Follow Your Spirit

How to Follow Spirit

We are first spirit having a life on earth in an earth body. We need, therefore, to nourish our spirit everyday in the same way as we eat food every day.

With that in mind, people can ask their own spirit through intuition as to the best way to nourish their spirit.

Food for thought, could be the way I nourish my spirit every day. I light a candle, which I see as representing the light of our heart and the Universal heart from the Creator of All.

In my mind’s eye I see and feel, the bright Divine Light from our Sun coming from above, down through the top of my head and spine – connecting to my inner sun where my heart is and continuing down to the base of my spine.

At the same time I see and feel the inner sun from our mother earth coming up through the soles of my feet and body to connect together with the inner sun of my heart.

I breathe in both streams of Divine Light coming from the top and the bottom at the same time and connecting to my heart – making the third sun.

Mudra 1

As I do this I sing OM and put my index finger and thumb together of each hand (in a mudra) so that I am singing the spirit into strength filling the whole of my auric field with Divine Light energy, while shaking off any unwanted energy.

I continue this, changing to the middle finger and thumb and continue the same OM sound with the vibration filling the auric field (don’t forget your head)

Then the fourth finger and thumb … … keep singing OM

and finally the little finger and thumb of both hands and shake off any stray energies I may have picked up in the day until I feel clear and fully nourished.

The focus is connecting to the God centre of Creation of All.

One can do this night and morning. It only takes 5 or 10 minutes when used to it.

Explanation of our earth body connection to our spirit, soul, and God.

There are 5 sheaths of energy connecting our spirit body and earth body to our soul.

  1. The thumb is a direct link to our earth body and God self
  2. The index finger is a direct link to our vital body and God self
  3. The third finger is a direct link to our mental body and God self
  4. The fourth finger is a direct link to our emotional body and God self.
  5. The little finger is a direct link to our angelic body and God self.

Each sheath has its own consciousness including the physical body.

The 5 sheaths are renewed in 7 year cycles, and with that is the 3 aspects of God contained in every atom and cell of our body and spirit in total.

If you multiply 5 x 7 = 35 x 3 (creation, destruction and holding all together) = 105

and then add the 3 aspects of God of All creation, the Universal God = 108.

The same number of beads found in a japamala. (Indian Prayer Beads )

I like to look at the hands in this way because it also embraces all the energy fields that I have been shown. My first lesson in spirit was that everything is energy.

And that God exists in everything and everybody.

Everything has a consciousness – sometimes we need to think of that as a template, or an over-seeing intelligence underlining everything.

My second lesson was that there is the Earth Dimension, they called the 3rd Dimension and the 4th Dimension or the Astral. In the Star Peoples’ minds there is no separation.

The 5th Dimension is the Cosmic Consciousness and can reach into higher dimensions of frequency such as the 6th, 7th 8th and 9th and more.

There is a Hierarchy in the World of Light.

And there is an Angelic Realm, which is really a State of Being without limit.


Mudra 1

All you have to do is ask.

If I am concerned about something or needing help I put my hand over a photo of Sai Baba (the same as psychometry) and give Him my problem. Then holding my head up straight I let my eyes roll back into my head, imagining I am looking up to the sky and well above the clouds. This connects to one’s Theta level of consciousness. I then respectfully ask for His advice.

I see Sai Baba in His earth body holding a doorway of Divine Light onto this earth.

Or you could ask the Angels …
Guiding Holy Spirit,
an Holy Image you love or,
God the Universal Creator of All
or The Force. (said with a smile)

The secret is connecting to the spirit-energy of the image or the Source, with love in your heart and ASK.