We had been asked by ‘upstairs’ to anchor the energy that had come into Earth at the Turning Point on the Solstice of 21st December 2012.
The energy of Holy Spirit is with us all. We had been asked by ‘upstairs’ to anchor the energy that had come into earth at the turning point on the last Solstice 21st December 2012. The Equinox was allowing the energy to fully anchor into the centre of the Earth.
Seven people gathered plus two guests and 1 baby were invited to join us in meditation down the valley – focusing on the Alcheringa Crystal. It is a Master Crystal both for healing and communication and holds the energy of the Creator Ancestor well known to the Australian Aborigine.
Valerie Barrow and others at the Equinox Ceremony
Our focus was to form an image or intent to connect to the World of Light and request a pyramid of Light to flow like a river directly from The Source down through the crystal and on through the Earth to its core centre. The Divine Creative Sound, OM, was chanted three times. The meditation continued again to include Uluru – connecting to the crystal and requesting the Divine Light to earth through both points into the centre of the Earth. Again, the Divine Creative Sound, OM, was chanted three times. The meditation then saw and felt the new energy from the Source coming in stronger than ever and anchoring into the whole of the Earth – bringing Peace and Harmony and raising the consciousness of all who live upon the Earth.
Valerie Barrow speaking at the Equinox Ceremony
We waited for a being to speak through John Gray this day on this special occasion, but there was no One to speak.
Valerie Barrow and John Gray begin the invocation at the Equinox Ceremony with the Alcheringa Crystal
Valerie Barrow and John Gray begin the invocation at the Equinox Ceremony with the Alcheringa Crystal
(Valerie):”So with great love and respect I ask that we open ourselves today to Holy Spirit and call upon Alcheringa to be with us and we welcome him into our presence. Thank you.“
To our surprise another came through announcing:
“It is I Cosmic Sai Baba, not Alcheringa , because Alcheringa is an aspect of me – but as Cosmic Sai Baba I come from a Hierarchy … and I wish it to be known that a Hierarchy exists and it is influencing much of what is happening on your planet at this time.
It is a very important evolvement that is taking place upon this planet and I want you to know and be at peace … that is a good thing … it is not harmful to anybody … it can only go on to release, shall we say, the unwanted … and I will not name this but you will know what feels right … and what feels wrong and so we will say it releases the wrong that is on this planet and allows a new energy to take its place and lift everybody’s spirit – lift everybody’s heart so they will feel joyful and happy and be able to live with one another in peace and harmony.
If they disagree about something … they will agree to disagree. In other words consensus will reign. This is an edict from the Angelic Realms which has been asked of the Hierarchy.
I am not going to ask questions—I would like you to focus on your heart—because your heart is a consciousness and within it is the answers to questions that you may have in your mind. So when you sit quietly with this crystal or in meditation (in the light) … just sit quietly … focus on your heart … and ask the question about yourself … about your life … about what is going on around you … or about the Cosmos itself.
The answers are all there—you have unlimited knowledge within your heart.
It connects to your SOUL and your Soul holds all information. It is the part and aspect of you that moves on and lives on after you leave your physical body … but it also is moving and listening to all that is happening around the Earth and the Cosmos — and so you can tune in to your SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS which is in the seat of your heart and find out the information that you require.
Please do not have any expectations … for expectations will limit you … I want you to keep your mind open—your heart open—and freely allow the energy to come in as you look towards the sky and feel the presence of the consciousness from your soul and from the Creative Spirit — The Creative Energy of All.
You are All God Beings — You are All Light Beings — This is an edict that has happened Eons ago.
So God Bless you my children … I hope you will listen to my message this day.
I send my love to you …
I, God, Bless you.”
We all stood in a circle and gave thanks for this blessing today. As the moment of quiet still reigned a beautiful dragonfly flew onto the front of my blouse and stayed there for some time. It was as if it had been sent by the Hierarchy. See how gold the colour of its body is and its head shone like a turquoise crystal.
It then flew and landed on John Gray ‘s chest. And the last visit it made to Paul – onto the back of his shoulder. This is a photo of the dragonfly blessing us.
Golden Dragonfly
The dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world:
Dragonfly ... Breaks illusion, Brings visions of power, No need to prove it, Now is the hour! Know it, Believe it, Great Spirit intercedes, Feeding you, Blessing you, Filling all your needs.
(Taken from Medicine Cards – Sams & Carson – Bear & Co.)
The Alcheringa Crystal sits in the valley at Satori Springs, Canyonleigh, Australia.
Valerie Barrow reaches down to receive the energy of the Alcheringa Crystal … the green Sai Baba ring is visible on her hand.
©Valerie Barrow