Cosmic Sai Baba Introducing Andromeda Val from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 with a Message January 1st, 2019
ANNOUNCEMENT: Please see the February 6, 2018 message from Cosmic Sai Baba introducing Andromeda Val to readers of the cosmicsaibaba.com website.
Please join us on Facebook – Valerie Barrow.
Also there is a YouTube video of the meeting every month so all can join us at the gathering.
Meeting January 1st, 2019 – Moss Vale.
In today’s meeting, 3 questions are asked:
- About Human DNA and how it relates to raising our consciousness to 5th Dimension.
- About the Opalized Dinosaur bones found in Australia – and the connection to the extreme heat coming from Uluru which they say is an Inselberg and is an Asteroid that came as a fiery mass, landing in the ancient Eromanga sea.
- About the Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, Bigfoot all being the same race on Earth.
Our recent visit to Uluru for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference held 12th – 14th January, 2018
The year before on 14th to 18th January we were at Ballina – attending the Close Encounters Conference where Archangel Mikael had asked at our regular monthly meetings with Cosmic Sai Baba if He could speak at the Conference in January 2017. Archangel Mikael had made his entrance so loudly it almost knocked everyone out of their seat. He announced that the United Planetary Nations wished to present themselves en-masse at Uluru – and possibly at other Power Points around our Planet. The 12th of January 2018 was mentioned.
International Earth Chakra Day
Valerie Barrow will be one of the guest speakers at International Earth Chakra Day, to be held at Uluru/Kata Tjuta, on 12 January 2018.
Archangel Mikael Speaks: The Showing of the Star Peoples
Valerie Barrow serves the Angelic Realms – a place of no limit – and gives over her time, talents and resources in order that the Angelic Realms may use her as a medium and give messages to humanity. These are messages for uplift and benefit of humanity, that all may return to the state of true humanness in the Journey of the Soul.
Readers of this website may know that Valerie gives over the first Tuesday of the month to a spiritual group and during that time, Cosmic Sai Baba is invited to give a message. At recent meetings, Cosmic Sai Baba has indicated that another from the Angelic Realms wished to speak, and Archangel Mikael has come and spoken. We bring you the important message – and clarification – of Archangel Mikael’s announcement of the “Showing of the Star People“, a event to occur – with the welcome of humankind – in the near future.
The Showing en-masse: The Star Ships, the Star People
The Mystery School joins together once again and draws upon the sacred energies to hold a space wherein their time, talents and resources are offered to The Source – the Creative Source of the All, often called GOD – so that understanding and explanations come forth and mankind can take up its true heritage among the United Planetary Nations. In this session, questions about The Showings en-masse are answered, along with reminders about light bodies, the Man and the Human, who has the light within. You can read more here in the Mystery School.
February 2017 Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
We have settled back home from our excursion to Byron Bay and the wondrous channelling from Archangel Mikael. We hope to have the Youtube video of this session to share with you very shortly.
In the meantime, we have experienced a heatwave down here in the Southern Highlands, and I am sure these have been hot and bothersome for everyone. There are a lot of challenges confronting us all in every country and we are One: we walk together into the future, the Golden Age with the guidance of the Angelic Realms – the place of no limit – and we can all walk holding the hand of the Creative Source of All Creation. This newsletter brings you water from thin air, the discovery of pyramids in Antarctica, foot chakras, black holes, the Milky Way and photograph of Uluru from the International Space Station. Whilst we all face challenges, we may walk into the Golden Age of Humanity with LOVE from the Creative Source of the ALL.