Looking back now over the past 37 years I have realised the major turning points in my life have been connected with HONG KONG. Why? – I do not know – as I live in Australia.
First I met John, my husband, who is English born but lived in HONG KONG before he came to Australia. Not long after we began our life together he took me to Hong Kong for a holiday. It was there, 37 years ago he proposed marriage to me while we were on a Sampan in Aberdeen Harbour. It happened to be Chinese New Year – which was great fun – the locals, who were living on their boats – fired crackers – and waved to us calling out, ‘Kung Hei Fat Choi.’ We were both very happy and although they didn’t know it, it was as though they were wishing us ‘Long Happy Life in our new life together.’
Valerie on Sampan, Hong Kong, circa 1970
Lion dance with the locals on edge of Aberdeen Harbour
Some years later after our marriage, I visited Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Ashram with a group, for the first time. I returned home alone to meet John in Kuala Lumpur but my plane was delayed and I had to stay in a hotel at Mumbai. Next day, at the airport there was a lady, dressed in White who was an Australian traveling alone.
We talked for a while and she invited me to visit her at her Ashram in HONG KONG next time I visited.
Which I did. At the time, I was traveling with John on his business tour. When we arrived in HONG KONG I contacted ‘the dressed in white lady’ and met many lovely people who were interested in meditation. There were a few who were interested in me as a Medium. One lovely lady offered to give me a lift back to my hotel and called her car with driver, to collect us. We chatted in the car, and I idly looked out of the car window and pointed to what I thought must be the tallest building in HONG KONG being built. My new friend said “Yes, my husband owns it!”
What could I say?
Everytime I returned to HONG KONG I met with these ladies and we would work, meditate and I would transcribe messages that were given from my spirit mentor.
During this period, and on another visit to HONG KONG, I found a note waiting for me at the hotel registration desk, inviting me to contact a HONG KONG Television journalist. When I telephoned her she wanted to interview me about my work as a medium and also attend the ‘talk’ I was going to give at the New Age Centre in HONG KONG. I agreed to the interview and here is the video … http://www.valeriebarrow.com/?p=107 I found it rather quirky that I had to ride the Star Ferry to reach my venue.
My Spirit Mentor had asked me to write a book, about sitting with the sacred Alcheringa Stone that was entrusted to me, and that would eventually be returned to the Australian Aborigines. I had no experience in publishing books – so it just happened that a friend of my husband suggested that we could publish it in HONG KONG. And so it was: The Book of Love, by a Medium. The manuscript was also personally blessed by Sri Sathya Sai Baba in India although he added, “It wasn’t finished.”
A few years later, I received a letter from a Bill Oliver who had seen the book sitting in his friend’s publishing office in HONG KONG. He was a professional Film Script writer and sound man and lived in HONG KONG.
He was interested as to whether I had planned for the book to have 144 pages which he said was an “All Purpose Number” and the pages began with the number 7. He was curious as to whether I was aware of that and if not, then other forces are exerting their influence in my work.
I liked his humour and responded saying I couldn’t bear the thought of him saying he was losing sleep over it – and I said, “No, I didn’t plan it; and yes, I do work with higher forces.” (see his letter on this page)
He replied offering to assist me if I wrote anything else. By this time I had been struggling with a new manuscript that I realised was the real story Sri Sathya Sai Baba was referring to when he had said about the Book of Love, “It wasn’t finished.” And so Bill Oliver helped the book happen, ‘Alcheringa, When the first Ancestors were Created.’
John and I decided to take the manuscript ‘Alcheringa – When the first Ancestors were Created‘ to Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Ashram in the hope he may personally bless this one.
He did!
It was such a thrill, for thousands of people go to his Ashram daily and it is rare to receive an interview. This time we met one of those lovely Friends from HONG KONG, the one whose husband built skyscrapers, and she ended up billeting with us at the Ashram. This was just after the Terrible Twin Towers attack in New York. There were not many people traveling by airplanes anywhere.
Valerie and John Barrow, circa 1970
Fishing Boats on Aberdeen Harbour
It was strange. The Alcheringa story was about 50,000 starpeople on board a Mothership who came from The Pleiadean star system on their way to Earth to establish a point of Light in a very dark corner of the galaxy. The Mothership was attacked and ALL but 90 star people lost their lives.
What a strange co-ordinated timing about such huge attacks. Our Mentor advised us that everyone on Earth has the Alcheringa, story in their hearts because it was when the first human (not man) hue-man or light man was created nearly 900,000 years ago.
I remember a dream I had when I saw myself driving a huge road-train pulling 3 trailers. I saw myself drive the road-train off the coast of Australia, move safely through the ocean, and come out at HONG KONG.
I know when driving a vehicle in a dream you are in charge of your life. The 3 trailers represented the 3 books I was to write with all the knowledge and research I had done. Driving through water represents emotion and it has been frustrating at times and upsetting, but I have stayed with it.
Now CUSTOM BOOK PUBLICATIONS of HONG KONG have published the 3rd manuscript, ‘Two Soulmates – Walking Through Time & History.” And the 2nd manuscript, ‘Alcheringa – When the First Ancestors were Created.’
The first manuscript has already been published in HONG KONG 29 years ago.
Alcheringa – When the First Ancestors were Created
Two Soulmates
The Book of Love – by a Medium