During 2015, John and Valerie Barrow travelled to Europe and spent six months living in France and tracing the footsteps of the Knights Templar, along with identities they had during the time of The Crusades. Both John and Valerie took multiple roles during this time period, and their travels wound up the psychic overlay of many events, thus setting souls – and landscapes free to be elevated into the 5th Dimension and the Golden Age. After their extended stay in France, John and Valerie travelled to the UK, where they visited several locations of importance to the Crusades and to the psychic resonance of the United Kingdom. In this conversation with Cosmic Sai Baba, John Barrow explores the creation – and the purpose of – the Crop Circle adjacent the Whispering Knights.
John’s Corner
Valerie reflects on the Crest of St Lawrence College
John and Valerie attended the Old Lawrentian Reunion in Sydney on 24 October. John Barrow is an alumni of St Lawrence College, Ramsgate, and gave one talk. Valerie also gave a small talk – sharing her reflections about the School Crest with its surprising Templar associations.
John’s Talk at the Old Lawrentians Reunion, Sydney
John and Valerie attended the Old Lawrentian Reunion in Sydney on 24 October. John Barrow is an alumni of St Lawrence College, Ramsgate, Kent which has been established as a “public school” ever since it was founded. John gives an account of an influential Master – the Rev. Martin Martin-Harvey who was most kind to young John Barrow.
The Ghost of Charles Dickens – Part 2
As we have been taught by our Spirit Mentors and guides from “Upstairs”, we are not born with a blank slate. Rather, we bring a soul blue-print with us and we journey through life interacting with the souls we agreed – in the light – to work with and bring about healing – theirs, and our own. For John, the Charles Dicken’s life was important for his soul spirit to review so that usually with release of the memory, the emotions are healed. However it was so deep seated within him there was a need for him to release the trauma he had suffered in his childhood in this life.
The Ghost of Charles Dickens – Part 1
I have been speaking about past lives John and I have experienced on the earth plane together as ‘Soul Mates,’ and I would like to speak about more past lives awakened together in our travels to sacred places. Before that though, it seems upstairs wanted to assist John with health problems and behavioural problems that existed between us. We are total opposites in personality and yet that has become an opportunity to find balance with each other and in so doing; we have been teaching each other. And so we dive into a two part tale of a great teller of tales (a stage actor, really), John’s past-life as Charles Dickens.
The Mystery of Château des Ducs de Joyeuse
Two of our grandsons came to visit and began asking questions about the paranormal. Grandpa wanted to tell them our story of our visit to Cathar Country in South of France.
Job Interview and the Ghost of the Tower
John Barrow shares his first interview for a job, and his experience of a ghost in the Tower of London.
A Visit to Norfolk Island
A cemetery brings to mind death, but as I look at this photograph I remember the headstones standing lonely next to the sea on Norfolk Island. The sound of the sea perpetually rolling in; the sound of the birds calling seem to echo the voices of those that once lived here but now lay sleeping under the headstones.