About Moldavite

Moldavite Tecktite

moldavite from Besednice

Tektites are generally defined as silica based glassy meteorites. Most tektites have scarred surfaces, are tar black to blackish brown in color and are rarely larger than two inches wide. Moldavite belongs to the tektite family and is one of the rarest varieties manifesting in a gem quality bottle green to brown green color.

There are two theories concerning the origin of Moldavite Tektite. One is that it has evolved in the deep archives of outer space and is a true meteorite. The other school of thought, which is more widely accepted, is that Moldavite Tektite was formed from rock which melted after being hit by a meteorite. This would indicate that Moldavite Tektite is a rare and wonderful mergence of that which is extra-terrestrial in origin with that which is born out of the womb of the earth. Whatever the case may be, these advanced crystalline structures entered the earth’s atmosphere in meteorite, asteroid or comet form to serve a very special purpose for those inhabiting the earth at this time. Being known as the extra-terrestrial gemstone, Moldavite Tektite is among the rarest of gems and is obviously a true gift from the heavens. Manifesting an unearthly green ray, Moldavite Tektite will lend its extraterrestrial transmission to profoundly impact the consciousness of those who choose to attune to its frequency.

Moldavite Tektite essentially has two important functions. First, it is one of the only stones in existence on the planet at this time that will assist Star Children to acclimate to an earth plane environment. Moldavite Tektite has very much in common with beings originating from the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and other star systems. It, too, has travelled a long distance, through vast oceans of space, to arrive on this planet named Terra. It, too, has its origin in regions and realms that until recently were beyond our comprehension. It, too, is intimately connected to sources of knowledge and energy that will serve in the healing and awakening of the human race. Sharing these vital similarities, Moldavite Tektite will lend an ear of understanding and a heart of compassion to those beings who are struggling to adjust in a world of such drastically opposing polarities. The new green ray that Moldavite transmits is a combination of green and brown, of healing (green) on the earth (brown).

Many souls now inhabiting physical bodies have come into this world seemingly unequipped to deal with the elements of human suffering, emotionalism and the material realities inherent on this plane of existence. The source that these highly sensitive beings originated from was very different in nature and spiritual climate than that of this earth. Our earth, named Terra, is indeed a very powerful, moody and beautiful creature, which can never be underestimated or accurately predicted. Her peoples are as diversified as is her terrain. Her fertility and ability to yield life is unsurpassed in our universe. And yet, she is temperamental and can become angry and suddenly reactive. Now, Terra has become fearful for her own survival and has sent out a call into the mighty universe for assistance in her own liberation from the life forms upon her surface that would seek to do her harm.

This call has been heard from afar. Now, besides the chosen ones (see ‘those who choose to stay, Crystal Healing, Vol. II, pages 157-159) who have worked diligently on Terra’s behalf for millenniums, other soular breeds are incarnating in order to reseed the earth with a new race of being. The only problem is that for many of these freshly incarnating souls this is their first time in a physical body. Many of them haven’t a clue as to how to deal with inhaling and exhaling an atmosphere, let alone dealing with such things as the physical senses, emotions, and mind sets such as separateness and sin. Many of these star souls are unable to fully integrate their expanded consciousness into the physical brain structure and are experiencing epilepsy, brain imbalances and malfunctions, and autism. Moldavite Tektite can be placed on any (or all) of the chakras on the head to treat any of the above mentioned dis-eases. It can also be successfully used in the treatment of the psychological-emotional distresses that can accompany such maladjusted human-light beings. The healing earth-green of Moldavite Tektite greatly assists, not only in activating the healing energy so vitally needed for these souls, but also in the grounding process and evolutionary advancement of these new breeds upon the earth.

raw moldavite from Besednice

The second purpose that Moldavite Tektite will serve is in conscious communication with the star-seed sources of origin. It is a healing balm for the deep longing of so many people (the chosen ones) to go home. This heartache is a common malady among those who are consciously remembering who they are and where they came from. If placed upon the third eye, Moldavite will assist in conscious communication with the source related to as home. It also relays into the mind of those using this stone the message that “transforming Terra is of utmost importance and the earth has become the chosen home. ” This may come as a severe shock to many souls who are waiting for the big opportunity to beam-up; but harsh as it may seem, the message remains the same.

Once star souls enter the earth plane experience and master the five senses, they undergo an extraordinary evolutionary process which is unknown and incomprehensible to those folks back home. They have engaged in experiences and have grown in ways that have transformed the very nature of their beings and altered their identity forever. Returning to the star system related to as home would be like moving back to your parents’ house after you have been out in the world on your own for forty years and expecting everything to be the same as when you left.

Those beings who are freshly arriving, as well as those who have been through the entire physical plane cycle, are now at a bountiful harvest time. They have an incredible and unique opportunity at hand to literally recreate the earth in a way that will encompass the spiritual laws of home into this physical world. That is the purpose. That is why these souls are here. That is the hope and the glory of this whole divine experiment. Moldavite Tektite will ease the deep longing for home and assist in creating the willingness to be here and stay grounded in order to create a reality that includes so much more than the one known in a far distant past. It will assist star souls to accept with pleasure the opportunities that exist now on Terra for full scale transformation.

Moldavite Tektite, if placed or worn at the heart chakra, will heal the longing for home so that home will truly be where the heart is. If placed at the third eye and/or meditated with, it will transmit and translate original laws and revolutionary new ideas into the consciousness for manifestation onto the earth. If used consistently, it will activate the higher brain centers and reawaken latent memories, knowledge, and information. Moldavite Tektite can also facilitate direct telepathic communication with extraterres¬trials or friends ‘back home. ‘ In so doing, evolutionary information can be communicated back and forth. This will benefit both those on the earth and those beings aligned with the same star system yet not incarnated in the physical plane at this time. To increase the effects of this type of interdimensional communication, use Moldavite Tektite in conjunction with The Transmitter Crystals (see Crystal Healing, Vol. II, pages 111-119).

As with Selenite, it is important when working with Moldavite Tektite to work with other stones that will assist in grounding and assimilating the energies that will be conducted through this higher octave crystalline form. Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Black Onyx, dark Rhodonite and Hawkeye are all beneficial stones to use when working with Moldavite Tektite. They will facilitate the proper integration of the stellar rays that Moldavite transmits. If not properly grounded, Moldavite Tektite can take you too far out there and leave you spaced out and disassociated with the physical plane, which in return can create even more turmoil. Use this stone with those that need to accept physical reality and balance with the earth plane elements. Please do not use this powerful energy to merely identify with the ethers. Instead, use it to incorporate the reality of other worlds onto Terra. Moldavite Tektite answered the call that Terra sent out for healing. It is here to transmit its earth-green ray into the very heart and soul of Terra’s star breeds.

Source:The Crystalline Transmission, A Synthesis of Light, by Katrina Raphael. ISBN 0-943358337 Aurora Press, 1990, pp 241 – 245

Holy Grail with Green Stone from Leonardo da Vinci
A reverse image superimposed over Leonardo’s Last Supper
shows the Holy Grail with a green stone