Alcheringa Speaks:
The Story of Kata Tjuta and the Inland Seas
The rock Uluru, does have a great energy – you can feel it and it is always a problem in summer, because the Rock itself gets very hot and expands, it is really not safe to walk on, or be near – the radiant heat from it is so strong. I have visited it in summer just after it had rained (a rare occurrence) when the surrounding desert plain were bursting into a plethora of colourful flowers.
On the outside of the Rock where it is exposed to the wind and the rain, the rock exfoliates – or as some say, it is like it is rusting and there is an oxidization that takes place within our atmosphere. There again that seems to show us, that the rock does not belong to this Earth, and that it has not evolved on this Earth from the beginning, otherwise it would be the same as many other rocks on this Earth.

Rust and exfoliation at Uluru
When we ran our hands over the grey rock in protected areas, it was a very smooth silky feeling and you could readily see pieces of feldspar woven through it.
With the firing that took place with the Rock ( I see it wrapped in ice before entering our atmosphere and splitting) the feldspar would have been honed into crystal and it really explains why, depending where the sun is, and what time of year it is, the rock glows in various different colours. It’s quite wonderful the way it catches the Light.
This energy from Uluru (Ayers Rock) is given off to touch Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) and affects that area also, because it is in direct alignment with Uluru, from East to West. Scientists do say they were both formed at the same time, although they are totally different rocks.
Uluru is described by scientists, as Uluru Arkose – making it unique. It is an inselberg, the largest single rock in the world, with only something like two thirds of it showing above the red sand. It has remained largely unchanged since the Tertiary period (65 Ma – to now) just slightly smaller and more rounded than it would have been originally. It is singular in nature, being made of iron hard sandstone and feldspar with few cracks or faults, erosion has had little chance to grind it down as usually happens with uplifted rocks. As the surrounding softer material has been eroded away the visible part of the rock has grown, because the surrounding surface wears away faster than the rock.

Surface flaking away on Uluru
Scientists have many similar yet different theories on how the Uluru rock and Kata Tjuta rock was first formed. They speak of material eroding and later buried, compressed to the coarse sandstone, arkose, and later, large areas of the sandstone was uplifted into mountain ranges by earthquakes and folding the sandstone; tilting it to an angle of 80 to 85 degrees. Kata Tjuta was said to have formed at the same time but it is of conglomerate seabed rock naturally cemented together (by extreme heat I wonder?) and it does deteriorate, falling to the ground in large clumps. It tilts at an angle of 10 to 20 degrees.

Satellite Mapping of Mt Olga
When I researched the Eromanga Sea, dating about 110 million years ago, I came across a website about The Age of Reptiles and found some wonderful images of fossils that had been found from the ancient sea. Such as Plesiosaurs which had a long snake like neck – some were as big as whales. They were aggressive carnivores with vicious teeth.

Plesiosaur Fossil
Ichthyosaurs looked like dolphins, but were reptiles. An opalised ichthyosaur’s backbone was recovered from a mine in Andamooka. The opal appears to have filled the cavities left behind after the buried vertebrae had dissolved away in the rock.

An opalised ichthyosaur backbone recovered from a mine in Andamooka
‘Upstairs’ kept reminding me of the opals in Central Australia, and I realise now that it was when the Asteroid hit that the extreme heat had tempered the minerals and sand within the bones and formed opal. Similar to how sand needs extreme heat to become glass. Opal is a soft stone and can break.

Map showing the Opal digs in Australia; orange dots mark the digs.
The Eromanga Sea had originally been a cool sea, but in the late Cretaceous period (65 Ma to Palaeocene period 65Ma – 55 Ma). The sea had become very hot. This must have occurred when the Asteroid fractured the earth crust – allowing the heat to escape from the mantle of subterranean Earth’s crust.
This is shown by the Plutonic waters seeping through sediment into The Great Artesian Basin and how hot the waters can rise through Artesian Bores – from 30 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius.

Map showing Plutonic Waters in Australia
The Great Artesian Basin provides the only reliable source of freshwater through much of inland Australia. The basin is the largest and deepest artesian basin in the world, covering a total of 1,711,000 square kilometres with temperatures measured ranging from 30 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius. The basin is 3,000 metres (9,800 ft) deep in places and is estimated to contain 64,900 cubic kilometres of groundwater.
The rocks in the Great Artesian Basin are a normally consolidated sedimentary series of Jurassic and Cretaceous age. Down-warping of the crust of the earth has created a saucer shaped basin with a maximum thickness of sediments of about 2000 metres.
Is this another clue that the Great Artesian Basin could be part of the giant impact crater I am looking for?
I was also given the understanding that there had been another major shift in the area, at a much later time when Uluru, and Kata Tjuta had been lifted.
I would like to quote from my Book of Love by a Medium a channelling received from Azena who actually leaves her body for a short period, allowing a Light Being from the Universal Council of Light, to present himself as St. Germain taking over her body and speaking through it with much clarity. With permission from the Publishers of the book Earth Birth Changes, I have been kindly allowed to quote St. Germain’s graphic description of The Fall of Atlantis. (Click here to read St Germain’s description of the Fall of Atlantis).
St. Germain says there was a huge asteroid that came down over the Atlantic Ocean and embedded itself in the ocean floor near the Puerto Rico plateau. Adding there are two grand holes there now – about 23,000 feet in depth. This is the impact that sent major subterranean earthquakes around the earth and igniting volcanoes to explode with mountainous tsunamis wiping out many lands, and causing the earth to tilt slightly off its axis.
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