Newsletter № 9, November – January 2011

Hello Everyone,

John and I have spent the end of September, all of October and the early part of November 2010 travelling through the UK, France and parts of Egypt. It was a most eventful trip, and we felt guided by ‘upstairs’ on every part of the journey. I have just written about visits to the South of France, to Saint-Maixmin-la-Sainte-Baume, where there are a Basilica and Grotto associated with Mary Magdalene, or Madelaine, as she is known in the South of France. John and I also attended an evocation of the landing of the three Marys at the Bay of Marys. Brief highlights and links to these stories are shown below.

Visit to Saint-Maximin

Replica of the reliquary of Sainte Madelaine, St Mary Magdalene

Replica of the Reliquary of St Mary Magdalene
carried in procession

The relics of the saint were discovered here in 1280, in a crypt dating back to the fourth century AD, and thenceforth preserved in a primitive local church. Later, in order to accommodate the ever burgeoning influx of pilgrims, Charles II of Anjou, Count of Provence and nephew to Saint Louis of France ordered, with the blessing of Pope Boniface V111 – the construction of the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene and Convent on the same spot.

Trilogie, depicting the spirits of the Three Marys at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

Trilogie, depicting the spirits of the Three Marys at the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Saint-Maximin

You can read the account of our visit to the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene on this page

The Vist to the Grotto

John and I then went the next day to visit the Abbey and Grotto of Mary Magdalene at la Sainte-Baume, which was quite a distance away and involved a journey on foot taking more than an hour to reach the Grotto.

View of Sainte-Baune Monastery

Looking towards the Monastery and Grotto at la Sainte-Baume

Where we had to get out of the car, at Plan d’Aups, there was a small chapel, and in there we found paintings of St Mary Magdalene, which recalled her Celtic origins:

Painting of Mary Magdalene inside the small chapel at Plan d'Aups

Painting of Mary Magdalene inside the small chapel at Plan d’Aups

The Grotto itself is a sacred experience and we felt very strongly the presence of Mary Magdalene in the Grotto.

Statue of St Mary Magdalene being raised up by angels at la Sainte-Baume

Statue of St Mary Magdalene being raised up by angels at la Sainte-Baume

Examining the photo of the stained glass entrance to the Grotto, we first noticed there was an orb in the photo. A closer examination of the hewn stone above the doorway, when turned upside down, reveals the shape of a woman wrapped in a shroud. Thus, this photo could be seen as “a miracle” photo – as the cave is where her remains where said to have been in the first place. It is like the photo is confirming that.

You can read the story of the visit to the Grotto of Mary Magdalen on this page.

Les Saintes Maries de la Mer,
The Bay of Marys
on the Mediterranean coast of the Camargue

Roadsign at the entrance of the town of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer

Roadsign at the entrance of the town of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer

We went to the Camargue region of South France after spending some time in Nice. Here is the beginning of the narrative of the visit to the Bay of Mary’s, South of France and the sacred event that was to unfold, unbeknownst, for both of us.

Renactment notice - Evocation of the arrival of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer

Renactment notice – Evocation of the arrival of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer

We were constantly guided while moving from one place to another when travelling – the only real thing I wanted to research before we left Australia upon our journey, was the Bay of Mary’s in South of France where it is said members of Jesus family escaped to after he was crucified.

The Carmargue Cross of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer

The Carmargue Cross of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer

One Thursday afternoon we are driving into the small village on the Bay of Mary’s and the sign in the photo above is seen everywhere in the village. We had no idea that there was to be a re-enactment of the landing of the Marys on the forthcoming Saturday night. This re-enactment only happens once a year in October and now we find we have arrived in time to witness it. Thank you Holy Spirit!

Idol of St Sarah, (also known as the black Kali, servant girl to the Marys and Patron Saint of Gypsies

Idol of St Sarah, (also known as the black Kali,
servant girl to the Marys and Patron Saint of Gypsies

If you would like to read more of this narrative, go here. I am in the process of writing many more articles about this overseas trip.

when the first ancestors were created

A reprint of this book has been arranged and we will shortly be able to offer you the opportunity to obtain this book. Check back here soon!

Star People Revisited

Following on from my last newsletter announcing the availability of STARPEOPLE REVISITED in eBook format, I would now like to add that it is also available with coloured pictures, in a PDF file which you can Download, print out and have it bound so that you have your own copy to share around.

I have made a small charge of AUD$7.00 just to help cover website operational costs. I am mindful that you will be taking up the cost of printing the file.

Book Cover, Star People Revisited

  • If you are curious as to how the human evolved from an upstanding ape-like creature
  • If there are other ‘human’ like life-forms in other worlds not of earth
  • If it is possible to recall past-historical events within our own mind
  • You will find this eBook enthralling, enlightening and evidential because so many people experienced the same memory.

    The New Frontier is within our INNER SPACE – when we master this we will find we have moved into Outer Space, and that there is no separation.

    You can read more about the new book on this page, and you can order the book on our order page.

    You can read the older entries for this front page by visiting our Newsletters page.

    Blessings be with you and Universal love. Val.