Notes on Technology aboard the Mothership

The Mothership Rexegena inside is white – white everywhere – very clean cut and not much furniture showing. Just long, rounded, smooth to touch moulded seats, slightly shiny, along side of walls, again all white.

Drawing of Mothership Rexegena

(Click the image to see a larger version)

There are rooms off corridors in the ‘sleeping section’ everything is very quiet – inside the room, lights and furniture are available by waving the hand over a small point on a wall, like a light switch with ‘thought in mind’ of opening the bed section for instance or turning on a soft light. The sleeping bed appears as the section of the wall opens. It is more like a cylinder in which the star person climbs into, after removing boots, and mentally closes the see- through cover over their body. The air inside is stabilized into an atmosphere that allows the star person to sleep for whatever time he/she chooses. It could even be for the full time of travel until the destination is almost reached. The star persons’ mind is then linked with the mothership so as to assist its pre-programmed course. There are always certain numbers of star people that are on “so called” watch. Meaning that they are in a suspended state of mind to focus only on the movement of the mothership. Fifty thousand people are on board with never a feeling of over-crowding.

At the top of the Mothership is the Command Deck, about 20 people are moving about purposefully. It operates with extremely advanced computer equipment. The Deck itself is large and almost completely surrounded with a magical window view of the galaxy outside. Large movie screens hang like thin pictures on the remaining walls, which light upon command, showing star maps where the ship is, where it has been and where it is going.

To operate these star screens, there is what look like coloured desktop directional control mechanisms. Some of these are buttons, as you would use on a computer, others are like a half globe coloured light set into a console, that when the star person passes his/her hand over it -adjusts the pathway of the Mothership on its journey. There is a circular shelf used as a desk, linking all the technical line ways within the ship right around the window area that surrounds ¾ of the circular command platform.

At the back of the command room, and in front of the star screens, there is a large white moulded desk at which the Commander-in-Chief sits. His seat has a narrow rather high back showing the Shiva1 symbol on it (red and black). The huge desk also doubles as a kind of boardroom seating place for his other Commanders when they meet to discuss issues about operating the mothership or other matters.

There are eight robots that converse with crystal consciousness on the ship. I see one of them seated on a moulded white seat in front of a panel placing disks, like CD’s into slots at eye level. This also has an influence on the maintenance of the ship and its programming. The Robots look a little like “The Saint”; An eye only for a face, which can move in all directions. The body is like coiled rope of a satin stainless steel looking material. It has arms, with a tiny hand and long fingers. The legs taper onto a circular platform. The Robot glides very slightly above the floor. Each robot is operated by a communication crystal at the instruction of one of the commanders.

The core of the whole Mothership has flowing liquid crystal, which virtually powers the ship and also allows the star people to re-generate their own body cells. Thus the ship could be described as organic.

In the lower floor of the Mothership are gardens, plant life that look more teal in colour, than green. There are bathing pools, waterfalls, playful lights and soft sounds to induce relaxation, and parklands as well as heavier forestation. All of this is to encourage the star people to relax and intermingle for not all aboard are from the same planet, although they all come voluntarily with love and compassion in their heart.

There is a floor on board devoted to genetic research; the rooms are white and sterile of course. The starpeople are not subjected to bacteria or fungus. There have been some children born on board and they are placed in an upright cylinder, with controlled atmosphere, to allow each child to develop fully. The parents nurture their child with love and telepathic communication as well as mother’s milk. There are star women on board who devote their work to midwifery. All care is taken to analyse the newborn children in their progression physically and consciously before they are mature enough to leave the cylinder.

On another floor, development of botanical research is carried on. Taking up a lot of space and grown as we would understand as hydroponics. The water being a watery liquid crystal, giving off a fresh smell and a gentle humidity.

Understand that the dimension that the Mothership exists on would be the fifth dimension with frequency adjustment made to the fourth dimension as the ship passed through the gateway of change on its way to 4D earth or Mu as it was known.

Another floor on the Mothership deals with maintaining the mechanics of the ship. Most of the star people are dressed in junior navy coloured boiler suits and boots or pearl silvery white boiler suits, and boots – depending upon their race or position.

On other floors there are lounge rooms, large gathering halls for celebrations or events and a kind of library, like a film library.

Food is taken by star people, mainly liquids but some cake like sweet food. Food is never over eaten – There are never “overweight” problems – people know and understand what their body needs to be sustained. There is more body contact and interaction than one could imagine with aliens. Communication is telepathic, but a lot of body language as well. Permission to speak is always asked first.

Drawing of Starperson

(Click the image to see a larger version)

From our earth point of view their physical body looks anorexic – but it is a perfectly healthy body.

There is a hospital on board. Light and Sound technology is used for healing as well as genetic engineering. Genetic Engineering technology is an everyday occurrence by the star people but only ever used with the view of transforming a body with permission from The Creative Source.

There is a childcare centre on board as well. Dancing occurs with people holding hands, like the Greeks or Jewish people dance, moving the feet so that they skip quite fast at times, moving around in large circles, according to the music. These dances are enjoyed and happily shared. From the outside not much emotion is witnessed but from the inside the star people actually experience emotion much more acutely and strongly than the earthlings.

On meeting, one hand is placed across the chest as a greeting. Closer friends may raise their hands and actually give what we would call a ‘high five’. Intimate relationships stand in front of each other – palm to palm of both hands, fingers touching so as to connect with all of each other’s meridians. This is always very exciting and pulls at the heart. It is not uncommon to put one’s arm around another or even give each other a hug.

There is one floor used as a storage area. It holds vast supplies that are to be used when the fifty thousand people eventually establish the new settlement upon Earth.

There are also flight decks that hold different kinds of flying ships. Many ships are used as surveillance vehicles. They can hold as many as 40 to 50 people. Others are smaller used in areas needed to traverse more difficult areas such as landing. There are also fifty hand flying scooters. There is also a kind of chute, which is used to off-load material from the ship onto land – they are operated by one person in a small rocket looking flying ship – or pod.

There are no weapons of destruction on board – The Mothership is completely defenceless.

Image of Leonine race

(Click the image to see a larger version)

There are other Flying Ships used by the Leonine people and also the Reptilian people.

These two races are sworn enemies. Both have weapons of destruction on board. The Leonine ships are larger than the Reptilians. The light on board is not bright white like the star people’s mothership. Their technology is not as advanced as the star people’s – although by earthling standards that exist in the present – their technology is far more advanced than our space search rockets etc. The ships are described as untidy compared to the bright white mothership. Furniture is on display and covered with skins – not tucked away as designed on star ships. Both races dress in military-like uniforms.

Image of reptoid

(Click the image to see a larger version)

They both have ray guns that can ‘freeze’ whatever life they point it at. They use sonic equipment to destroy. The same way a high-pitched sound can smash a glass. Only the sonic sound is entrained so that it continues to destroy objects until they no longer exist. This is what happened when the Reptilians set out to destroy the huge mothership. Portions of the mothership were destroyed; blow after blow but it did give time for the star people to move quickly to the surveillance ships enabling them to escape. When the fleeing ships left and tried to fly away, they were attacked also. Only a few ships managed to get away from the Reptilian line of fire.

One of the Robots was rescued and survived along with ninety other star people.

The star people had what was called a laser rod. It did everything. It enabled us to lift or levitate, make changes in work, shape and burn. Not with heat that would harm. It would solidify or liquefy. Make something softer, and transform material into another material. It was also what was used to cut into stone. Very useful. I know also they had a boomerang shaped instrument, which of course was explained to and used by the Cherished Ones.

All of these events operated in the fourth dimensional frequency of Earth time. It was only later in Earth’s evolution (about 12,000 years ago at the catastrophic time of the Great Flood or the Fall of Atlantis) that the Earth fell into the third Dimensional frequency.


We gratefully acknowledge Bob Wright for his drawings of the Mothership, and Simon Weir for his drawings of the Leonine, Reptillian and Star peoples.

1 Shiva is known to Ancient Hindu followers in India.

The Mission of the Mothership Rexegena

Stories of the Star People

THE MISSION OF THE MOTHERSHIP REXEGENA as told in the 2nd book Alcheringa, when the ancestors were first created.

The Mothership was raised on the eighth star of the Pleiadean star group in the Taurus constellation. It was built, in our terms, quite differently from what the earthling understands at the present. It was a crystalline body. It had a consciousness because of the crystal; a consciousness that had been imbued into it by its builders. It actually grew. Liquid crystal is used in many ways to make many things in the star peoples’ dimension. On board was much new technology, an enormous amount of equipment and new plant life.


The huge mother ship was formed and then mounted by the appointment of a Commander-in-chief known as Alchquaringa. (Alcheringa) His wife was named Eagarinna. There were other commanders on the ship – there were divisions of command within the ship. Most on board were scientists who came on The Mission had love and compassion in their hearts.

They came because the Hierarchy, representing a league of star nations, had put out a call for help to be taken to this corner of the galaxy where dark, heavy, negativity resided. There were many

The objective of The Mission was to bring new beings with the energy of love and compassion to this Earth; to help raise the consciousness of the earth. They were to establish an outpost settlement on the new land. The people had hoped to breed among themselves and that the progeny from the star people would be introduced genetically to intermingle with the upstanding ape-like creature who already existed upon the earth. Genetic engineering was and is well known and understood by the star people.

Mu (Earth) had originally been created by the Hierarchy as a place of love and beauty. It had been seeded with trees, plants and flowers but it had been taken over by Reptoid and Dinosoid cultures under the guidance of the Draco Hierarchy from an interdimensional place. For millions of years these races occupied the Earth, and created among them the dinosaurs, snakes, lizards and other life forms. These creatures were initially used as a food offering to the Draco, to spare the Reptoids themselves from being used as food. Out of this creation came a competition between the Reptoid and Dinosoid to see who could create the biggest and most violent reptiles, leading to Mu’s vegetation and small passive life-forms almost eaten to extinction and earth’s destruction. When the dinosaurs were destroyed, the Dinosoid culture left. The Reptoid culture stayed and created a race of upstanding ape-like creatures.

The Mission was to save the upstanding ape-like creature on this earth, who were under mind control. The Reptilian people telepathically mind controlled the upstanding ape-like creature and used them at their will.

The objective of The Mission was not only to free the upstanding ape-like creature from slavery, but also to stop them being used in sacrifice to Draconian Gods. There had been those appointed as diplomats from the Star Nation Hierarchy to come to speak with the Reptilian Kingdom to try to find a way for them to release the animal man, the upstanding ape-like creature, living on earth. It was the Star Nation hierarchy’s understanding that the Reptilian Kingdom had agreed to hand-over the earth to the people who came on The Mission. The Reptillian’s in turn would leave. There had been a certain amount of discussion and concessions made, but this was the outcome, at least that is what was understood by the leaders of The Mission.

And so the fifty thousand people upon the mother ship came, fully believing that the Reptilians would leave. They stationed the Mothership in the outer atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere of Mu. Alchquaringa, Eagarinna and the other commanders were invited to a hand-over ceremony that took place, in the land where the ancient pyramids now stand. The Titled Reptilians gathered in large numbers, dressed in ornate cloaks with high collars and festooned with gold jewellery. The king and his wives attended even more grandly dressed and seated on ornate stone thrones. The ceremony though impressive, was a complete sham. The Reptilian people had no intention of leaving the earth. Nor did they have intention of stopping the slavery and sacrifice that existed upon this earth. The ritual sacrifice was made regularly to their Gods of the Draconian Hierarchy. The star people could not believe that people could communicate something telepathically and not mean it; then turn around and do something completely different.

When the mothership came with the new race upon it, they offloaded most of the new technology, equipment and plant life, they intended to live part of the time on Earth and part on the ship until all had adjusted to the new atmosphere. The commander-in-chief, his wife, and other commanders attended the grand and colourful Hand-Over Ceremony organised by the Reptilian King. They wore simple silvery white boiler suits and boots. Around their necks they all wore protective crystal stones to ward off any energy attacking their auric field. They returned to their mothership not completely happy about the event. Without any warning, the Reptilians attacked them, even though the airship was completely defenceless; blowing it out of the sky with their entrained sound/laser weapons. There was an emergency bell sounded to abandon ship immediately. The Mothership was being destroyed piece by piece. Many were able to board and escape in smaller airships normally used for reconnaissance; escape ships were never considered by the builders of the Mothership, they never expected to be attacked. Most of those were blown out of the sky.

There were two airships that escaped to the southern hemisphere; one crashed into the water near Broken Bay with survivors making it to the shore. The second airship landed safely at Kariong to assist those who had gone into the water. We discovered later a third ship had crashed into water at Port Stephens but no one had survived.

A small community was established from these survivors in the southern hemisphere. They were relatively safe there. The Mothership Rexegena exploded above the outer atmosphere of the Earth although the bulk of her remains fell to the ground in and around the area presently known as Czechoslovakia and into water further afield in the northern hemisphere. The extreme heat from the blast had melted the body of the Mothership and and crystallised it into stone.

The star people, the survivors, found it arduously laborious to survive because of the heavier atmosphere, their difficulty in breathing and the sun being too hot for their pale skin. They tried to introduce genetic change to their own progeny, with hair on their heads, darker skin, stronger respiratory systems and stronger digestive systems to avoid disease. They used cells from the ape-like creature to obtain hair and stronger skin and lung systems. The star women who had volunteered to carry the genetically altered embryos considered it a great honour to be part of the experiment that they believed was given permission from the Source of all Creation. These children did not live; the gestation period was not long enough in the new atmosphere and dimensional frequency.

The star people decided to genetically engineer the upstanding ape-like creature, knowing the creatures had been originally created from cells of mainly warm-blooded cosmic races in the beginning. Genes from the star people were intermingled with the upstanding ape-like creatures’ embryo, and then implanted into the female animal beings. The babies were born with a larger skull, a little less hair, which went on then to evolve so that the more children born, the less hair appeared on the skin. It was really the time that today’s scientists speak of as the missing link.

The star people introduced fire and showed the animal like being, now the human, how to cook food to lessen their vulnerability to disease. They taught them, using symbols, the knowledge of star systems and the Creator of All. They taught them more about the star people, how they live as family and how they married. They inherited the star people’s advanced psychic abilities. They also taught them to honour and care for their Earth Mother.

The Cherished Ones

This original race was known by the star people as `The Cherished Ones’ who were the ancestors of the indigenous people. The indigenous people still carry this knowledge and understanding in their mythology. As the original numbers grew to 300, the star people took them out to six different areas around the earth and told them to multiply with other upstanding ape-like creatures that were still brutish and weapon wielding. The change from the animal man to hue-man began to uplift the consciousness of those beings along with strict marriage laws, using totems, so that they didn’t interbreed. The star-people eventually died, the last one three generations of the cherished ones later, but not before telling them that they would return one day.

And they have.

An Encounter


(I remember I was asked by upstairs if I was willing to take up mediumship on 8.8.1988 we had just moved into our new house at Canyonleigh)

“Focus on the sky Val, you are going to see a U.F.O.” A voice has awakened me and I am tossing and turning fighting to come out of a deep sleep. U.F.O’s I am thinking. What on earth is upstairs talking about? Angels and Light Beings I understand, but Aliens? While I am still having an inner battle, John, my husband, awakens also and impatiently says, “You are sooo restless Val, I am going out to the lounge room to watch T.V. for awhile.” And with that, leaves before I can tell him about what I am hearing.

Night Sky

(Click the image to see the full sky)

There are no curtains covering the large bay windows as yet; I can easily see out to the stars in the sky. Then, as I gaze to the heavens, a huge airship appears sailing quietly above the house and into my full view. It is round! It is huge like a football field, and it is round! I have jumped out of bed and stand looking through the glass observing the ship surrounded with bright white lights, some coloured and no sound! I cannot believe what I am seeing. I want to call out to John but I am speechless. I have the distinct feeling I am being watched. Well, of course, I must be. They awakened me to tell me they were coming didn’t they? This is no ordinary flying saucer, this is a huge Mothership. I don’t want to take my eyes off it, as I stand steadfast at the window.

I can feel a presence standing beside me, but I cannot see anyone. Then that same voice who had awakened me, speaks not in my head this time, but as if I am listening to a voice outside of me saying, “A group of souls have agreed to come together and incarnate onto earth at this time. They will speak of remembering being star people who came to earth and created man into the beginning of the human you have now become.” – I do not understand at all. I run to another room to find John. I know I am not dreaming, John is wide-awake in the living room and listening fascinated as I tell him of my encounter.

The next night I was asked by upstairs if I would consent to take up mediumship. I willingly agreed, somehow feeling it was my destiny, although I didn’t really know what a `medium’ was. Upstairs had been communicating with me for years now and I had grown to trust them and the messages I was receiving. Then came the night, while John was overseas on business, the same benign energy came and sat beside me on my bed. I still couldn’t see him, but I could see and feel the indentation of where he was sitting on my bed. He asked me, “May I borrow your voice box.” I said, “Yes,” still not knowing exactly what he meant.

Then he asked me to “Stand up” and he gently overlaid his energy field into mine. I could feel his presence. I can certainly understand when people say, “Something came over me.” He said that names were not important – it was the feeling of the energy present that was important. He then spoke through my `voice box’ and a deep male sounding voice came out. He came regularly getting used to my energy field and speaking through me. He would prance around the room in my body and hold his hands on the lapels of my dressing gown as if speaking to an audience. He sang sometimes – making me laugh. He invited me to ask questions and suggested I place an audio tape in my recording machine and switch it on. He moved slightly back from me and I was able to ask questions in my voice -then he would move forward and answer in his voice. On the tape, when played later, it sounds like two people are having a conversation – which it is. One male and one female, only one is living in another world. Hey, my mentor is willing to answer any of my questions. What a marvellous gift! Listening to the tape allows me to ground the experience for when he speaks through me, I am a little light headed and cannot always remember what is said. For many years I realize I was at times slightly confused as to what was happening -at times needing to allow myself to integrate information and to clarify, clarify, clarify.

That commitment, or training leads to me being introduced to the Aboriginal Sacred Stone, and later introduced to The Light Being, or the Spirit man known as Alcheringa speaking through my voice box. What a joyful journey it is.

And it did come to pass, as the ‘presence‘ told me it would, when I was awakened to see a huge Mothership in the night sky. He said then, “A group of souls have agreed to come together and incarnate onto earth at this time. They will speak of remembering being star people who came to earth and created man into the beginning of the human you have now become.” And this has happened, the people have come forth.

With all of the events that have taken place, from the time of moving into the lovely house ‘Alcheringa’ on the hill in the bush, and until now, sixteen years later when we are speaking of a documentary being made, I can look back, review all the transcripts from all of the people that have come forth with the star people memory and speak of how we became human. I clearly understand.

The age old disagreement of whether man evolved or was created between the Evolutionists and the Creationists, in my mind has been clarified – they are both right.

Now I can easily remember being one of the star people and what it was like being on the Mothership Rexegena in which as star people we first came to Earth from the Pleiades.