Continuing the Story from Jehanne D’Arc
Mont St Michel
“I am sister Manieure …I would like to be with you … I always like being with you …. in France … 1508 … It was a Monastery … we loved being nuns … we loved being part of God … it was our whole life … we loved praying … we loved giving of ourselves. We loved to pray … all the answers come in prayer … God is always there. He is in our hearts … but not everybody seems to know that. (She is upset) They say I am Evil … I am not Evil. I am of God and I know everyone else is of God too. But they make me confused. I have to be burned because I am Evil. I am brave.”
This was the spirit of Mani speaking, who manifested through me back in July, 1990. She had been Jehanne D’Arc in a previous life.
We, the four of us, had been sitting in our warm meditation room when White Eagle from the White Brotherhood of Divine Light manifested through me, advising he wanted us to investigate and develop a past-life we had shared in France. He said it was no co-incidence that the meeting was taking place that day; there was a reason and a purpose behind it. Now, it seems, is the time for us to speak of our experience.
Spirit guidance was clearly working on us, taking us over, holding us and gently sliding us off our chairs so that we didn’t crash to the floor. Amidst much laughter, we sat on the floor in full lotus position. We later returned to sitting in our chairs. Three of us were given our names, Theresa, Rebecca and Mani as novice nuns, and the fourth lady was known as Maria. She had been the Mother Superior of the order of nuns that existed on Mont Saint Michel, at Normandy, France in 1508.
![Nun at Mont Saint Michel](images/nun.gif)
Nun at Mont Saint Michel
With much joyous emotion, coupled with a little fear, and a little apprehension, we were all given the memory of living on the island of Mont Saint Michael. Maria was the Mother Superior and fussed over us, three novices, as if we were her children. We all had special gifts, of clairvoyance, and clairaudience. We were extremely devout young girls. We attended a little Mary chapel at the base of the island for Vespers and Holy Communion. We had to make a confession every day to a priest (who I met in this life) and we were told it was evil to hear voices and we must stop. I became distressed as I couldn’t stop the voices and broke out into a hot red itchy rash all over my body. When I told the priest about the hot red rash at confession, he said, “There you see it is evil.” This was reported to the Bishop and we were tried and committed under the then law of inquisition as being evil. The Mother Superior tried to speak up and protect us, but ended being tried as well and we were all sentenced to be burned at the stake.
![The tide is out at Mont Saint Michel](images/tide.gif)
The tide is out at Mont Saint Michel
Many of the monks and guests on the Island were aghast at the thought of the Priests burning their own nuns. While the tide was out, four piers of straw and wood were hurriedly built. We were tied to a stake and burnt unceremoniously in time for the huge tide to return and wash away all the evidence. In our memory I remember being in spirit, comforting and waiting for the other women and helping them in spirit to return to the World of Light. I was experienced at being burnt alive.
Mont Saint Michel was first inhabited by hermit monks when in 708 the head monk Aubert was approached miraculously by Archangel Michael and commanded to build a place of prayer for the archangel of God. A thousand years of history has been recorded on the island being surrounded by sea and dangerous tides. An invasion of barbarians came from Scandinavia, who converted to the Catholicism, later became the dukes of Normandy. In the 10th century beautiful abbeys and castles were built. Life within the Abbey of St. Michael in the Middle Ages revolved around the three social orders who lived there together: at the top were the monks, and priests. Mid level, housed wealthy distinguished visitors, often as pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem and the bottom occupied common pilgrims. The glorious role of protection played by 119 knights of Mont San Michel became legendary.
![The Auburt Chapel at Mont Saint Michel](images/aubut.gif)
Auburt’s Chapel
There is no mention in travel brochures, of the monastery ever housing Catholic Nuns.
When my husband John and I visited France, at the request of our mentor, White Eagle, we were asked to trace the footsteps of Jehanne D ‘Arc. We were also led intuitively to other places that sparked past-life memories within us. White Eagle had said he would be with us and we felt his presence. Often an eagle would swoop down towards us as we drove along the country road. We even once drove under a rainbow.
I have always been drawn to Mont Saint Michael in Normandy, even as a young woman. So we travelled to the famous Mont which now had a causeway from the mainland to the island. As tourists we looked around with hundreds of other tourists, with me feeling the place was very familiar. I knew where everything was. I dragged John down to the basement where there were rock caves and remembered being there as a novice nun running around serving food, drink and bedding to all the pilgrims as they arrived in boats. We had been kept very busy. When John suggested we eat an early dinner and look for accommodation on the Island we found ourselves in a smoke filled restaurant, with windows shut because of the cold and crammed full of people. I began to panic; trying to calm myself but it became too much … I couldn’t breathe … I had to get out quickly and run for dear life. I just took off … with my husband running behind me trying to catch up. There was no way I was going to agree to sleep on the Mount. When I look back I marvel how patient and caring my hubby was…
We found accommodation on the mainland and planned to walk back over the causeway to the Abbey. It was Sunday morning and the church bells began to toll.
Suddenly I panicked again, I had to run or I would be late for morning prayers. I kept running until I found the little Mary Chapel up the top of some stairs and out of the way of the tourists. Stopping short I found myself looking at a statue of Jehanne D’Árc dressed in armour, with those silly pointed metal shoes and holding a metal banner, erected outside the arched entrance. I quickly entered the chapel where Holy Communion had begun and knelt at the pew. Tears were streaming down my face and as I looked around I was stunned to see Jehanne’s banners, the ones of Jhesus and Maria in blue, white and gold hanging on the chapel stone wall. I couldn’t believe it. They looked like her original banners just pinned there.
![Entrance to the Chapel, Eglise d' S Pierre, Mont St Michel](images/chapel-entry.gif)
Entrance to the Chapel, Eglise d’ S. Pierre, Mont St Michel
By this time, John had caught up with me and we sat through the chapel service, with the priest probably wondering why I was crying. There were only a few people taking the service. As we passed out the arched door I picked up a leaflet, written in French, but connected to the Priory de Sion. It was a notice of the next meetings to take place.
I had read about them being a secret society. It caught my interest.
There has been much written about Secret Societies, in particular Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln and in recent times the fictional story written by Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code wherein a controversial theory was published that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene married and founded a holy blood-line, just over 2,000 years ago.
![Mary and the Priory of Sion](images/sion.gif)
Mary and the Priory of Sion
I have been thinking about the Priory of Sion and the disagreement amongst scholars, as to whether they existed in times past or even if they exist now. Well, I saw a meeting advertised by them in France in 1990 and knowing a friend of mine is connected to the Knights Templar, I have asked if I could interview him. This is the insight he has so willingly given to me.
I showed Keith, having just arrived from his home overseas, a recent newspaper article in The Australian (newspaper) on 7/4/2009 announcing that the Vatican revealed how medieval knights hid and secretly venerated the Holy Shroud of Turin for more than 100 years after the Crusades. The Knights Templar were founded at the time of the First Crusade in the 11th century to protect Christians making the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The order was endorsed by the Pope until the Crusaders lost their hold on the Holy land. Rumours about the order’s corrupt secret ceremonies claiming novices had to deny Christ, spit on the cross, strip naked and submit to sodomy led to King Philip IV of France, who coveted the order’s wealth and owed it money, to put pressure on Pope Clement V to dissolve it. Many were burnt at the stake. The present time finds self proclaimed heirs of the Knights Templar in Spain and Britain asking the Vatican to ‘restore the reputation’ of the order.
![Knights Templar](images/ktemplar.gif)
Knights Templar
Keith is an initiated member of the Knights Templar of Malta. He said, “With the unknown Scottish rites you are actually stripped naked of all your clothing and you are asked to stand before a mirror and on that mirror is written, ‘know yourself’. Then you are ‘loaned’ some clothing so that when you are taken into the lodge during the part of the initiation ceremony all the men are asked to contribute into a poor box and when they come to the initiate, they make a point of saying to him, ‘Have you anything to give?’ Of course the initiate is embarrassed because he doesn’t have any money to put into the ‘poor box’.
“You don’t have anything, not even a ring on your finger, you are stripped down to your bare self … everything is taken off your body. So that you get to know your inner-self. And that embarrassment is to remind you from that point on, that when you are asked to give to someone in need, you can remember how when you stood on the floor of the Lodge in front of 80 or 100 men and you had nothing to give, for you stood in borrowed clothes. Those rumours of the ceremony, this nakedness, are blown out of proportion.”
I asked, “So that is a ‘world wide’ initiation?”
“Yes, it is very dramatic in the way it is done. When people ask can you help them, your mind does immediately flash back to instantly wanting to help and how it felt to be without anything. The lesson is there; you should come from the heart because that is all that is left.”
I told Keith how my father used to study a whole lot of books. “I used to wonder what he was reading. He was a Grand Master of a Lodge, so was his father, and his grandfather and great grandfather before him. It is interesting you mention the Scottish rites, he came in the early days of settlement to Australia on a family remittance from Edinburgh, Scotland.”
![Hiram, King of Tyre](images/hiram_king_of_tyre.gif)
Hiram, King of Tyre
“All the rituals, like the first degree are about giving, coming from the heart, your birth and the 2nd degree is everyday living and the 3rd degree is preparing for dying. The stories are taken from the Hiram Glyphs – King David and Hiram, King of Tyre…they were Grand Masters of the Stonemasons, the stories are from there. They have adapted what happened to them.”
![Tomb of Hiram, King of Tyre](images/hiram.gif)
Tomb of Hiram, King of Tyre
“The Knights Templar began around the 12th century the time of the crusades in England with Richard the Lionheart. Richard went back to England leaving many of the crusaders in France. The highways were so treacherous the knights actually invented the “cheque system” so that if a traveller wanted to get to your place – you could deposit your money with the Templars at the end and they would then give you a note and you were paid the value of the note when you arrived. Certainly the Knights were very wealthy … people were so grateful for what they did for them with chivalry and protection of their journey as pilgrims to the Holy Lands. Some pilgrims were so wealthy they gave them land as well as money in gratitude.”
“The French order of Knights lost everything when the King of France, Phillip IV had the order dissolved. They went underground, so to speak. The glue that holds the system together is personal relationships, the charisma of the leader and the loyalty of his followers.”
I asked, “What is the connection to the Knights of Templar and the Knights of Templar in Malta?” “Malta is a fortress. It is another degree but similar, a uniform difference that is all. They began in Rhodes. There were black and there were white knights – nothing to do with good or bad – just different. My title is actually a Knight of Jerusalem, Palestine, Malta and Rhodes.” The Duke of Kent, England, is now the World Wide Grand Master of the Templar Masons.
“The Templars accepted any religious denomination; they believed in Higher Beings. They suggest there is a tie between yourself and that higher being. If you were a Mason and a Catholic. The Masons say that the secrets are not so much the handshake or the ritual but it is the good that you do, without talking about it. Where as the Catholics had confession so that was when people spoke about their good deeds.”
“Because there is a handshake – it was only so that a Mason would recognize a fellow Mason on a dark night. You could identify a brother. It goes way back in time even as long ago as the ancient pyramids when a stonemason was engaged to build a gateway, or a temple or building. I didn’t want Joe Blow down the road to say he was a stonemason – when I needed the work because I am a professional and he is not. There is a way of recognising who is a professional – they have marks which you are given in the Lodge. I have a mark a double V V … so the handshake is purely to recognise a brother.”
“The Stonemason learns about the sacred geometry and platonic shapes, philosphical and esoteric teachings and all about the pyramids and the stars this is all part of the teachings of the Templars.”
![All Seeing Eye](images/eye.gif)
The All Seeing Eye of the Lodge
“The All-Seeing-Eye as seen by the Masonics would be as if you were looking at a Buddha. That you are not looking at the idol but rather you are looking at the State of Being in which you are trying to attain. When you look at the eye masonically, it reminds you that you become that eye … looking at yourself to attain a state of righteousness. A mirror.”
“The early Christians also had that knowledge. They believed that when ‘I look at the eye, I become the eye and look back myself and know and ask is it for the good of all.’ Sai Baba says he is a mirror … that if you look at him, he will mirror back to you what you need to deal with within yourself. In that case Baba is the All-Seeing-Eye. I see that Eye as the total Godly wisdom; that if I go there I can look back and know what is good and what is not good.”
I told Keith I had been thinking about a kind of ‘all knowing field’ that exists in the Ether. “The word …. Bi-ocular was given to me when walking in the park. ‘Don’t forget the word‘ I was told. It is a mirror field and All-Seeing-Eye. A field that exists in the ether that holds all knowledge and any initiate can tap into that to receive knowledge.”
“Keith, can you explain the Priory of the Sion? It suggests to me that it is more like a doorway rather than a brotherhood.”
![Stained Glass](images/priory.gif)
Priory of Sion
“It is a doorway. The Priory is like that tessellated paving of the members of that Heraldry. It symbolises the paved area behind a small fence in front of an altar, where only the Priests, Rulers or Knights are allowed in a sacred building, church or temple. A Priory is a building where you can go and gather and be of One Mind uninterrupted.”
While Keith was talking he was pointing to the meaning of Heraldry, and the orange and white squares around the edge, I was showing him. It was the Heraldry of the Duke of Burgundy (a past-life of my husband, when in handing the captured Jehanne over to the English she was subsequently burnt at the stake) The Heraldry was also of the House of Valois, and clearly shows the tessellated paving, only high priests use, around the edge of the inner area of fleur de lis on a light blue background. (Jesus’ mother, Mary, is also associated with the white flower of the lily.) Within the House of Valois, even the Kings were Templars. The tessellated pavement and its symbolic meaning dates back to the ancient Egyptians.”
![Cote d'arms, Burgundy](images/burgundy.jpg)
Tessellated Cote d’arms, Burgundy
“Jehanne’s D’Arc’s generals were loyal to her because they were actually Templars. They would have known she was born of Royal Blood” … Keith added, “I have always known about Jehanne’s true birth. The Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Good, being from the Royal House of Valois has been historically criticised for not helping Jehanne, even though he did many good things”.
I replied, “That would be because the Duke of Orleans, Louis I, disputed the regency and guardianship of the royal children with John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, who was the father of Philip the Good. Philip of Burgundy, would have looked upon Jehanne as only a ‘bastard child’ and would probably have been ashamed that it was his father that had the Duke of Orleans, Louis I, murdered. Louis I, his uncle, was the father of Jehanne D’Arc, he would have grown up knowing that his father and Louis shared a lot of enmity between them, so there would have been no love lost there.”
![Duke of Burgundy](images/phillip.gif)
Phillip the Good, Duke of Burgundy
Keith added, “Philip became Duke of Burgundy, when his father was assassinated in 1419. Philip accused Charles, the Dauphin of France and Philip’s brother-in-law of planning the murder of his father. A year later, in 1420 Philip allied himself with Henry V of England under the Treaty of Troyes. Being pro-English at that time he handed Jehanne over to the English. Jehanne was really caught up with ransoms paid for her, political intrigue and dangerous duplicity.”
It can be seen that secrets have been held down through the ages by the initiated ones, and in particular the Templars. The ones you could say have been initiated into the understanding of the Royal Blood; the Blue-red Blood from the Star People and the Cosmic knowledge of other worlds. It is no coincidence the European aristocracy have always been referred to as the Blue Bloods.
Ancient Egyptians had initiations where, I am given to understand, neophytes lay in a sarcophagus, without a lid, in the darkness of the pyramids and entered into an altered state of cosmic consciousness. It is depicted by paintings of taking a journey in Celestial Boats on the walls of Temples. It is really an advanced state of meditation. From there, their soul consciousness revealed the knowledge of other worlds, of other beings, human-like looking lions, birds, reptiles, dogs along with human like star people with larger skulls and no hair, and being visited by evolved Light Beings. All these have been drawn on ancient walls in Egypt as bi-peds.
![Humans and Human like with animal heads](images/bipeds.gif)
Humans and Human-Like with animal heads;
always depicted as bipeds
There was a deep understanding with the ancient Egyptians of the influences from the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and other star systems from whence these Beings came. There were rituals and knowledge taught through the Priests and Priestess about the Eye of Horus so that people could come to realize that their true connection is to the Cosmos. It is where they return when they leave their physical bodies. In fact the stars are the source of their Holy Blood and their Holy Grail.
![]() Anubis |
![]() Sebek |
![]() Ra |
![]() Seth |
![]() Thoth |
![]() Sekhmet |
There is no clear record from whence the development of the Pharoahs first came from. Or how they developed into a society with so much esoteric knowledge. They seem to be just there, and before that was the time of the Great Flood which happened all over the World. That then brings us to the great ‘Fall of Atlantis’ which I will write about in another article.
The influence to build pyramids came from the Star Peoples
Pyramids exist around the world. The influence of them being built, came from the Star People. They were built over powerful Light Energy sources within the Earth, that ready linked with the Cosmos. This then gave ready access to the field of bi-ocular vision and knowledge, and the Star People themselves, the ones coming from Divine love and Light.
Keith speaks of the Ancient Masonic Templars holding this knowledge down through the ages.
I will be writing another article about the Blue Light-beings from Venus….in the meantime you may wish to search on Google, … The Book of Jubilees, and see the mention of fallen angels mating with earth women.
N.B.. My 2nd book, “Star People Revisited” also known as ‘Alcheringa‘ speaks about a number of people who were initiated into a spontaneous altered state of cosmic consciousness, who were given knowledge from their soul, of other lives and other worlds with races of beings looking like lions, birds, reptiles, dogs and human likeness of Star People with larger skulls, no hair and all bi-peds.
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Blessings be with you and Universal love – Valerie