe.

She was asked if they were away from the water?

Ruth said yes.

It was mountainous; there is a cave there.

She had to come back (from the past life regression) then.

We asked first if she could ask if she knew where the Chalice is now?

As far as I can see, the Chalice has been de-materialised. It has returned to its real world. But it can be gifted back.

Just one more question?. Do you have Baba with you?

He says keep the Pyrenees in mind.

Copyright Notice

Dear Reader: Kindly be aware that the material shared on this page is a past life regression and thus, the experience of a person in this lifetime. It is copyright (“Rosemary”) and the work of Val Barrow. This material is NOT to be copied and posted elsewhere on the Internet or in any other media.