Hello Everyone,
I have recently visited the Sacred Land at Kariong, which is under threat of being sold to developers and losing public access to the area. Kariong needs your help.
Many of you will recall that Kariong is the site where most of the narrative contained in Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created took place. This site is now under threat of being sold to developers and sacred seekers like yourselves will lose public access to the multiple sacred sites at that location.
Here is a Press Release given before the meeting that took place for the presentation made by Steven Strong and Dr. Hans Dieter Von Senff, at the Arts Barn at Kariong.
We are asking our readers – even from overseas – to please send a quick note to the New South Wales Government to please SAVE THE SACRED LAND AT KARIONG that is attached to the Kuringai National Park – the land is in danger of being sold to developers and losing the public access to the area. The site is controversial but the recent surprising research given by Mr. Strong and Dr. Hans Dieter von Senfff identifies close links between Australia and ancient Egypt as well as identifying some 25 separate art styles-techniques of Aboriginal and Egyptian origin.
To register your support to save the Sacred Land at Kariong, you can go to the website of Cate Faehrmann (the Greens candidate for this region) and fill out an online petition which will be sent directly to the Environment Minister for New South Wales. If you would like to do this, click here to go to Cate Ferhrmann’s Website (opens in a new window).
Jake Cassar writes …
This area at Bambara is loved and revered by Aboriginal groups, Scout Groups, Outdoor Social Clubs, Central Coast Bushwalking Friends, Senior Mountain Biking and hiking Groups, Yoga Groups, joggers, Spiritual groups, University students and I have personally taken thousands of people on tours (including internationals) over the past 8 or so years and in youth programs including students from North Gosford Learning Center, Hopetown School, Youth Connections, Alesko & Steiner schools, Frank Baxter, Kariong Youth Center and many, many more primary schools, High schools and other organisations that I work with as a youth worker….
I hope this area is soon seen as an INVESTMENT rather than an EXPENSE and is safely resting between it’s National Parkland borders for the community to continue to enjoy for generations to come….
Who is going to stand up and make sure this land finaly gets the respect it deserves, before it’s too late?
Valerie concludes:
I thank you for your assistance – readers will recognise the site as where we received our overwhelming experience written about in the book ‘Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created.’
I will be writing more after Christmas of our experiences when attending the meeting shown above in the Press Release.
Update – January 2012
I have completed the article about our day at Kariong and McMasters Beach. Alcheringa gave a transmission on the history of Kariong, the mission of the Mothership Rexegena, and how Kariong is a “doorway”. You can read this article here.
Many Blessings to all and Christmas Greetings.
Sent with Universal love. Val.