Uluru – Angels and Rainbows by Despina Nikolakakos

Interview with Despina Nikolakakos
who visited Uluru on the 24th to 25th April 2010
not long before visiting the South of France
and in particular Val des Dieu, or the Valley of God.

Despina Nikolakakos
Despina Nikolakakos

Despina told me that she traveled to Uluru on the 24th of April, 2010 which happened to be her birthday. She was planning to travel later to France and at one point she had asked her ‘guides’ which place should she go, “Uluru or France?” The advice was, “Go to Uluru first and then France, you will know what to do.

Despina arrived by aeroplane at Uluru and was surprised to see so many trees and shrubs. Unusual for the red desert, for there had been heavy rains there, and in fact a nine year drought had been broken in most of Central Australia.


“So what was the first thing that captured your attention after you arrived?”


When I was walking around Uluru itself, I saw the cloud formations first. I was actually walking in what is known as the men’s sacred area at the base of Uluru and suddenly I just spontaneously turned around and looked up and thought, “Oh! That looks like an angel. Oh my God, that looks like a dolphin.” I thought I was dreaming … but I felt prompted to take a photo – and that was what I was being asked to do throughout my trip to Uluru.

Angel Cloud
Angel Cloud Formation at Uluru


So when you looked at the photos after you took them, what did you see in them?


I actually had the same feeling inside of me that I had the whole time of my visit. So the energy of that feeling is in the photos. That doesn’t happen to me very often. I just kept seeing the energy of Angels and that heartfelt energy that goes with it.


So that was a nice welcome for you wasn’t it?


Yes … and it felt truly joyful because I had been thinking how I was here on my own and had very limited head thoughts going on while I was at Uluru.

Cloud Formation
Dolphin Cloud Formation at Uluru


Do you mean you weren’t able to think and that experience was just coming from a feeling all the time?


I had less ego, or inner-thinking going on. I had no choice, it was a state of being that came over me and I was operating from higher self. No thinking required. I noticed that the more I just acted on whatever inspiration I got, the bigger the energy became and the happier I was. There was no agenda at all.


Wonderful, that sounds like when I was in the presence of the Avatar Sai Baba, and I couldn’t think. I was surrounded by a peaceful and loving joyful energy all the time and there is no need to think. We are actually out of our brain and raised into an ascended state of consciousness. I felt that way when I visited Uluru as well.


My guidance was very clear that I needed to be there on my birthday. So, on that day, I went on the Sunrise Tour and after dawn asked the tour bus driver to drop me off near the walking track at Uluru so I can spend the day on my own. I arranged to re meet him at the Visitors’ Centre later in the afternoon.

I noticed that even though I had walked over 20 km in the heat that day I was still feeling very energized. This was because I was so present and around such high energy. Then on the Sunday, which was Anzac day it felt like it was more of a, ‘Letting Go‘ day.


Can you tell me about the wonderful photo of the Trees overlighted with so many upright rainbows?


On the morning of my birthday I had done the sunrise tour with a little group and, as I have already said, I asked the driver to leave me at Uluru and I would walk.

I walked the 2 kilometres Liru walk from the Visitors’ Centre before you get to the base of the rock.

I began to walk in one direction around the path at the base of the Rock and thought, no, it doesn’t feel right so I walked back and walked in a clock-wise direction around the base of Uluru. I had been walking for almost 3 hours when my attention was directed to a row of gum trees standing in the shadows next to the rock, at least 50 metres off the walking track. They weren’t very big but they were powerful and reminded me of soldiers.

As I connected with them from a distance, I received a message, “Take a photo and you will see later.” So within 10 seconds I took the photo and then moved on in awe of the power of the trees. Later I was prompted to look at the photo, and I said out loud, “Oh my God” and that was when I could see the Light rainbows. I knew it wasn’t from the sun, and to me it was like the spirit of the trees.

Soldier Trees with rainbows, Uluru
Soldier Trees with Rainbows, Uluru

I love hugging trees, and sometimes when I’m really present I feel I can walk straight through them. But I was looking at something different here. It felt more like they were the guardians of that part of the land at Uluru.

It was a clear message for me that what I was feeling about the area and the Rock really was alive and it really was going on. I also felt that I should show people these photos.

I have shown people these photos since, and some have wept. It was an instant reaction for they knew in their heart it to be true. There was a knowing in them that connected with the energy in the picture.

Every shrub and rock and ground had a particular energy attached to it. Quite often I would come across a trees forming a cross and there would be like a circle in the centre which felt quite inviting to walk into and it was a vortex of Light; beautiful to stand in.

That felt very different, either very feminine or very masculine but these Soldier trees had a kind of androgynous feeling.

After another half-hour walk, I came close to Mutujulu Springs, I didn’t have time to explore there because I was worried about missing the bus that was supposed to be waiting for me at the Visitors’ Centre.

Walpa Gorge, Kata Tjuta
Walpa Gorge, Kata Tjuta

All the time I heard a crow calling me and I knew I had to go back there the next day. I began to argue with the crow, saying, “I cannot stay and I promise I will return tomorrow.” It then stopped calling. She was laughing at the thought she was talking to a crow.


I know Mutujulu Springs well, that was where I had my initiation with Goolagaia – The Black Giantess and the seven sisters. There is an Indigenous Story about the Seven sisters from the Pleiades residing there in spirit and that Goolagaia, when she came to me said she was holding the earth energy of the eighth sister who had promised to return when the time was right. I notice in your photo of the overlighted rainbow trees that there are seven what you call soldiers, maybe they were symbolic of the Seven Sisters from the Pleiades who guard the Rock until the Eighth Sister returns.


Hmm, interesting. The next day I did the Sunrise tour again and I did the same thing in that I arranged with the bus driver to collect me at the end of the day.

I remember walking up the Liru path again (completely on my own) and seeing a tree that had split halfway up and was growing in two different directions. I started to get really, really angry, and said to my guides, “You know what, I am tired of being split and separate, I want wholeness … separateness is bullshit, I want wholeness … and I spent walking the whole 2 kilometres to the base of Uluru anchoring this feeling of “I want wholeness”

I was angry and fed up, and not knowing where that was coming from within me, I wanted, and was ready, to end the feeling of separation. I thanked the tree for giving me that insight. I had an inspiration to visit Uluru, and I am so glad I did. It has been so healing for me.


I had a very similar experience walking the full length of the Liru walk. I set off looking for my car keys that I believed I must have lost near the Rock. As I walked, I began to get really angry, not understanding why, and I could feel a spirit man shorter than I am, walking beside me. In fact I was striding out with so much anger I knew he was having trouble keeping up with me. Then when I arrived at the end of the walk, there was a little fence that you had to turn right with a few steps to get out. It was then the spirit man, who I think was Alcheringa or Sai Baba, said to me very quietly, “Do you still want to work with me?” He made me laugh at myself, as I said, “Of course I do”

Where I turned right to move off the Liru track, it was like a breaking off that path of all sorts of past attachments. Liru means snake walk – suggesting snake skin throwing off old skin and releasing karmic residue. And, after that, my car keys miraculously reappeared in my jacket pocket. We were both laughing at our similar experiences.


That was similar for me to on the 25th April, Anzac Day, I woke up thinking, “This is a letting go day for me.” (Before she did the Liru walk)


Why was it spirit was asking you to go to Uluru first before you went to France?


Yes well, there was a feeling of closing the loop of the energy that was coming through Uluru, in my inner scene I saw it as a rectangle, and linking to France. When I was there in the Valley of God, near Mt. Bugarach I was inspired to bury one of my Lemurean seed crystals and that then left me with a feeling of ‘being a good girl’ and that I had done what I had been asked to do. This was almost at the end of the France trip and I felt a sense of completion at that moment. I was ready to move on.

Red Earth, Val des Dieu - Valley of God, France
Red Earth, Val des Dieu (Valley of God), France

Later I found out at the same time, that another lady from the group in France had wandered to the other side of the hill and she felt she had to connect the energy of Uluru to the same place. She didn’t know what I was doing. Nor did I know what she was doing. We talked later; so the two of us had been inspired by ‘whoever’ to do this connection ceremony. We felt elated after we spoke with one another and that realization was given.

That valley (Val des Dieu – Valley of God) in France also has a lot of red earth – just like Uluru. I knew nothing of this until I was there, and I smiled when I saw it, it was a nice connection to home in Australia.


Despina has kindly allowed us to publish her wonderful photos. If you want to contact Despina she can be reached at despina.gevurah  (at)   gmail.com.