Presentation for Scientists

Scientist and Frequent Visitor to Uluru

I have been working with Dino Parisotto on a Power Point Presentation for Scientists to consider. We are referring to receiving information from Alcheringa, the Spiritual Ancient Creator Ancestor, the same way as the Indigneous People receive Creation stories.

Acknowledgement is given and deeply appreciated from:
Dino Parisotto (BAppSc, Geology Hons, MAppSc- Groundwater, CEnvP Certified Environmental Practitioner) who is a Scientist and frequent visitor to Uluru.

To obtain a copy of this Powerpoint presentation, please use the facility below to obtain a zip file containing the presentation.

We do have further information to share – but this is not available just at this time.

We would like to invite people’s comments – but none of the presentation can be used or shared unless contact is made with us.

If anyone would like to add more information or question then please contact Valerie Barrow on her email: Email

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